Chapter 14: A Kiss Before Dying (Part 2)

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- - RIVERDALE HOSPITAL/WAITING ROOM - -   Later, that same day, more people arrived at the hospital, after word spread around about what happened to Fred Andrews

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Later, that same day, more people arrived at the hospital, after word spread around about what happened to Fred Andrews. Suddenly, Sheriff Keller walks into the waiting room as a part of his investigation, into the shooting.

Archie: Sheriff.

Sheriff Keller: How's your dad doing?

Archie: He's still in surgery.

Sheriff Keller: Archie, I know this is a hell of a time for you, but... perhaps we could go somewhere and talk about what happened.

Jughead: Is it cool if we tag along? -

Jughead and Scott walk-up, to join in on finding out what happened. It was the best way Scott could gather any information

Sheriff Keller:,Actually, if you two don't mind...

Archie: Yeah, that'd be great, guys.

Later on Archie is giving his recounts to Sheriff Keller on the incident. Jughead is sitting next to Archie, as Scott comes and brings his two friends a snack, from the vending machine.

Archie: He was maybe...pounds or so.

Sheriff Keller: And he was wearing dark pants and a dark jacket? Anything on that jacket? Any symbol or insignia?

Jughead: You mean like a snake?

Archie No, it was just a jacket. No snake.

  Scott then looked over to Jughead, with curiousness. He noticed that this was the second time, he defended the Serpents. Why was he so vehemently defending a gang, he originally didn't want any part of, Scott wondered.

Sheriff Keller: And the ski mask that he had on...

Archie: No, it's not a ski mask. It's a hood, a black hood. Homemade, like he'd cut the eyes out himself. And the guy's eyes were green.

Sheriff Keller: Now, Pop Tate had a fairly good idea of what happened up until when your father was shot. And then, well... There are some gaps. And I need you to help me fill those. What did he do, our masked man?

Archie: After he shot my dad? He... Nothing. He shot my dad, ran out of the diner. Who did this, Sheriff?

Sheriff Keller: Archie, it's just... It's too early to speculate. But this guy, he was probably out of his head on meth or the jingle jangle, some Southside lowlife that was just looking for a cash grab.

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