Part 13 : Honeymoon?

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Author's pov.

Conversation is key to a happy relationship, and it was proven last night that you both needed a conversation to short out the misunderstanding.

Morning rays were hated by almost everyone, and especially to those who had just made up last night and only wanted to be in each other's embrace a little more -just a little more. Like the whole night wasn't enough for him.

Jungkook scrunches his nose and tosses around the bed, finding you. He has a creepy smile on his face, according to you it was surely creepy. He moves his hand around again in search of you. But he finds nothing but the whole bed cold.

He pouts more, and tosses around, he's still sleepy to open up his eyes and look at you because you weren't probably on the bed but standing besides the bathroom door, chuckling seeing him going all pouty.

Hearing your voice, he looks up. His eyes still stuck in a manner, he could only smile bright looking at your figure.

“Good morning.” You mumbled, walking towards the bed. But he shakes his head in denial. “Hmm, come here.” He calls you, his hands already in a motion to hold you close to him. You did the said thing, and in a fraction of seconds you were in his embrace.

“Hmm, this feels like a good morning.” Kissing the crook of your neck, he mumbles.

He wanted to stay like this for more time, but there's always a cockbloker in his life and that's his own phone and to be precise his own secretary. His phone has just started buzzing when he was yet in his comfort with his newly made up wife.

He ignores the buzzing call and keeps on nuzzling his nose over you, while you chuckled seeing his baby side and that reminded you if last night. He himself said that he was going to take revenge on you, and guess what his revenge was!? He hugged you tightly and kissed your forehead, mumbling that he loves you and no matter what happens in the future you should never hide from him. That's how soft he is. And you like you, don't you?

“Pick it up, kook. It might be important.” No to forget that he asked you to call him by a nickname.

“Nothing is more important than you and this cheesecake.” He chuckles, looking at your eyes and then at your lips then again at your eyes. Uff, the triangle method, huh?

He leans against your lips while you back away. “Morning breathe.” You answered to his scrunched brows. “So what, sweetheart? Let me have a taste of it too. I'm yet to devour you.” The last words were mere mumbles which didn't go unheard by you making your cheeks red. “Not mine, I'm talking about yours.” And a light punch lands on his biceps.

In an instant flick, he hovers above you, pinning your hands over and caging you between his arms. “Let's not waste any more time.” His lips, your lips. Apocalypse. (Idk why, but this makes me blush. ´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ ')

His phone kept on ringing again and again which only came out annoying to him, but he didn't bulge, he was way too busy to answer that phone call right!

Being out of breath, you pulled away from him. “You- you should answer the - call now.” You said while breathing heavily.

The pout on his face becomes wider as he answers that call. “Why would you call me this early in the morning? Don't you have any other work? Where is your boss, doesn't he bother you for coming early? Why are you disturbing me?” He lashes out at the innocent person, who now becomes worried sick at his boss' behavior.

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