Chapter 19: Death Proof (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Betty[OTP]: No problem, thank you.

  Scott hangs up the phone and recollects all the information he has just received, about the Sugarman. He thought that, maybe, if he finds this "Sugarman" than maybe the drug problem would, at least, start simmer down.
                     - - - - TAMAKI LODGE - - - -
    Meanwhile, Aaron is at Tamaki Lodge, watching tv, when he suddenly hears a knock at the door. When he goes to answer it, he finds Veronica Lodge standing on the other side.

Aaron: Ms.Lodge.

Veronica: Hi, Aaron.

Aaron: Scott's not here, right now. But I could call him and...

Veronica: Actually, I was hoping I could talk to you. If that's okay.

   Aaron curiosity is raised, as to why Veronica would wanna see them. Wanting to know more, Aaron motions her to come in. A few moments later, Veronica is sitting at the dining room table when Aaron comes from behind her with two cups of tea.

Aaron: My grandmother always said: "Tea is the cure to any person's dilemma."

   Veronica takes the cup of tea, with a slight smirk on her face, as Aaron joins her at the table.

Veronica: Thank you.

Aaron: So, what can I help you with?

Veronica: I was kinda hoping you could tell me more about Scott.

   Hearing this, Aaron let's out quick chuckle and takes a sip of his tea, trying to hold back the rest of his laughter. Veronica is confused by this.

Veronica[cont.]: What?

Aaron: Nothing it's just... that boy has a lot of baggage. More than I think you and I could ever unpack.

    Aaron than takes a big gulp of his tea, as he's about to unpack a lot about his little brother.

Aaron[cont.]: Scott has always been tough son of a bitch, I can tell you that. But as long as I can remember, he's always struggled with his emotions.
After our parents died, Scott was constantly getting into fights. Wheather it be on the playground or at school, Scott always came home bloodied, but it was never for no reason. Every-time he got into a fight, it would always be because he was defending somebody. He never looked the other way when someone was in trouble, even if it'd sometime meant he'd get his ass beat. Sometimes I wish he would turn the other cheek.

    Veronica is taking all of this, one of time. She now realizing that she may not know Scott that she and the others may have thought. She never knew that Scott had this dark side to him and she was at cross roads, with how to feel about this.

Aaron[cont.]: If you don't mind me asking, Ms.Lodge, why do you love him? I can tell that you deeply do, but why?

   Veronica looks up at Aaron and then immediately looks away. She then begins to rub her arms, nervously, as she has never been in a situation like this, where she is struggling with these conflicting feelings.

Veronica: When I first arrived in Riverdale, I kept this facade of being put together and confident but, in reality, I was scared and alone. Everyday, at school, I had to put on a mask and hide, constantly... and then there was Scott. With him I was able to be myself and not hide how I was really feeling. Whenever I'm around him, I can't explain it but I always feel safe.

Aaron: Sounds like my brother picked a keeper.

Veronica: But, recently, he's been so... distant. I understand that he's at Southside high now, but its like he's become a different person and, to be honest... it scares me. I almost don't know who he is, anymore.

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