Chapter 17: The Town That Dreaded Sundown (Part 1)

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JUGHEAD VO: Everyone's afraid to say it,so let me be the first

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JUGHEAD VO: Everyone's afraid to say it,so let me be the first. There is a serial killer amongst us. San Francisco had the Zodiac. New Orleans had the Axeman. Texarkana, Texas, had the Phantom killer. The list goes on and on. Add to their ranks Riverdale's very own psychopath,the Black Hood. There it was. Terror was seeping into the bedrock of Riverdale.

A Town Hall Meeting had been set by Mayor McCoy. People were afraid to walk the streets alone,especially as dusk approached. Shops closed early, locks were added to doors,suspicions between the North and South side deepened,fanned into flames by Alice Cooper. As everyone wondered what danger lurked in the dark. When would we hear from the Black Hood next,and how far into darknesswould Archie go on his quest to avenge his father And to stop the Black Hood?

- - - - TAMAKI LODGE - - - -
In the kitchen Scott, Aaron, and Angus are gathered in front of the computer, watching the Red Circle video Archie had made. Scott just held his hand down in disgust, as the video played. He never would have expected something like this to happen.

Scott: I think I'm gonna be sick.

Angus: Don't beat yourself up, boyo. You can't anticipate what lengths a desperate man can do?

Scott: Really? Painting a target on yourself is a sign of desperation or suicide? What the hell was Archie thinking?!

Aaron: Probably the same thing you were thinking, when you became the Red Knight.

     Angus and Scott look back at Aaron, who's drinking a cup of coffee.

Aaron[cont.]: I mean, clearly he looks up to you. I'd say you've made some quite of an impact.

  Aaron then heads upstairs, leaving Scott and Angus alone. Scott then gets up and walks over to the window, that looks over the entire town of Riverdale. Angus joins Scott as the two wonder what the next step is.

Angus: What are you thinking, boyo?

Scott: I don't know. When did things start getting so complicated.

Angus: Believe it or not, boyo, but I don't have all the answers. But I can tell you this If you don't get a lid on this Red Knight thing, it's bound to come in and bite you in the ass.

   Angus then walks away leaving Scott alone, as he looks out the window.

            - - - - RIVERDALE/NORTHSIDE- - - -
   Later that morning, Scott is in his car and parked outside the Pembroke to drop Veronica off, at Riverdale High. As he sits and waits for her, he can't get that video out of his head. One part that he is constantly is hearing were the words "we stand with the Red Knight." The last thing Scott wanted was for the townspeople to think that he was building some sorta private army, turning Riverdale into a possible police state of was the last thing he wanted people to think.

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