12. {Sabito} ~ Remember

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AU: None/Swap
Words: 850


Waking up one day with no memory is a really weird feeling. I barely remembered who I was, I just had a name to stick up with. But I don't need to know who I was, I should focus on what I will be.

Walking around as the full moon shines, I felt the presence of an individual. Stepping a bit further, I tilt my head to make out the silhouette of someone. Their back is facing me, but there was something... familiar about them. I couldn't really tell, even when they turned my way, revealing a fox mask hiding their face. The person seemed to froze when they spotted me, but it wasn't from fear I could tell.

"Y/n...?" The deep voice of the stranger was heard, revealing it was a man. One that seemed to know me since he called me by my first name.
"I thought... you were dead..."

I stare at him, trying to figure who he was. I'm sure I have seen a similar mask before, but I can't remember, it's like my memories are locked. The man took a step forward as I glance at the katana at his side. He isn't making a move to even hold it, he really does not see my as a threat.

"Who are you ?" I simply ask as he stops. If he is someone close to me, he might actually be helpful and remind me...

   As expected, my question seems to take him by surprise. I walk closer, stepping under the moon's light to reveal myself more, as he now could see my demons features. He was silent at first, before stuttering trying to understand what had happened to me. But even I couldn't answer myself for I have no idea what happened to me before I turned into a demon. I just have this urge to kill humans and sometimes eat them.

"Y/n... why are a demon...? Don't you remember how we swore to kill every demons we encounter..?" The man asks as he try to get closer, but decides to step back not sure if I would attack.
"It's me, Sabito ! Don't you remember me ? We were friends !"

   That name... doesn't ring a bell. It doesn't sound familiar at all, and no matter how hard I try, I can't remember anything. A friend ? No, nothing.

"And Giyuu...? Did you forget Giyuu too ??"

   I nod, as it still didn't remind me of anything. I was also starting to get a bit irritated and bored since there was no action right now, I'm not used to just have a conversation with someone, let alone a human. So I did the most normal thing to do at that moment, and just started to attack him. He was quick to block though, as he drew out his katana in a swift motion to counter.

"Y/n, stop it ! Come on, remember me ! Remember how we were close with Giyuu ?!" He shouts, as he back away a bit.
"He was killed by a demon, don't let his sacrifice be in vain !"

"If you miss him that much, why don't you join him then ?" I ask as I put a hand against a tree, making it fall in his direction. Of course he dodged it easily, trying to come at me with full force.

   I run away from him, not knowing what to expect from him since he seems to not want to use his blade against me. We really were that close when I was a human...? I find it hard to believe but then again, he's the one with the memories, not me.
   I was lost in thoughts for a second, giving him just enough time to tackle me to the ground, still trying to make me remember. I put a hand on his mask, making it shatter and fall on me. That's when I finally saw his face. Purple eyes, a scar near his mouth, and a pained expression on his face. The more I looked at him, the more he seemed familiar... until eventually...

"Sabito..!" I whisper as my eyes widened. Yes, the name finally sounds familiar to me, as I remember a young boy greeting me for the very first time. He was accompanied by another kid, one with black hair and blue eyes... probably Giyuu.

   I feel a tear roll down my cheek, as I finally realize I almost killed my friend. I don't know how or why, but by only seeing his face I was able to unlock all my memories as a human, and I felt overwhelmed by regrets of what I've became.

   Sabito finally gets off of me, letting me sit up as I observe him smiling softly. How can he not be mad at what I did...?

   He suddenly wraps his arms around me, and at that moment I had the feeling that everything would eventually gets better. Because now that I remember who I am, I will do everything I can to help him defeat demons, even if that means having to die in the process.

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