That must be Eustace

"Why, you little--" I hear a man's voice say and running footsteps

That can't be Edmund's voice. 

"Father, he's gonna h*t me!" Eustace tattles

"Edmund, look!" Lucy says

Please don't see me

"Is it a letter from Astrea?" I hear happiness in his voice.

"No, it's Susan,"

I hear a huff.

"Why hasn't she wrote me back yet?" I hear him ask.

"Maybe she thought you would want the real thing instead?" I say announcing my presence.

"Astrea!" Edmund says and runs over to me. He grabs my waist and hugs me tight.

Lucy runs over and hugs me as well.

In the year I've been gone they have grown. Lucy has gotten taller and her hair has grown longer. It's more wavy than straight now.

Edmund has gotten taller as well. His hair is a little shorter in the front but he still looks good.

"What are you doing here?" she asks

"Are you not happy to see me?" I tease.

"Of course we are," Edmund says smiling.

"Instead of standing here how about you give me a house tour?" I ask.

"Of course," Edmund says grabbing my hand


"I do wish you were here with us. It's been such an adventure, but nothing like our times in Narnia. America is very exciting... except we never see Father. He works so very hard. I was invited to the British Consul's tea party this week by a naval officer who happens to be very handsome. I think he fancies me. Hmm. It seems the Germans have made the crossing difficult right now. Times are hard. Mother hopes you both won't mind another few months in Cambridge." Lucy finishes reading Susan's letter

"Another few months? How will we survive?" Lucy panics and I give her a hug

"You're lucky... at least you've got your own room. I'm stuck with mullet mouth."

"It can't be that bad right?" I say trying to be positive. Both siblings gave me a look and I stopped talking.

"Okay so maybe it is that bad."

"Susan and Peter are the lucky ones. Off on adventures," Lucy sighs

"Yeah, they're the eldest and we're the youngest. We don't matter as much." Edmund scoffs.

"That's not true, Ed," I say comforting him.

Lucy gets up and looks in her mirror fixing her hair

"Do you think I look anything like Susan?" She randomly says.

"Um, I guess, since you're related," I say confused.

A picture in her room captures my eye. I stand up and go toward it.

"Lucy... have you seen this ship before?" I ask

"Yes. It's very Narnian-looking, isn't it?" She jokes.

"Yeah. Just another reminder that we're here and not there." Edmund says sadly.

"There once were two orphans who wasted their time Believing in Narnian nursery rhymes. And a delusional girl who followed in their lies," Eustace says walking into the room 

Okay he is very annoying

"Please let me h*t him." Edmund starts to walk over to the small boy.

 "No!" Lucy says and I grab Edmund to hold him back.

"Don't you ever knock?" Edmund rolls his eyes at the blonde boy.

 "It's my house. I'll do as I please. You're just guests." Eustace responds.

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