Part 2 : First Meeting

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Author's pov.

Jungkook whispered the name but it seemed like everyone there heard him. He thinned his lips and looked at their faces and maybe they were shocked to know that he knew her. "You know her?" Seri asked him.

He was going to nod yes but his tongue slipped and he replied with a no. "Then how do you know her name?"

Looks like he is caught in his pan lie. He closed his eyes and sighed. "Oh, her name is Y/n. I didn't know, maybe I just mumbled something." He replied with a sheepish smile.

Seri and Taehyung shared a glance and nodded at his lie. Poor Jungkook, he didn't know what was actually happening around him. He passed the phone back to her but he couldn't stop glancing at the screen.

Her phone rang so he had to finally leave that. She answered the call and left the dining table for another room. Taehyung looked at him and said, "so, it's a yes?"

"What can I do when my father has already decided!" Jungkook replied. "It's not like that Jungkookah, you can still say no if you don't like her, I mean uncle asked for your decision too right. " Taehyung smirked.

This made Jungkook's heart beat faster than usual, a sense of losing her without even gaining rushed to his body and he felt like breaking into pieces. His heart clenched in his rib cage. He instantly shouted with a no while Taehyung couldn't help but to laugh out louder at his cousin.

Till Seri also returned. She looked at her husband and then at Jungkook.

"What's going on?" She asked. "Ask Jungkook." He replied. Seri turned to him and frowned. "He is teasing me noona." Jungkook replied with a pout being a baby in front of her. She chuckled at his cute behavior.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you uncle was asking if we can visit them this Sunday, if you are free?" Seri said, and hearing her Jungkook's eyes sparkled with the thought of meeting her after a long time. He nodded, munching on his food without looking at her. His face was turning red.

Like that with some more chitter chatter their dinner went on. Taehyung and Seri left after bidding others. Jungkook also went to his room to meet her in his dreamlands for now. This boy is too excited to meet her.

—time skip to Sunday.

"I wanted your help to break this marriage not knowing you were the one who settled this." You shouted at Seri who was your cousin aslo your closest friend, with all the anger you had in yourself right now.

"Wow girl, calm down. " Taehyung said while passing you a glass of water. He was Seri's husband.

"It was both of your plans right. I hate you both." You left to your room leaving both of them dumbfounded.

Soon you heard a knock on your door and you probably knew it was her. "It's open." And with a creak sound you found  her entering your room and closing the door behind.

"I don't want to talk to you right now." You huffed, feeling extremely mad at her. She came near and hugged you. She is all that you wanted right now. You couldn't help, but shredded tears. She knew you since your early ages and no one can think better for you than her.

"I'm sorry, okay." She voiced, her voice was low, you could feel that.

"What are you sorry for?" You asked.

"For setting this marriage thing up, I should have asked you first right. But trust me he's a really nice guy. He won't hurt you in any way."

"I'm not concerned about that, but what if he gets hurt due to my cold behavior. I've heard that he's really a great person but I'm not. He doesn't deserve me. "

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