Part 10

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Author's pov

"Excuse me ladies, can I have a dance with my wife?" Jungkook extended his hand, as the others around you squealed. Smiling to yourself, you let him take you in the middle of the stage, with many other couples as the song started and the bodies moving rhythmically.

His hand clutched onto your back, with a very polite and soft manner. His gaze stuck to your face, mesmerizing every single detail. You were quite hesitant to understand what actually was going around his mind, because it was clear that everyone was aware of those rumors which were passed from ear to ear.

But he looked unbothered. Was he not actually having any curiosity to know about that? Will he not ask you if they are really true or not? Did he just not care about them? It made you more anxious. Will it affect your relationship with him which just started a day before?

"Something in your mind? " He asked. "Nu-h" You mumbled, biting on to your lips, finding yourself in the middle of questions which you never really cared about. But now, things are different.

You aren't just some random girl who used to be in the limelight because of her family reasons. You can't be unbothered like you used to be. Maybe, you have to care about the reputation of your husband too. One step wrong, everything might go wrong.

She is Choi's second daughter, right! Gosh look at her, seems to be so happy. She got married to the billionaire bachelor a few days ago. Such a good digger she is. Isn't she the sister of the most popular runaway bride? Why did she not repeat the same thing? I'm sure she is going to bring shame to her family again like her sister did. I wonder how their parents raised them?

Can't say anything about those girls. I heard her sister died in an accident. What can you expect from bringing your parents shame? Her sister ran away because she was in a relationship with her so-called fiance. I wonder how she ended up with him. Poor him, he must have been forced to marry her.

The words of these people were marked in both of your minds. You felt a jolt on your hand, and you found yourself walking behind your husband. You found him in rage. Was it because of you? The rumors affected him. You had no will to ask him what wrong happened that he was behaving this way.

"Jungkook-, where are we going?" You asked, almost in years with the sudden change of atmosphere.  "I- I'm sorry, I just didn't feel right. Let's head back home." He mumbled, sensing the uncomfortness.

End of Author's pov

Jungkook's pov

I got back into my senses when I heard her trembling voice. I halted in my place, turning back and I saw her in tears. I, unknowingly, must have made her feel wrong about this. I shouldn't have reacted to that thing so rapidly.

I just wanted to walk away from that place which made me boil in anger. Those people are gonna regret their words. How dare they even think of her like that. I'll make sure they pay for what they have caused.

I'm pretty unsure about her sister. I'll have to ask her, but I can't force her either. But I can see she isn't in the state to open up with me right now. Heck! I must make her feel comfortable around me. Then I'll get every answer to my questions. I must wait patiently with her.

But u think I fucked up really badly. The way she was trembling, I clearly felt guilty for that. She might have felt that I was mad about the rumors Or anything.

Gosh! How I'm going to explain this to her. And I even lied to her just because I wanted to take her away from such a place where my wife isn't respected.

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