6. {Hantengu + clones}~ Rotten

469 10 4

AU: None
Words: 1350


I never could control my emotions. Every time I felt something, I get overwhelmed and end up going too far.

"Y/n, a bit on your left ! Look down-" Tanjiro orders, as he was fighting a flying demon. He quickly glances my way as I got back up, being barely hidden by the woods.

"I don't see anything !" Genya yells as he frantically look around.

I watch him search the fifth body, as I just stand there like a tree. I look back at the fight, seeing Nezuko getting hit by one of the demon after burning another one. Tanjiro was cutting the bird-like one the best he could, while dodging some thunders made by the last demon.

"Maybe he's small-" The burgundy starts as he dodged another attack.
"Y/n, he might be holding onto your haori, be careful !"

Genya jumped behind me to take a look, before sighing in annoyance as he saw nothing. I did the same to him, but still no fifth demon.
As Tanjiro cut once again the demons, he took the opportunity to come to us to help. He was saying the demon was close, but still nothing in sight.

"Haha, maybe look for a sixth one !" The one with green eyes mock, before getting hit by the red one's staff.

"Shut up idiot !"

"He's clever... he'll understand..." the blue one almost whispers, approaching after Nezuko came back to her brother's side.

"But is he gonna do it though ??" The yellow finished, flying a bit above the others.

   There was a second of silence, but enough so we could hear a muffled cry. Tanjiro immediately turns his head to stare at me with a shock and scared expression.

"What ?" I ask confused. Does he think I'm the one crying right now ? Because I'm obviously not.

"You are with them." He states slowly, seemingly not believing his own words.

   Oh, so he found out. Like Aizetsu said he's clever. I don't really know how I should react; I literally have a small demon hidden in my pocket. As Tanjiro asked why I was doing this, it made me wonder if I had a reason.

"How many people have you killed."

"Four." I respond honestly, meeting his glare.

"Don't you feel anything about it ? How can you do that !" He yells with tears in his eyes, like he remembered something that hurt him.

"Of course I did, I'm not an emotionless freak." I answer once again, not really expressing anything.
"But maybe, I'm the real demon here..."

   I've always been the weird child, the one nobody wanted to be friends with because of my behavior. Sometimes, I'd go outside alone without my parents before coming back a with a random dead animal asking if I could eat it. My mother ignored that side of me, and my father preferred to take care of my sister instead.

   I am the daughter of an ancient Demon Slayer, son of an Hashira. In the family, the blades are Orange while mine became purple. I thought it meant I had a superpower involving poison, so I decided to hunt down snakes and collect their venom. I didn't know what was a breathing technique at that time, and my father started to scold me. It was the first time I felt anger, it was overwhelming.

That was my very first kill, my father himself.

   I couldn't control myself, he wasn't even trying to understand me or explain what was wrong. He straight up yelled at me and threatened to hit me, I had the right to do what I did.

   The second time was at the Final Selection, I was cornered by demons. I thought it was the end for me, I was terrified. I can't remember how, but I saw another guy that was trying to help me into a tree, so I took his hand and threw him at the demons. I then resumed on my way to the end, and became a Demon Slayer.

   Then came that girl. I couldn't stand her at all. She was a rank higher than me so I had to obey her, and follow her on a mission. She never came back. Once we killed the demon, she laughed because i broke my katana and felt bad. So I used the broken blade to stab her, and it worked just fine. That didn't calmed me though.

"Have you already forgotten I came here with a low ranked slayer ?" I ask, smiling.
"I killed him earlier after we ate. I was too happy I guess."

"How can a human be rotten to the bone like that ?!" Genya asked as he pointed his gun at me.

He's right, I can't say anything in defense. But I don't take it as an insult, because it was the truth. And I don't mind it one bit, I have no regret.

The first time I met those demons, was the first time I could control what I was feeling. It was like I was finally free. Seeing five emotions walk around, I didn't know how I was supposed to act and just found a way to befriend them I guess.

"The sun will rise soon... how sad..."

   I look up to the horizon, and he was right: the sky was becoming lighter. It was time for them to leave.

"I won't let you run away !" Tanjiro exclaims, jumping while readying a movement.

   I was quick enough to block it, as the four demons started to go the other way.

"Hey, don't forget Hantengu !" I yell at them, remembering the small demon still in my pocket.

   The boy in front of me suddenly got blown away, as I was held in place by Urogi. Karaku was laughing hysterically looking at the three that he sent flying away.

"You're coming with us, even if you don't want." I hear Sekido orders, starting to walk away.

    I smile to myself, I wasn't gonna refuse that offer. I remember them saying that when the time would come, I might become a demon too if their king accepted me. Seems like it was finally time for me, and I couldn't contain my happiness.

"What do I have to do I exchange of becoming a demon ?" I ask as I walk besides them.

"Find a dumb flower !" Karaku respond, laughing.

"They are called Blue Spider Lily..." Aizetsu adds, walking a bit behind.

"Oh, that's those flowers which only blooms in day light, right ?" I state, trying to remember it.

They all freeze on their spot, and I stop a few steps farther, turning around with a confused expression. Their faces were all expressing shock, in their ways.

"What do you exactly know about it." Sekido asks slowly.

Did I say something wrong...? They all looked so serious, it made me a bit uncomfortable. I believe if I said something wrong they might actually kill me.

"Um... I don't remember a lot, it was in a very old book back at my house...?" My voice became higher the more I talk, being totally nervous.

   They seemed to agree to go search for it the next night, as we reached an abandoned house we could use to hide them from the sun. I stayed a bit outside, watching the sun rise before finally entering and closing the door behind me. I look over at the four demons that were acting like normal being,

I felt at home.

"Come on, get out..!" I say, trying to get the little demon out of my pocket. But he kept on denying saying he would be safer here.

"What's happening...?" Aizetsu asks as he approach, seeing me fight against my clothes.

"Hantengu doesn't want to leave my pocket !" I explain, still not being able to pull out the demon.

   I could hear Urogi and Karaku laugh, as Sekido came murmuring about how all this ruckus was annoying. I ended up laughing and abandoning my little fight, before going to a corner to get some rest.

When I woke up, they were all around me and I couldn't feel more safer.

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