The Phase Sixers

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FUCK!!!!” Scara Shouted before he froze in Place… shit that was Loud! He could hear footsteps running to his direction and Sion Slam open the Door while Husan looked worried “Are you ok?!” Husan asked “Yeah… yeah… don’t… worry” Scara Heart was beating faster than it should… he was scared of his own voice.
“do you need to calm down? Get out of the training room SweetSpark come on” Sion Offered, Scara Glared at the ground before he nodded and walk out of the room “yea… yea I need some rest” he agreed trying to calm himself down… then he notice his armor
Why is my Armor Pink and Purple?” he asked glaring at the two men “not us” Husan quickly answer “It changed by itself” Sion added.
… Oracle was the one who sigh “Hot Spot” “Yes Oracle?” “… why?” he asked Looking at the Protectobot Commander up and down while next to him Mohan Was Dying of Laugher and Scy just stare at Holly worried “I… miss color?” “Hot Spot you’ve been discoloring your Frame for the past few days are you sure you’re not color blind?” Scy Asked, Holly laughed “No I’m not I know My Frame is Yellow right now so don’t worry”
“ok good but how?” oracle cross his arm in front of his chest annoyed and Unamused “… well you know it’s me, Stuff happens” Holly shrugged “I hate how that argument always won” Oracle glared, Holly just laughed at it.
“actually! The whole Autobot accidentally got their Paint Switch… it was one of WheelJack Experiment” Silver walks into the Meeting room, His armor Frame wasn’t silver anymore it was Raven, Mohan Notice the color Change… It make Silver looks more Bad Ass, the Raven and Yellow… and Red… shit it’s doing stuff to Him! Mohan quickly look away when Silver turn to look at him confused.
Pyera Walked in, Her armor was now Brown and Silver while next to Her Elise armor was dark blue “I think I kinda Like my new Armor color” Pyera Chuckle “what do you guys think?” She asked “you know It would be better if your Armor is the Color if White and Blue” Scy Commented “That’s True maybe One day I should try going with that” Pyera Agreed
When Orion walks into the meeting room everyone feel silent… before Meaker accidentally cracked up “I know, Megatron please shut up” Orion glared annoyed, The other commanders were trying their best not to laugh but Husan failed and he end up Laughing making Holly and Elise laughed.
Orion’s armor was Bright Pink and glittery Red “IT LOOKS LIKE YOU’RE TRYING TO PULL OF A DRAG QUEEN OUTFIT” Oracle Shouted making Mohan and Megaera Laughed.
“Oi Bolt!” Mohan shouted for the Aerialbot Commander, Silver turn around to look at him “yes MotorMaster?” “Uh… just sayin'… you look, Good in that color” Mohan Look away trying to hide the fact he was Blushing, Silver smile and Giggle “Thank you, I think I look good in it too…” Silver spoke.
Mohan awkwardly kick the air “So uh… If you’re free… I want to Uh… if you want to…” “HE WANTS TO ASK YOU ON A DATE!!!” Elise Shouted while they hear Megaera shouting ‘'WOOO LET’S GO GAYS'’, Silver Blink twice trying to act like that didn’t just almost make him Stumble to the ground, Mohan glared at the two woman before Shouting “SHUT UP! NO I'M NOT!!” Mohan roared.
Elise and Megaera never gets along when it’s about work but when it’s about shipping people- they would always get along… weirdos-
Stamos run-
He run and he run Shit the woman is near! He need to hide!! He run and accidentally bump into someone “StarScream Seriously?” Draelyn Huffed unamused and annoyed “Help me! She’s coming for me” Stamos didn’t care who he was talking to he just want TO STAY AWAY FROM THAT CRAZY WOMAN, Draelyn rolled her eyes before grabbing Stamos by the wing and Threw him into the close to room next to them and she Jumped in closing the door.
They could hear Footstep and a woman calling Stamos’s Cybertronians name, Stamos was Shivering in fear as his Wings also tremble in fear… while Draelyn was leaning to the door behind her listening to the Voice… “you have the creepiest Stalker ever” Draelyn insulted before she grabbed the White sheet from a shelf “Turn on your Shield” she ordered and Stamos turn on his shield, Draelyn gathers a lot of white sheet and threw it at Stamos, right when The door Slide open and Draelyn kicked one shelf it falls onto the sheet… paints and weapons and Cleaning supplies falls everywhere.
“GOT…cha?” Lucy Looked Surprised and Confused, Draelyn turn to look at her “Oh hey LunaClub, Uh… Don’t tell the higher up about this Ok bestie? I didn’t mean to… make a mess” Draelyn acted nervous, pointing at the mess, they can’t even see Stamos anywhere in it… Lucy’s rotors flick “Oh uh sure, Do you need help cleaning?” “would you help me clean?” “Eh No, I don’t want to get my nail ruined” Lucy gave a Pity look at Draelyn, Self Centered Bitch- Draelyn only nod “Then get out before they thought you did it too” “But Have you seen StarScream anywhere?” Lucy asked, Her Rotors flutter excitedly.
Bitch you need better taste, No get out” Draelyn coldly pointed at the exist door “Better taste? StarScream is the best!” “Yea of course simp, Just get out” Draelyn push her out, The door closed and she waited until the footsteps were far enough before she turn to the mess “You can get out now she’s gone” And Stamos dug Himself out.
Need Better Taste?! Just so you know I am the most Attractive seeker out of everyone else” Stamos Proudly spoke “You self centered bitch, you two really belong with each other” Draelyn mocks, Earning a glare from Stamos “just in the record… ThunderCracker have way more attractive Personality than you and SkyWarp Have better Voice” Draelyn nod to her self before she open the Closet door one foot outside.
you’re just an annoying Little Flier with Noisy Voice… bye bye” Draelyn mocks again before Throwing a Him a Kiss from a far, Mocking him in another manner and she slid out of the closet… Stamos Glared if that damn kiss was Visible he would already destroy it before it ever touch him! He hated the Stunticons!
So loyal to Megatron! A Grounder! All they do is race, Race and race! Annoying! Why did Silver even Liked Mohan? There’s a lot of better Flier option than Mohan! And Draelyn is an Annoying BITCH! William Is a piece of Uncontrollable Shit! Daniel is An Emo suicidal and Brendan is Just pure fear. They all suck and could never lived up to a seeker!
Stamos Wings raised up proudly but then it folded down when he realized he didn’t know where did Lucy went too and he rather not Met her! Crap, He went to Chase Draelyn “DragStrip! Wait” and Draelyn stop glancing back at him “what is it now Princess?” she sarcastically asked, She never liked the seekers or any aerials (except Silver and Fiacre, they’re an exception-) Stamos is Annoying to her-
“Where did She go?” “Uuh who LunaClub? I don’t know” Draelyn shrugged “Seriously?!... She’s creeping me out” Stamos Shiver “I can escort you to Your room Princess” Draelyn offered there was a hint of annoyance in her Voice, Stamos Stare at her before he fold his arm in front of his chest and look away “I don’t want to be seen with one of the Stunticons” he huffed, Draelyn rolled her eyes annoyed clearly “Then why the fuck did you ran to me for help? Bitch” She stare at him bored.
“What ever, You do you Screamer I’ll do me” Draelyn wave at him before walking away again, She’s so done with him! He’s annoying! A prick! A self centered asshole! Yes she’s self centered but She’s not THAT self Centered! He and Lucy belongs together they’re both annoying! (And wasting her time)
“Uh sir… I think OnSlaught fall asleep” Megaera whisper glancing at Meaker, the Decepticon commanders were having a meeting and suddenly Oracle falls asleep in the middle of Stamos Explaining something that’s definitely not important at all.
“Wake Him up” Stamos Snarl, Wings Flare up in annoyance.. Megaera was about to wake Oracle up before her hand were slapped away and everyone in the room froze in their place even SoundWave who was almost falling asleep now fully awake “Don’t, Let him rest” Meaker Cross His arm in front of his chest letting out an annoyed huffed “Continue StarScream” he ordered.
Stamos looked confused before his wings went back to their original position before he turn back to his presentation, Megaera almost let out a whine as she rub her hand that was just being slapped by Meaker… she doesn’t like Meaker everyone knows that- she try to overthrow him once- but even for her this was surprising… Meaker letting Oracle Sleep? This is new since when? Shaan and Sohan glanced at each other before they look down at their own Papers.
After the meeting was finished Oracle doesn’t seems to be awake, he was still asleep “So uh… do we wake him up now or?” Mohan ask nervously looking around the room while pointing at Oracle, Stamos Wings shifted uncomfortably while Shaan shrugged and Megaera raise an eyebrow “Lord Megatron? What do we do?” Hollis Asked, Meaker Had his eyes closed before he opens them slowly “go back to your job as usual, I’ll deal with this” Meaker Sigh.
The Decepticons Commanders and Officers nod before leaving the room “I don’t want any of you arriving at the Medbay if you mean dealing with Violence” Hollis Reminded his Leader before leaving the room Dragging Scy along.
Stamos left next followed by Husan who’s been quiet all day long- it wasn’t rare for him to be quiet but it was not a common thing for him to be quiet… today has been weird-
“Hun-Grrr Wait up” Sion Shouted for the Terrorcon Commander, They seems to be becoming closer than ever, Sion raced out to catch up with the Terrorcon Commander while Megaera could hear Husan said something in a Little annoyed tone “Aren’t you two going to leave?” Meaker asked looking at Megaera and Mohan while Shaan and Sohan Made their way out of the Meeting room “I don’t believe you wont hurt OnSlaught! So I’m here to guard Him” Megaera huffed proudly.
They both have one thing in common and that the fact both dislike Meaker- and She’s not going to leave Oracle Side until she knew he was very much Safe while being Vulnerable “I’m here to stop her from doing harm to you Lord Megatron” Mohan Glanced at Megaera who gave a fake gasp “I would Never” “You try to overthrow him a few years ago” Mohan Called her out, Megaera Let out a single ‘HA’ while Meaker Shake his head in defeat, he remembers that incident-
Whole the two Commanders Start bickering and throwing Friendly insults at each other Meaker made his way next to Oracle Before gently lifting the Combaticon Commander up bridal Style, Oracle was light and As usual he didn’t wake up even if his position was changed, Mist be a Heavy Sleeper then… that’s weird Usually someone Like him would be a light sleeper, Or maybe He was just too tired to Even wake up… “HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” “Tone it Down MegaEmpress!” Meaker hissed at her trying not to make too much Noise.
She was about to Shout again but decide to shut her mouth and Walk to Meaker Side “How is he not awake?” Mohan asked confused, Last tome he try to wake Oracle up, with one tap Oracle already awake and threw a Knife at him- thankfully he know how to dodge… “he must be very tired” Megaera sigh “This is your fault for assigning him on A lot of stuff now he’s missing rest!” she blamed Meaker “Hey back off!” Mohan snarl at her while she glare at him and letting out a animalistic hiss…
Meaker sigh, these two wont shut up- he look down at Oracle, The man was light… that was what he always reminded himself, Oracle doesn’t looks like someone That would be Easy to pick up since his whole armor and Body Figure but Apparently he’s pretty light- “if he’s heavy I can carry him for you” Mohan offered, Meaker shake his head “No, No it’s fine” He Refuse before exiting the room followed by the two Commanders.
“Are you two going to follow me everywhere?” he asked “I would stop following you until I know he’s safe” Megaera Pointed at Oracle, Mohan Shrugged “I don’t want her to Do any funny business” “shut up MotorMaster” Megaera snarl, and the two start bickering again… Meaker sigh- then He Stop walking when He felt Oracle Shifted… and He notice Oracle’s Visor Went online... and Oracle look up at him with that tired look even a Visor and mask couldn’t Hide “Fuck you Old Man” Oracle Mumbled before going back to sleep.
Mohan and Megaera heard that too and the two suddenly burst out to laughter “MAN WOKE UP JUST TO SWORE AT YOU AND GO BACK TO SLEEP” Megaera Was Impressed and She can’t stop laughing “He have the Audacity and The Energy to do it” Mohan Laughed, Meaker Frown… he would love to just dropped Oracle on the ground right here right now! But he hold the urge to do that and he just Continue walking…
“Uh sir the Gestalts Hallway is that way” Mohan pointed at a hallway but Meaker didn’t care “His Gestalts would only wake him up” Meaker sigh “Where are you planning to take him then?” Megaera asked giving him a suspicious glare “My Room where else?” and that made the two Commanders Stop in their Step “what?!” both asked at the same time.
Megaera walk up to the Decepticon Leader “No! I’ll take him to The Megatronia Room, My Girls know how to be quiet ok, I’m not letting you take him to your room” Megaera glared “Sir did you know it’s not Normal to do that?” Mohan asked worried “Hm? It isn’t? I sometimes do the same when ShockWave and SoundWave was Overworked and Fall asleep even sometimes StarScream too or AstroTrain” Meaker nod to himself.
“how come never me?” Megaera asked “Because you’re a woman and You hate me, I don’t want you spreading random Rumors ok” “fair fair… But he hates you too” Megaera pointed at Oracle “He know how to keep his Mouth shut” that phase went wrong-
Megaera and Mohan glanced at each other before Mohan shifted uncomfortably “Ok I’m sorry, Lord Megatron but I think we should actually just gave him to The Megatronia room” Mohan suggested and Megaera nodded agree with his words, Meaker tilted his head confused before handing Oracle To Mohan “Alright then, Thanks for that I’ll be going back to work now” Meaker Spoke turning around to leave.
“Is he light?” Megaera asked, Mohan nod “Surprisingly Yes, it’s like Holding up a Single Laptop or something, does he even eat?? Now I’m worried” Mohan answer looking down at Oracle “He missed out on a lot of Eating and Sleeping, No wonder even Megatron was Worried for his health-“ Megaera gently move a Piece of hair away from Meaker’s face…
“huh, We should one day Asked him to join us for lunch or something because this is concerning” Mohan Suggested while making his way to the Gestalts Hallway, Megaera followed next to him, she nod in agreement “Yeah, I remember him liking Something with more Vegetables right? Maybe we can go to a vegan Restaurant or something… somewhere he would actually eat” Megaera Spoke, They both keep their voice low so that It wont wake Oracle up.
Mohan nod at her “maybe we can even ask Lord Megatron to give him a day off, Because I think he never actually went on Vacation when his Gestalts did” “that’s True, OnSlaught didn’t go on Vacation when his Gestalts did and he didn’t take any day off like the rest of us… even Megatron took day off…” She whisper, She look down at Oracle “Man… And Here I thought you can take care of yourself you big dummy”
When Oracle awake he sat up slowly, The bed was softer? Than usual? Where is he now? He’s definitely not in the Meeting room anymore and this is not Megatron’s room… the door slide open “Oh… you’re awake, I’ll call MegaEmpress” The Blue Twin spoke before leaving while the pink one stare at Oracle and wave at him Cheerfully… Oracle awkwardly Wave back “we haven’t officially met before right? Who are you? No no wait let me guessed” Lucy look up at the ceiling thinking hard of who he is.
She point at him “Hun-Grrr?” She asked, Oracle gave her a weird look, thankfully he was wearing his mask and Visor so she couldn’t see it… he Shake his head “MotorMaster! No wait the one that brings you here was MegaEmpress and MotorMaster so you couldn’t be him…” Lucy Mumbled “I gave up” She sigh in defeat, Oracle Gave her an amused look
And Lucy look up at him, Her Rotors flick once and twice same goes with her Visor “You’re OnSlaught?” She asked pointing at him, He nod “Oh… Huh I guess I should’ve guessed from the color” Lucy Mumbled to herself.
Megaera entered the room with Monica behind her “OnSlaught, Glad you’re awake, How are you feeling?” Megaera asked “Why am I in Your room?” Oracle asked back “Because I’m not letting Megatron took you to his, It’s a little weird” Megaera huffed annoyed, Oracle slowly nod understanding at first yea he fell that same weird and Awkward Situation for being in Meaker but At least it’s less awkward than being in a place full of woman! “but don’t you think it’s more strange that I’m in a room full of Women?” Oracle pointed out.
Megaera chuckle and rolled her eyes amusedly “Come on you’ve seen me Naked before what’s to be shy about?” she teased him, Oracle let out a Calm sigh and he shake his head “Well I guess You’re not wrong” Oracle agreed “But to others it would be weird MegaEmpress” He spoke again “Well if they try to talk to you about this situation they’re dealing with my fist” Megaera threaten proudly.
“Ever since that Incident the whole Decepticon and even Autobots decide to Rant To Meaker every time OnSlaught show any sign of Losing Energy or passing out all of a sudden and Meaker had to deal with it no matter how much Oracle told him in the end he end up being dragged to Meaker’s room so he would eat and get some rest.
Oracle wanted to refuse from eating the food in front of him- but Meaker’s cooking was always Delicious so in the end he end up eating it.
“you know this remind me of when I cook for my son” Meaker Spoke breaking the silence, Oracle look up confused “You… have a son?” he asked Curiously, Meaker nod.
“I have… a Son and a daughter” “What about a wife? Or a husband?” Oracle asked, Meaker Pause for a moment before shaking his head “not anymore, We got divorced a few days before I join the Cybertronians” “Do they know you’re here?” Oracle asked again, Meaker shake his head again “they just assume I move to another state or Country… never been in contact with them anymore, Well Im still in contact with my son He’s around 20 years now”
“Wow, You’re old” Oracle chuckle “hey, You’re a few years younger than me” Meaker Teased, Oracle Smile at him… they had got along a little more ever since what happened “how long has you been With the Cybertronians?” “I though you knew… been 18 years” “… so you… only been married around?” “2 years, didn’t go well” Meaker shrugged.
“How about you? Ever think of Getting married and settling down? 38 is already an old age…” Meaker Asked leaning to the desk in front of them “… No, I’m not sure if I ever will be Retired unless I die” “Even if you’re 60-70 years old?” Meaker asked amused “You do remember that Cybertronians doesn’t age thanks to the Modification they did to our Body right?” Oracle Smile at him amusedly.
“I do, But sometimes… Sometimes I wish That It would be an Option to just settled down” Meaker closed his eyes, He’s been working here for so long… fighting… paper works… leading… planning… he just want to retire but couldn’t find the right time to do so… “you could always talk to the higher up” “I am the higher Up Oracle” That was the first time he ever said Oracle’s name, it made Oracle Flinch in place.
Oracle Felt a little Awkward being called by Meaker like that, He look away “Being a Decepticon or Autobot leader… we are part of the Higher up Government, I need no permission from anyone if I want to retire” “then why didn’t you” Oracle asked, Meaker gave a weak smile “If I do what would I be doing then? 18 years working here… I already tried to lived in a family but It didn’t work, Sometimes I wonder how Optimus And Elita could do it… you know… Stay married even if they fight a lot” Meaker Sigh.
“……. Wait a second… I do remember others saying you’re married, was that a lie?” Oracle asked “it was the only way to get people off my back from discussing marriage!” Meaker Huffed “So the ring on your finger…” “Just an accessory” Meaker smirk showing the ring on his finger under his gloves, Oracle look amused and shake his head “One day someone going to find out you lied and exposed you to the public” “ah That’s what I’ve been thinking about lately, the Paparazzi and Other Cybertronians do start getting suspicious about the situation… Since I Don’t seems to be hanging around with my ‘Significant other’ in Today Valentine’s day… and so does last year… I was about to ask someone Help about covering it up” Meaker Spoke.
 “good luck” Oracle Chuckle “I’m probably just going to let them discover the truth that’ll be more interesting” Meaker joked, Oracle rolled his eyes “You’re making your own downfall” He Pointed out and Meaker nod “I know… I’m waiting for someone to actually start accusing me and stuff… of course someone except StarScream” “I can start accusing you if You want, You know what no I don’t need your Permission I’m going to do it without your permission” Oracle spoke.
Meaker shake his head and laugh “Aren’t you already did that?” He glanced at the Combaticons Commander amusedly… “I did, And I did try to overthrow you a lot of times” “Not as much a StarScream” “No one can beat StarScream Record of betrayal” and they both laughed at it, it wasn’t a lie StarScream has the Top score on Betraying people even the other seekers start counting every time he betray someone… it has become an Entertainment for the Decepticons.
“You know who else that Overthrown me almost as Much a StarScream” “MegaEmpress” Oracle simply answer and Meaker nod “one want to be the leader and one just want you dead” Oracle Chuckle “and… what about you? What’s your reasoning on trying to overthrown me?” Meaker Asked playfully leaning closer to Oracle, Oracle shrugged “Don’t know actually, I just feel like doing it” “And hating me was just also a ‘I don’t Know’ reasoning?” Meaker asked again.
Oracle pause for a moment before he slowly nod “Maybe Yea… maybe no… why should I even tell you?” He Gave Meaker a Mischievous smile
“hi there, My name Code Name is NoseCone and You are?” the Stranger asked, Daniel look at him confused before finally speaking “Dead End” he Whisper out his Code Name “Dead End huh? One of the Stunticons? It’s nice to meet you” Nova smile at him
That was the start of their Meeting, It was awkward for Daniel But He wouldn’t change it for anything else… Daniel was running away from Mohan and accidentally slam to Nova and fall to the ground… Nova’s armor was hard enough to injured him “Sorry that I was in your way” Nova chuckle before helping him up, Daniel look at him confused again… why was he the one apologizing? “Are you ok?” Nova asked worriedly, Daniel Slowly nod “I’m Fine” He mumbled.
Nova look relief “thank Primus, I’ll take my Leave now… stay safe ok” Nova Spoke before stepping back and turn around to leave but Daniel quickly Grabbed his Hand “W-Wait, Uh… Do you… sorry Never mind” He let go of Nova’s arm and look away “I’m free right now, Want to grab a dinner?” Nova offered, Daniel Look up at him “My Treat” Nova added, But Daniel shake his head “I can pay on my own but… sure” He answer
Nova Smile at Him…
After a few minutes they arrive at a Restaurant “Sorry if people taking too much Picture” Nova Apologize “Not your fault, Both of us are wearing our Armor… forgot not to use any casual clothing” Daniel huffed, They talked.
 Forgetting that there are people around them watching, they talk and Get to know each other… mostly Daniel Listening to Nova But he didn’t mind, He find that listening to the Technobot SIC was Calming and he wont admit it at first but He like Hearing Nova speak, He wasn’t talking about something stupid all his Words were well Worded and He was pretty smart. Daniel Listen to the Project he was working on and His other work.
“Sorry I talk too much, Must be annoying” Nova Nervously Chuckle, Daniel quickly Shake his head “no, Not at all I like Hearing you talk” He Bluntly said without thinking and both of them Flinch, Daniel cough before looking away… his mask wasn’t covering his face so His blush was clear to see… he Shoved a spoonful of Food to his Mouth “… I’m glad you don’t actually hate me for talking too much” Nova Gave him a Small Smile. There was a hint of blush in his Face but it was less visible than Daniel’s.
Daniel glanced at him “Do other told you to shut up when you start talking?” he asked, Nova Let out a hum before slowly nodding “I annoy them sometimes when I start talking, well I can’t blame them about it after all I can get off track once I talk about Something I’m interested in” He Sigh “I don’t mind you Talking… I think it’s nice to talk about your Passion” Daniel Bluntly spoke trying to not double back from his word unless if Nova gave a bad reaction.
But of Course Nova Look surprised and he smile closing his eyes trying to hide the blush “Glad You do, At least Now I know not everyone in the world dislike me talking” He Chuckle, They started to lost in their own world… didn’t care who’s watching or who’s recording, They both just enjoy each other company and the food in front of them.
That single Meeting was like a Seed being Planted to the ground and Slowly Bloom to a Beautiful Tree, after that they talk a lot, Daniel even sometimes Visit the Technobot Lab just to See Nova Work, and Sometimes Nova Make times to Watch Daniel Race… Nova Always made time for him not Hanging with him only when he have free time, And Daniel was Pretty happy for that.
From Stranger Turn to Friends and Close Friends and In the end Lover.
It felt like all of it was going so slow at first but In the end It felt like it was so fast, times flew so fast… they were the Opposite, Daniel was everything about Fast and quick solution while Nova was Always About Slow Perfection… they manage to Stay in one Pace even if Sometimes Nova have to speed up or Daniel have to slow down they didn’t mind it…
They used to call each other with their Code Name and then Pet Name and Then Real Name of course when they’re alone or around the ones that knew who their Real name are, the Stunticons has taken a Liking to Nova especially Brian who felt safe around the Technobot TIC, While Draelyn and William was Teasing their Relationship ever since they Were just friends till they become Lover, Mohan Didn’t mind having Nova around even Sometimes feel relieved because the Stunticons can for once behave when Nova was around.
“Careful” Nova Remind him as he helped Daniel up, Daniel slowly lean to him nuzzling to his armor “Thank you” Daniel Mumbled lazily “I’m really sorry, Didn’t mean to Do that” Nova Apologize, Daniel chuckle and look up at him lovingly “what? Seriously? You don’t need to apologize, It was… something amazing” Daniel Purred, He can’t really feel his legs right now but he didn’t mind. Nova gently rub His stomach making Daniel whine.
Nova look a little worried “Are you Ok?” “You worried too much” Daniel Chuckle, He try to Make himself a bit higher but suddenly he falls to the ground… Nova quickly Kneel down “Oh primus, Sorry” Nova apologize before picking him up from the ground “If you can’t walk I can carry you around…” Nova Offered, Daniel smile at him and Nuzzle to his neck “Thank you Nova” he mumbled.
Nova return the Smile “So where do you want to go?” he asked “No where, I just want to be with you for today that’s all” Daniel Answer, Hugging him.
{Dark Blue Hair, Olivia Lorinda Louise, Nickname Olivia.
Use She/Her
Code Name OverLord, A Member Of The Phase Sixer, a Mnemosurgeon/Brain Surgeon.
Age around 23-30, Height 7’0 Feet.
A Sassy Queen, Manipulative Bitch and A Self Centered asshole… She would’ve got along well with MegaEmpress or DragStrip but sadly they never met- and if they did… that would be Everyone’s worse nightmare (a Ground of sassy mean girls/hj), she does really have any romantic Feelings for anyone she just love Making people think she does... But Aside from that She’s a Trigger Happy and Would Commit Violence out of pure boredom or joy! She’s a loose cannon not even Megatron can control her
Long Fluffy Dark Blue Hair, Red Eyes}
{Dark Purple Hair, Talia Dafiya, Nickname Talia.
Use She/Her (But doesn’t care if being called other pronounce).
Code Name Tarn, a Member of the Phase Sixer, A Musician.
Age around 22-30, Height 6’6 Feet
Easily annoyed and a Quiet type… she’s pretty rude and sarcastic, Rather do everything on her own than working together, she Have loyalty toward who ever she see’s as her Leader, even if she’s rude and An Aloof she Respect others Boundaries and Their Private Life… Her sound can kill someone (thanks to ShockWave little Project) but At the same time she can sing a beautiful melody without harming others but what’s the fun in that?
Side Dark Purple Medium Hair, Purple eyes behind Red Shades/Decepticon Mask eyehole}
{Black hair, Bluebell Shreya Shachi, Nickname Bluebell/Blue.
Use She/Her
Codename Black Shadow, a member of The Phase Sixers and also a business woman at her Spare time
Age around 24-30, Height 6’8 Feet
She’s friendly and probably the easiest one to talk to in the Phase Sixer's, But don’t be fooled she would Betray you if someone pays her the right price… she’s a Happy go lucky and Talkative One. Always try to cheer up the mood in the group and Didn’t hide the fact that maybe she had a little interest in their Commander SixShot-
Long Double Pony Tail Black Hair, Ember eyes}
Sometimes Sion wishes that he can just lay in bed cuddling Scara no matter if the Technobot Commander tried to push him away… or Maybe Husan would Join in? That would be interesting he definitely wont Mind~
“SixShot! Good Morning” Blue Jump and Tackle Hug him from Behind, But Sion didn’t budge, He just huffed in annoyance “So what’s our Mission this week Commander?” Talia asked Standing not far from him while wearing an earphone and listening to a music from her phone “An assassination quest” Sion answer simply and he felt a pair Of Hand wrapped around His Left arm “Awe I just wash my armor are we really going to get bloody again?” Olivia Whined leaning to him.
Talia look up from her phone Unamused, Again Sion wasn’t sure what’s her emotion behind that mask “Girls he’s not Single” Talia Reminded them “Haven’t met his significant other so he’s probably making it all up” Blue Giggle “Sometimes I wonder why your name is blue” Sion sarcastically spoke glaring at her, Blue Giggle louder and let go of him before walking to Talia Side “I’m Blue In my own Way, And Call me By my codename please it makes more sense” Blue Whined.
Olivia Let go Of Sion’s arm and went to the two Girls side “So Commander, when will we Head out?” Olivia asked, Sometimes there are times where Sion appreciate their existence… when they actually would work together without having to Harassed him- “1 Pm, So get some rest and enjoy the last hour of your Holiday, I’ll take my Leave” Sion said before turning around to leave.
“He’s Such a heartless Men” Olivia sigh “But it’s fun to mess with him” She added with a devilish smirk “never seen him Blush before… I wonder Why” Blue Whisper “Because he doesn’t have interest in you two and Already have a significant other?” Talia added, Reminding them again that Sion Once Told them- “Do you know his significant other?” Olivia asked, Talia Shrugged “All I know is it’s a guy and I remember SixShot Start talking about one of the Terrorcon more than Usual…” Talia answer.
Sion was always Cold and Emotionless when it comes to Being around others, Even the Phase Sixers though he was Purely emotionless like a robot, His tone was always blank and he was always blunt about things like he have no shame or Care about others emotion for the things he said, He just always goes to the point… but… if others told Scara about that, Scara wont believe them a bit.
Of course he wont, Because Sion was Playful and Childish around him, Always makes jokes and so Lively, Flirty… and just a bright of sunlight, Scara wont believe if someone told him Sion was a Cold Emotionless robot… and Sion Liked it that way, He Doest want Scara to See him as a heartless killer, He wanted Scara to see him as Who he actually is!
Sion slam open Scara’s door “oh was I interrupting something?~” he purred teasingly when he notice Scara was On top of Husan while Kissing him, Husan Seems to be flustered and nervous… Scara sat up straight “What are you doing here? I thought you were about to Leave for another long week mission” Scara asked, Sion hums before sliding on to the bed, Taking his battle mask off and stole a kiss from the Technobot Commander ”I was About to leave, But then Double back and told the team we’re going around 1 pm” Sion Told before glancing down at Husan who was Flustered.
“Sorry Hun-Grrr, You need to deal with him for a week without me” Sion Chuckle earning a Punch from Scara “I’m Not that horrible” Scara Talk back, Sion smirk at Him. “sure you aren’t love, You already made him speechless and Breathless” Sion point at Husan Before leaning back “If you two going to get heated I’ll leave” “W-we aren’t g-going to” Husan Finally talk “Husan’s Injury would be in the way anyway” Scara huffed.
They both seems like they doesn’t want Sion to leave at all, Sion look back at them with a smile before he launch himself at them and He turn to a giant white wolf Curling around them, How does that Happen? Well one of Shaan experiment- that would explain a lot., Scara laughed when Sion curl his tail around them and Husan pat it amused and Amazed “So Fluffy” Husan gasp “I know right, Adorable wolfy” Scara Giggle, Nuzzling to Sion’s stomach…
Computron Jump on the bed and Nuzzle to the Wolf’s fur before curling up to sleep next to them, Scara and Husan look at each other giving one and another a smile before leaning to Sion’s soft and Fluffy fur… Sion curl around them one Paw Grab a hold of Husan’s stomach and his Muzzle Next to the Terrorcon Commander, He let out a Comfortable Rumble…
She was Popular… want it or not she can’t be ignored by the public, Other than being a member of the PhaseSixer she’s also a musician, A Singer with a Voice people would love and fear to Hear. She knew there’s a lot of Cybertronians that liked her and even Normal humans too, but they’re all too afraid to even talk or go near her, They just live from a far… she didn’t mind, She doesn’t like the attention she just wish they go simp for someone else… like Olivia for example, She’s always so Proud of herself every time someone Confess their Love for her even if she turn them down in the end.
Talia doesn’t really like it, Valentine day was of course a mess… thankfully she wasn’t there and all the Chocolate she received and all the gifts they all burn down in flame, she doesn’t accept it… she doesn’t want the attention. She just want to do her job!
“Tarn!” someone called her Code Name, Talia didn’t bother at first “Tarn!” but then they call again, She rolled her eyes and look up from her phone to turn to look at who called her “oh… uh? What do you need?” Talia asked a little uncomfortable “and here I thought you wont hear me” the Autobot in front of her Huffed “Megatron wanted the report, He’s waiting for you in his Office” Affan Tilted his head to the Hallway where it leads to Meaker’s office.
Talia look confused “Why did he asked you? Instead of Other Con?” “Dunno, He said something about you not answering cons” Affan shrugged before walking off “I’ll see you around” he spoke loud enough for Talia to hear, Talia pouted behind her mask annoyed by how Distance Affan is now with her, What is he to her? He used to be her best friend… childhood friend but it all change when they both became a Cybertronian, Their work always clash against on and another and they barely have time to hang out.
At first they were bothered by it but as time passes they have really distance apart from each other… Even They both stop calling Each other Real name and calls One And another Using their Code Names… this was the first time she met him in a month and She probably wont met him again till who the fuck knows. Sometimes it bothers her and sometimes it doesn’t… this was one of the time where it bothers her.
Talia sigh and straighten her body posture before walking towards Meaker’s office, She was about to report after all…

“with all due respect sir, do you really have to call AfterBurner on me?” Talis Sigh after handing out the report to Meaker “Well if I told a con it’s either they’re to afraid of you or you wont even listen to them calling your name” Meaker Wasn’t wrong, Talia always tuned Others out because of her own annoyance.
“you could tell SixShot to tell me about it” Talia sigh “SixShot is Asleep, his Boyfriend told me” Meaker Answer while looking at the Paper report, So he does have a boyfriend… it was a lie after all, It’s not like Talia ever doubted his words anyway and even if he lie she can see why… Blue and Olivia Wont leave him alone and If someone do that to Her, Talia would probably make up the fact that she’s taken too… “you don’t look surprised hearing it from me” “I never doubted By Commander’s word Sir” Talia nod to herself, she could see the faint and soft smile appear of Meaker’s face.
He look up to face her “your Loyalty will always amazed me Tarn” He complimented, Talia Felt her Heart Start to beat faster, her Leader just complimented her! Her Idol! It made her so Happy! She smile behind her mask “Thank you sir”.
“what…. Are you boys doing?” Scy asked when he sees the other Constructicons gather around a big blueprint, he just came out of his office to grab some coffee and now he has to face what ever his Gestalts have in mind “We’re making a plan of how to get Scavenger back” Michael snickers… oh boy.
Scy nervously shifted and Stare at the blueprint, What the hell are they trying to do? Is that a blueprint of a Basket of Flowers? “You don’t need to do that” Scy Spoke “What we already have a replacement?! Tell them No! We don’t need them We need Scarlett back!” Hollis hissed “No it’s…” Scy decide to just shut up this time and watch from the Kitchenette as his team throw out a plan to get Scarlett Back…
He just sip his coffee and watch, This was entertaining… he knew his Gestalts care about Scarlett as Scarlett, They bully her around when she’s Scavenger but they care for her as… her, from the fact that Loden wont let her down in New Year Party… he was afraid if she got lost and Injured, Bolan Always grabbed the things she was Supposed to bring wasn’t because he thought she was incompetent it was because he doesn’t want her to accidentally got hurt after all she’s small added with Clumsiness she could get injured anytime.
Michael always bullies her around but He Does it as the way of Showing he cared for her (and he doesn’t like it when someone outside the Gestalts actually mess with her-), Hollis always shouted at her because that’s just how he Deals with things that worries him… they care for her they just doesn’t realize how she got the wrong idea and how they probably either being too harsh on her or too soft making her think she’s not worth being in the team.
Scy was the only one that manage to balance it out, But of course only a single obvious Support from her Commander would only make her think he’s doing it out of pity because the others treating her like Trash (in her eyes). To be Fair none of them know how to deal with a girl-
Loden always wants a little sister but never gets one, Bolan never have a mother figure or a woman in his life until Scarlett comes in, Hollis was a single orphan child in an Orphanage full of boys, Michael was Gay as fuck but he does Have an older sister… that bullies him a lot- while for Scy... he grew up with Oracle and To be honest he never have Good Memories with any girls or woman… and He was a little Nervous when Scarlett came along, At first it brings back bad memories but the more time he spend with her… she filled out those bad memories with good ones.
She was their Light, She just lack the Knowledge of Knowing it “Sir are you just going to sat there and watch or are you going to help?” Loden voice snap him back to reality, Scy Visor flicker once and twice before he look at his Gestalts “Sure, What do you need me to do?” that Questions made his Gestalts Smirk, now that they actually have Permission from their Commander… they know no one Can stop them!
Ripton Has Personally avoided the Twins even if Husan didn’t tell him too, Silvally word has made it’s way to his head and his heart, Do he really want to break their Heart in the end? He wasn’t sure… and that unsure feeling made him want to avoid them… “RipperSnapper!” Silvally tackled him to the Ground, even if She acted the same Ripton always keep track of how Little Changes she gave.
One of the Curios change was that she pays more attention to Him than the other Terrorcons, it wasn’t something new if she Became affectionate suddenly and Flirts around… but Ripton always keep track of how She Try to take his attention more than she did to the other boys. Usually she would Stick around Husan mostly or Cutler… but now Silvally had gave Ripton more attention 5% more attention than usual.
And Ripton wasn’t oblivious and he’s not an idiot he knew why she did it and why she Warned the twins about him… it’s either because she wanted to be the only Girl in the Terrorcons Life or she Loved him…and Ripton always play dumb…
He let Silvally tackled him “SinnerTwin” He snarl, Silvally mischievously Smile before stepping away from him “how are you?” Silvally asked “Decent, You?” “Tired… hey do you know where Hun-Grrr is?” She asked, This was just bluffing and Ripton knew it, she was Trying to spend more time with him… he doesn’t mind actually, It’s not like he have a significant other that he need to remind her of. “No, You can call him” Ripton answer looking away.
“eh too Troublesome” Silvally huffed Annoyed waving her phone in the Air before she grabbed Ripton by the Arm and smile at him adoringly “So~ Are you free right now?” She asked, Ripton think for a moment before he shake his head “Sorry Sinner, I had work to do… and don’t you have work too?” he Poke her forehead, She whined and complain but in the end she did leave him alone… He wasn’t busy at all he just doesn’t want to be bothered by her or anyone right now…
“RipperSnapper” Ripton look up “Oh uh… Do you need anything?” he asked a bit confused and Nervous, Strahan was standing there, why is he here?! “Nothing much, Can I talk to you for a moment? If you have time for it” the Technobot asked politely “I have time” Ripton nod before walking toward him, Strahan’s wings went from nervous stiff to A Comfortable Flutter. “What is it about?” Ripton asked.
Strahan’s wings stiffen again and he straighten his stand “It’s about CutThroat” “what did my brother do this time?” Ripton quickly asked annoyed, What the hell was his Brother doing behind his back “It’s Nothing bad it’s just… this conversation might be a bit… sensitive and Private can we go somewhere private?” Strahan asked nervously, Ripton nod “Sure my room is private enough if that’s ok” He gesture to the Terrorcons Shared Quarters, Strshan gave him a small smile and slowly nod “that would do”

Their conversation lasted for 3 hours, Mostly it was about Strahan unsureness and His worries about him and Cutler’s situation, And how it scares him sometimes that when he woke up everything would crumble, Ripton doesn’t blame him to think that… after all Cutler was the type of person to play around and joke around like nothing matters… “Sometimes it’s hard for me to Keep up, It’s like he always running and Never stop” Strahan mumbled looking at the ground.
He was sitting on the bed while Ripton sat not far from him with both arm folded in front of his chest and look at Strahan, Listening to his words “Bit when I run it felt like he stop in place, It’s like we never in sync and when he do it always crumbles down because none of us are ever honest to one and another, But being honest to him is hard… I’m just afraid of it… I don’t know why telling him the truth fears me…” Strahan spoke again, Ripton gave a nod silently telling the Technobot he was Listening.
Ripton Reach out to pat his head, Strahan look up at him before he let the tears fall “I’m sorry if I’m not enough” Strahan cried, Ripton heart clench… he never felt this before well he did felt it when Storm cried but… “Hey, Hey it’s fine don’t cry” Ripton Hush him before pulling him to a hug, they didn’t know each other that well this was probably the first time Strahan actually came looking for him for comfort.
His fingers trail around Strahan’s flowy hair trying to calm him down, Strahan Hugged him while sobbing, Crying and apologizing for something he shouldn’t even apologize for… they both stay like that for minutes before the door Slam Open Revealing a Annoyed Cutler “Ripton what the fuck did you do” Cutler Snarl grabbing his older brother by the neck pushing him back, Strahan squeak in surprise when Suddenly Cutler push him away from Ripton while pinning his older Brother to the bed with a Knife to his neck.
Ripton grunted before he push Cutler’s face away making the Younger Terrorcon stumble a bit back his Knife Scratch Ripton’s chin drawing Blood “what the hell is your problem?” Ripton asked Calmly but there was a hint of Poison and Danger in his Tone of Voice before he stand up from the bed facing his younger Brother “my Problem?! What did you do to make him cry!?” Cutler Pointed at Strahan.
Ripton Snarl “It wasn’t me who made him cry it was you and your Ignorance attitude” “Talking about Ignorance like you care about others feelings” Cutler talked Back, Strahan stand up and put a hand on The younger Terrorcon’s chest “Cutler… he didn’t do anything wrong, I was just Asking for advice” Strahan told softly “You could’ve ask me” Cutler Spoke feeling a bit offended that someone he ‘Love’ Rather talk to someone else than him about something he wanted to help.
“You wouldn’t take me seriously-“ “I would, I always take you seriously you just never understand it” Cutler Answer, His Face getting closer to Strahan, There was fear… fear of losing the Technobot “No you don’t, all you do is avoids the problem and act like it never existed” Strahan said glaring at him with sadness in his expression “I do that because I don’t want to Make you upset, I don’t want you to feel burdened, I didn’t know and I would never know how you feel if you wont tell me Strafe” Cutler Spoke defending himself.
Their argument went on, both side didn’t want to back down and both side didn’t want to cut the conversation with the word ‘im done here’ or ‘Fine you win’ because both side didn’t want to lose one and another, they just doesn’t know how to communicate… Ripton watch them argue, He could see their emotions so clear… is that love? He always ask himself what love is… what does it feel? What is it about? And Why does it exist? He always want to under that feeling.
The feeling that he can’t feel just by himself, He look down at the ground for a few minutes before he heard Strahan start crying again, He look up to see the Technobot punching his younger Brother’s Chest while Cutler Was Apologizing trying to hide the pain from the punches and acted like nothing hurt him.
How could his Brother feel love? But not him? Does Bolt feel love too? He know what family love is, And he feel that towards his siblings… but he doesn’t understand romantic love, Even with the Twins… he felt Pain and He felt happiness but does he love them? Romantically love them? He never understand… what about Silvally? He know he doesn’t see her that way that’s for sure…
What is Romantic Love?
Playful… that was what Sion is like around Scara, He was always so playful and childish… Scara gets annoyed sometimes because of that, But He can’t help but to be amazed by Sion’s little trick most of the times. This is the great SixChanger everyone spoke so Fearful about?
Scara didn’t know it… because Sion hide it…
His footsteps were Light, It doesn’t even sounds like someone was walking at all… he walk to the Launching pad the other Six Phasers were already waiting, Talia busy with her phone, Olivia with her makeup and Blue with her Wings. It was Olivia who notice him entered the room, She kicked both girls feet and they look at her annoyed before noticing Sion.
All three stand up straight and Salute at him with respect for a few second before they went back to their casual Attitude… “SixShot! Are we heading out now?” Blue Asked tilting her head to the side and Sion nod at her “Is everything ready?” he asked looking around the three of them, Olivia and Blue gave a glance at Talia “huh? What? Oh right, Yes I have recheck everything and everything is at it’s place” Talia Answer.
“good, Then let’s go” Sion Spoke before entering the Spaceship followed by the three girls behind him.
Olivia walk faster now she’s walking next to him “After this mission can we have a vacation? It’s the 14th mission in a row” Olivia Whined, she wasn’t the one that like to complain about mission it usually Blue’s job but even her starting to Get tired of Going on a mission again and again and again with only Little rest! “I’ll Have to ask Megatron about that” SixShot nod to himself.
“But what if he Said no?” Olivia whine again “Then I’ll treat you all to a Popular Beach resort for a day or two after this mission” Sion Promised, The Three Girls Have Sparkle In their eyes! What ever the Outcome of what Meaker would say it would be a win win for the girls! “Now you’re making me excited, but if big megs said yes does this mean you won’t treat us to a Beach Resort?” Olivia Asked disappointed when Sion nod at it.
“Well at least it’s a win win even if he said yes or no” Talia Reminded, others can’t see but she’s clearly excited hearing this, (she was hoping to get a little vacation away from the team) “oh! How long the mission will last again?” Blue asked, Her wings raise up in interest and curiosity “Around a week depending how long it’ll take us to finish it, Could be more than a week maximum Time limit is a month” Sion Answer.
“Alright Girls! We’re going to be serious and act like an actual professional on this mission!” Olivia Cheered, She just want that sweet Vacation- “Aye Ma’am !” “whatever you say” both Blue and Talia answer at the same time, Sion smile behind his mask… no matter how much he said he doesn’t like them it always came back to it.
The Phase Sixers Wont be a phase Sixers without any of them, Sion or SixShot was the Commander leading them to missions and The one responsible for their work, Olivia or OverLord was His Second in command who somehow always know how to make it looks so easy even if they’re in a tough spot, Bluebell or blue or Black Shadow was their Air Support and Their Weapon specialist she always know where to find the best of the best, Talia or Tarn was their Navigator or their Communication Officer a little Strange rank for someone like her but hey it works and she liked it because none of them would bother her when she’s working… meaning she have time for herself in peace.
If one of them gone it wont feel like a team, Each one have their own specialty and their own unique abilities… “we Really need a medic” Talia pointed out breaking the Silence “I use to go to medical School” Olivia Spoke while Focusing on the Monitor in front of her “Yea before you got kicked out because you apparently is not good in the head” Talia Sarcastically talk back “all I did was kill the patient and play around with his intestine… and pulls his eyes out of it’s socket-“ “ok I’m going to stop you right there” Blue Joined the conversation, Her wings stiffen and fold down in a mix of emotions.
She was scared, Disgusted and disturb by what Olivia was about to say and already said “Come on It’s not the first time, Humans are just being dramatic” Olivia rolled her eyes annoyed “you killed more than one patient before? While in med school?” Talia asked, regretting it after “yea I did, A lot of Gorey stuff happens but it was fun while it lasted” Olivia giggle.
“We need a medic that wont do that-“ Blue Point at Olivia “SixShot, Can we get our own private medic?” The Six Phaser asked looking at her Commander who was driving the Spaceship “depends, We need a medic that wont be afraid of us” Sion Answer “oh right” Blue Whisper the three girls look at each other, they forgot sometimes how People fears them… it’s easy to forget when you’re mostly hanging out with the people that didn’t see you as a scary Monster or a Scary deadly Weapon.
Blue’s Wings Twitch and fold down “what about Nickel?” Talia Asked looking at her Commander “The Little medic you’re so fond about?” Olivia asked teasingly “yes, And There’s nothing going on between us if that’s what you’re thinking…. She’s like a mother to me” Talia shake her head annoyed “oh” Olivia seems Disappointed by that answer.
“You can try Contacting her and ask, If she’s down to work with the Phase Sixers then I’ll allow it” Sion gave her the go permission, Talia nod.
4 days have passed…
“No news from the medic?” SixShot ask as they made their way to a cottage “Oh, About that… Nickel said she’ll think it over since she also have to deal with the DJD, I uh forgot about them” “Damn that’s cruel Tarn forgetting your old Team” Blue Joined the conversation “Leave me alone I have enough problem dealing with you and OverLord I don’t have enough patience to deal with all of them too” Talia defended herself.
Sion just listen and the three Girls started to chat or was that an argument? He doesn’t really care… he wanted to go home! Back to Scara! He Unlock the cottage and entered, No sign of human or anything living in here for a long time, He motion his hand for them to shut up and they did, Olivia step closer to him “What is it?” She whisper.
“I smell human, But this place seems like it hasn’t been used for years .. so stay as quiet as you can” Sion whisper before he disappear “You heard the man” Olivia turn to look at the two girls “Stealth mode ladies” She said before Talia disappear just like Sion.
Blue’s wings went stiff and move Closer to one and another so they wont Accidentally bump onto things, Olivia Took out her Blaster, ready to shoot as they made their way in the Cottage in silence… there was no sign of humans being around “psst you two” They both turn to look at Talia who has her head peek out from one of the room “over here”
Code” Oliver aim her Blaster at Talia who rolled her eyes annoyed “Tarn A Not Commanding Officer” she Spoke, And Olivia put down her Blaster before he and Blue followed Talia to the room Sion was already standing there Holding something
“Is that a Human Baby?!”

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