3. {Kanao} ~ This isn't fair.

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AU: None
Words: 1481


Since the day I got here, I was closest to Kanao. We could say we are best friends, even though she doesn't communicate much. But what she doesn't know is that I have a big crush on her. I tried to get over it of course, but I just can't ! Every time my eyes land on her, my heart starts to beat rapidly, my cheeks become tomato red, and I have a hard time saying what I want. I asked Mitsuri for advice, and of course she told me to confess. But that's not something I can just do out of nowhere, right ?!

But because I've been waiting for so long, I was starting to lose her. Since those three guys came, everything is different. Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy that she's able to make friends but... she seems to be getting really close to the burgundy haired guy, Tanjiro Kamado. And to be honest, I talked with him and I can say he's the definition of kindness, a real sunshine.

   And since she met him, she started to talk a lot about him. I was hurting a bit to see her getting happy just seeing him. She looks at him the way I've always wanted her to look at me... And in a the span of a few days only. This isn't fair...

   So today, I decided it was the day. I had to confess, or I'll never be able to move on. I even made a plan ! I go to her, tell her everything in my heart, and then... hope for the best.

   As I approach where she always is, I spotted her surrounded by butterflies. That was very beautiful, she is beautiful. When she sees me, she smiles softly and waves at me. I swear she's gonna be the death of me !

"Hey Kanao." I start with what I hope to be more of a smile than a grimace.
"I wanted to talk with you about something..."

"Hey Y/n. I also needed to ask you something !" She quietly says, her voice so soft.

   I look at her for a seconde a bit confused, before asking her to talk first. I know, I'm trying to gain more time.
   I thought I was mentally prepared for what she said next, but I guess we're never fully ready to hear the one we love admitting they love someone else, huh ?

   When she explained that she suspected having feelings towards Tanjiro, I felt my heart breaking. Every pieces falling apart and stabbing what was left there. I was doing my best to not let anything show on my face, as I did the best fake smile I've ever done.

"Oh, but what did you want to tell me ?" She asks, not realizing.

"Huh ? Oh- nothing important... haha, you should tell Shinobu, she'll know more than me !" I quickly responded before saying my goodbye.

   I walk away as straight as I could and, when I was sure I was far enough from everyone, I broke down crying. I knew a rejection would hurt, but I couldn't imagine how bad it would be. I truly love her... and I went to tell her when it was too late. This has always been my problem, I'm always too late. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear a person running up to me, before they put an arm around my shoulders.

"Y/n, what happened ??"

   I look up to see Mitsuri. Even though everything was blurry because of my tears, I couldn't miss her unique pink hair. I explain while sobbing, and she held me tightly.

"I'm so sorry, I told you confess..." she sadly admits, while rubbing my back.

"No, you were right... at least I will be able to move on... eventually..."

"Why did you choose today to confess ?" She suddenly asks, as I pause for a second.

"Because I have a mission and I wanted to have a clear mind... I need to be totally concentrated." I exclaim, before standing up.

I then say bye to Mitsuri, getting ready for that mission. In truth, if I wanted to confess today, it's because I don't think I will come back from this mission. I've always trusted my instinct, and it was telling me not to go or else I wouldn't see the next day.

Tanjiro's POV:

I saw everything that happened that night. I needed some answers from the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku. Accompanied by Zenitsu and Inosuke, I entered the train. I walked for a bit before finding the one I was searching for, eating cheerfully. But I was shocked seeing his Tsuguko sitting beside him, Y/n L/n. When she saw me, she immediately waved at us and asked us to sit with them.

Later, we all got put to sleep by a Demon's Blood Art, but I was able to wake up, thanks to Nezuko. When I looked over everyone, I noticed the tears on Y/n's face. As soon as she wake up, she seemed mad at something -probably the demon that gave her that dream- and it was a complete different person. She wasn't hiding her emotions, she was obviously broken by something.

When we finally got rid of Enmu after he fused his body to the train, I thought it would be good to let her know she's not alone and that I would be here if she wanted to talk. But I got badly injured and couldn't move. And when I was relieve that the mission was finished, a new demon appeared: Upper 3.

I was feeling useless, as I couldn't do anything due to my injury. But even though, they were way too quick for me to even follow them with my eyes, so I wouldn't be able to anything if I could fight. I knew Inosuke was doing his best to restrain himself from jumping into the fight.

"Be careful Tanjiro." Y/n says as she stands up, stepping forward. Is she going to fight too ?

I didn't have time to react, in a blink of an eye she was already gone. I know she realized she wouldn't be able to help as much as she expect, so what is she doing ?

But I understood way after it happened. She didn't go to fight, she went to protect her superior. When I saw the demon's arm going through her stomach, I froze in fear. I did my best to get up, putting my suffering aside. The demon ran away from the sunlight, and I approach Rengoku who was holding a dying Y/n. This isn't fair..!

"Tanjiro..." I hear her murmur, as I crouch down at her side.
"Take care of Kanao..."

   That's right, she's her best friend. I took her hand and promised her that she would not die today. Everything's gonna be okay for everyone !

"Kyojuro, you didn't fail your mission..." she says, looking up at him.
"No passengers died tonight, you completed your mission. I'm a demon slayer, if I die now... I was prepared to it..."

The Kakushi arrived not long after, immediately taking her. Once we were all back at the Headquarters, I immediately went to find Kanao. She has to know Y/n's condition. As I finally found her, I didn't waste time to explain. As soon as I finished, she dashed to her.

   As I made my way to check on them, I couldn't help but hear what Kanao was saying.

"Mitsuri told me... I'm so sorry Y/n, please, stay with me ! I'm sorry I can't return your feeling, but I still need you..."

  That's why Y/n was different tonight. I feel really bad for her, she deserves someone that will love her.
I decided to enter the room, putting a hand on Kanao's shoulder to show her I was here for her if she needed to talk about all this. Shinobu came a bit after, grounding me for not resting, saying my injury will never heal properly. When she left, it was time for us to go too.

"Don't worry Kanao, Y/n is a fighter. She will be alright !" I try to cheer her up, and she nods before going to her room. I took one last glance at my friend laying still in the bed, praying for her recovery.

   But nothing was alright. Because that night, Y/n's soul finally found peace. She drew her last breath as everyone was asleep. We were all broken when we got the news, but those who took the hit harder were Rengoku, her superior, and Kanao, her best friend.

   But we always will remember her as the hero that saved a Hashira from one of the strongest demon. And with that in mind, we were determined to kill all demons. Kanao was never really the same after that...

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