4. {Hantengu's clones} ~ Meet again.

639 15 45

AU: None / Modern
Words: 2940


I am a demon slayer. I hunt down demons and kill them without a second thought. That's how I was formed. I want to be the best, I'm almost at Hashira level. My only purpose is to get rid of them all, especially their king Kibutsuji Muzan.

But everything changed when I faced one of the strongest demon: Upper 4. I didn't think much of this crying creature, I just had to cut his head off, right ? I wish it was that easy.

I was always accompanied by a slayer a bit lower in rank than me, because she couldn't do anything by herself. She always complain about everything and, if I'm being honest, it's getting on my nerves sometimes. She always brags about how her father forced her to become a demon slayer to follow his path and all... She should be grateful she still has a family.
Once again, I was on a mission with her. We needed to gather information in a small village that reported people mysteriously disappearing, and sights of a demon. But as we were walking for a long time now in the woods, I was getting a bit impatient.

"Are you sure it's the right path ?" I ask as I glance around us, only seeing what could probably be the same trees over and over again.

"Of course, silly, I'm the one showing the way ! It can only be the right one !" She counters, taking random turns here and there.

"Really ? Then why does this tree has my name carved into the trunk ? I did it when we first got here." I explain as I point to what I was describing,

The girl went to see it closer, before glancing all around her. I waited for her to say something, but she kept her mouth shut, before running a bit ahead and coming back at the tree to watch it closely once again.

"Are you oka-"

"OH MY GOD WE ARE LOST !" She cuts me off, starting to yell as tears fall from her eyes.

Oh please, not that again... I tried to calm her, not wanting to attract any wild animals or worse, any demons.

"I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE IN THIS DARK PLACE, I'M NOT EVEN MARRIED YET...!" She keeps going, just being louder and louder.

"Hey, I'm with you okay ? We're in the same boat, I don't want to die this young and I'm not married either-"

"YES, BUT- I'm beautiful and you are... you, you know ?"

I take back what I said, please attract a demon so he can kill you before I do..!
As if I was heard, I caught something moving on the side, and turn my head to see a demon on the ground. He was also crying. Heh, at least she knows what she would look like as a man-eating creature.

But I quickly put on a serious face as I saw "Upper 4" written in his eyes. When I said a demon, I didn't mean a high ranked one ! I think it's safe to say we're screwed. There's no way I can defeat Upper 4 by myself, and that girl won't do much. I should learn her name one day.

I decide to run full speed, trying to directly cut his head off. But as I was expecting, the demon was way too fast and it looked like he teleported to the other side ! I see the girl trying to do the same, but the demon jumped into a tree. He was now hanging upside down. What a weirdo.

"Please... don't hurt m-me..." I hear him whimpering.

Oh hell no! If he's that strong, there's no way he's begging to be spared for real. That must be how he killed so many humans, taking them by surprise like that.
I went onto the tree, but once again he just jumped from it. I touched him though, his cheek was bleeding. The slayer with me used her breathing technique, the Fairy Breathing.

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