Cold, bitter, knife.

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Cold, bitter, knife.

Honey pours out of him, he's been through some things but he wears a mask. Afraid that if he tells, she'll twist the knife into his already deep wound. He's gone through 4 girls, maybe less, who knows? Wall built so high she'll have to climb 70 feet up if she wants to get to him. So she climbs, up, up, up. And when she reaches the top he pushes her. She falls 70 feet down, and plunges into the icy water. As her breath escapes her she fights. She sees the person he really is and thus she climbs the wall he built, and again he shoves her down. Then finally, she climbs the wall he's built and she falls as it crumbles under her. And he catches her. After many attempts, she breaks his walls and he becomes fond of her.

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