Part 8 : Hot Kiss

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Author's pov.

After getting your reply he couldn't really understand why you rejected him. This made his mood sour. He tried concentrating on his work which he actually didn't have any, though he tried. But everytime he would think of doing anything, your reply would flash in his mind causing him to sulk.

His secretary was quite hesitant to approach him after seeing him like this for the first time. The highly professional man has never ever reacted this way in his life, and the reason behind it was unaware too. He was scared that what if he ends up making things worse.

In some minutes, he saw him standing up, taking his overcoat. Hyun understood that his boss is leaving now, but with a very sulky mood. He wanted to ask him what the reason for the sudden mood change was, but he just couldn't gather the courage to do so.

Jungkook left his office, he really thought that you would say yes to it and he would be having some time with you. Not like he doesn't have any, but he officially wants to start something new between you both so the relationship could get to its next step. And you rejecting him wasn't expected.

He drove back to the house, unlocking it with the spare keys and he was welcomed with a burning smell all over the house. Not knowing what was happening there he keeps his overcoat and car keys on the table first. Panicking, he rushes inside the kitchen just to see you burning the egg omelet. The sudden appearance of him caught you off guard.

"Welcome home." You said smiling, not bothering the burned pan. Your smile made his heart flutter. "What are you doing? " He asks, rolling up his sleeves. Looks like Husband duty on its way.

"I was hungry, so I just thought of making something for myself." You mumbled, backing away as now he takes the lead. "That's what you get when you reject a poor heart." He mumbles, but it didn't go unheard by you. You wanted to kiss the sulking face of his, heck no what were you thinking even.

"You should change first." To which, he nods his head. He then keeps the pan in the basin, soaking it in water first. He gets all the garbage and puts it in the dustbin, cleans the table and stove. Washing his hands, he walks towards you.

Unknowingly you started walking back until your back hit the refrigerator. Caging you between his arms, he looks at your face, and you at his. Was it the first time you were noticing the adorable features of his face? But it wasn't the first time for him to see you from this close.

His hair parted in two, sweat leaped over his forehead and dripped down his jawline, making him look so ethereal. His dark doe eyes, holding a galaxy of love, then his nose, and then his lips. Oh, they were just so kissable, you wanted to suck the adorableness from them. His jawline,fck anyone would want to mark them. Your eyes widened at your thoughts and got interrupted by his voice.

"Don't mess in my, no- our kitchen anymore. What if you got hurt and I wasn't here? So be a good girl and sit down in the room until I get back here after showering."

Shit, the way his Adam's apple moved. Your thoughts were driving you crazy. And then his very dominant voice, it made your knees weak, you felt collapsing any moment there. He smirked seeing this state of yours, but backed away soon limiting himself.

The sudden silence in the kitchen made you hear your heartbeat which was crazily thumping. Walking in a very slow motion you sat on one of the chairs. You gulped down a whole glass of water in one go, anticipation was running in your blood.


Jungkook sighed after completing the final touch he did in the dinner he prepared. The thought of you rejecting him was still lingering in his mind, and he was somehow expecting you to tell him the reason. Should he ask you or not, was his problem.

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