Sample of The brown cameraman second betrayal part 2

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All right so this is most likely going to be a very short one like this is a second thing you can think about when doing like the part where he was like sort of found out about the trail was like all of the theories of the UFO toilet from episode 60 like on how the UFO toilets are different race or they were mine controlled or something

So anyways at first just to make this make a little bit more sense because I do remember what I said on my last sample of this and how he was sent by and controlled by a parasite

I might actually do two more scenarios actually one explain if they're both about episode 6C though and one of them is like before he learns about how the scientist is planning on betraying the brown cameraman making him leave

But this is just a second option if you want it and he still does later on to save the speakerWoman

So the Astro toilets like lights were out that showed a blue light from like I forgot which episode the Astro toilet that's the name of it well of the UFO toilet

And well he was finally out of the mind control and was very mad and was going to have a Little chat with the G-man

So during this time let's just say whenever he was flying away from from like the titan and that he hit something very very fast which injured his helmet and broke the lights and pretty much cause a lot of damage making him go out of her mind control then he quickly realized that he can't really remember much but he does remember being mind controlled and doing terrible things like at first he was completely fine with killing the cameraman but being mind controlled made him wonder who his allies are

Then he met another toilet who had the same light so he shot it with the laser knocking him out of my control and after that they both sort of came up with a plan getting brown cameramen out of the main control because his cameraman light is actually blue as well so what The Astro toilet with a giant arm did was great pretty much put upgrades on him not on himself on the Astro toilet and whenever the brown cameraman was pretty much an omission the Astro toilet and that one other toilet came out of nowhere grabbed him and made up some sort of fake thing about saying it's orders to get you out and many of the well the women cameramen and pretty much part of that like franchise the speaker people well you know his future hair up or saying no and hit the flew away incredibly fast

And he said on how this is their job and they're doing this because it's what they were told to which was a complete lie after that he sort of broke free and said that he hast to go like he is very smart but he generally thought it was true because he's never seen a skibidi betray another

But before that he could leave with his jet pack he was grabbed again and he said you're not leaving yet he had a smile as he asked what are you doing after that the Astro/UFO toilet started using some powers he had a smile as well and looked him right in the camera making him sort of screech a little bit until the blue light completely disappeared and he said what happened and that's whenever the Astro toilet said I how it was controlled and the other toilet don't know his name but he lets him go and explain the whole situation he was mad at the scientist for what he did because he was completely loyal until he started to mind control him was he really that afraid of him and the other two was he afraid that I was gonna they were going to make me pull through with betraying them

He was asking them first and then he said probably now why don't we have a little chat with the G-man after that the brown toilet smiled and jet packed up and sat on the toilet strapped in for a long fast ride

So after that they pretty much went so fast it seems like they teleported all the way to the skibidi base and they were in for a long conversation

So the brown cameraman started to fly around the G-man as well him looking fairly scared the both of them were asking about the mind control and then he said I have no idea what you're talking about

And they were still pushing him and then he and his weapons at them and the brown cameraman was speaking an English pretty much about it so the cameras speakers and TV people had no idea what was sort of happening except they heard mind control and him talking

Until another one just came out grabbing the G man's head we can glitch than both the
brown cameraman and astro toilet were pointing their weapons until the scientist came out of nowhere and pretty much slashed the arm off and hit the brown cameraman as well knocking him into the floor damaging his jet pack and started to say about don't hurt him multiple times and called them idiots and that and then they said why would you mind control us that's what the brown cameraman said then he said I have no idea what you're talking about he knew he was lying because he is smarter than that after that he flew up with a little bit of juice he had left his arm was gone and his leg was gone well actually a lot of his torso was gone as well a little bit sort of giving a reminder to TV woman about what happened after he was left to die and then he got back on to the Astro barely kicking on or staying on very damaged

After that they were leaving with their ally and etc.
And you have perhaps there are some toilets that also sort of betrayed G-man mainly because they were ones who were less well obedient and were mind controlled as well their leader is the Astro toilet and then comes the others in command which is the one with the arm and the brown cameraman and let's just say that's how their ally relationship starts with the others he might not still like the cameramen speaker man or TV man but they have a common enemy and he is smart enough to ignore everything that happened in the past to focus on something more important even though they try and fix their relationship with him he's more about getting the job done and ignore her feelings

Now as for the second part pretty much everything else goes as a little bit as I just said on episode 60 except he was around the brown cameraman was around and perhaps they sort of do you have some upgrades that's that's what it belongs to TV men but it's like stronger than TV woman's fire pretty much strong enough to burn them even more pretty much although G-man is too strong for that but the brown cameraman is still very out in the open this is another way he could've gotten his upgrades as well maybe

Cell perhaps they were talking and the brown cameraman was trying to calm everyone down about the failure pretty much The failure that G-man caused and saying on how it's not his fault and then he said the Astro Toilet said that he's not part of this conversation

And a lot of more problems started to happen where they yelled or the G-man started to get angrier and the same of the brown Cameron mantle telling them to shut up and then that's whenever another toilet came out of nowhere and grabbed the brown cameraman and the G-man said let him go now and after that they used as perhaps a TV screen that popped out of there his back toilet and started to fry him what he was screech owl in pain me and it made him explode and that's whenever they threw them on the ground hard the cameraman went and looked at the brown cameraman showing the full view of like he's more destroyed than he was when he was left behind he lost pretty much his legs one of his arms and all that's left is like he lost like 80% of his body

The G-man said you're gonna pay for that until he was grabbed by the head making him screech and etc. until the scientist came in and stopped them and etc. and you probably know what else happened

And well the women were very mad and wanted to kill the Astro toilets they all know that the toilets are probably going to repair and give him more upgrades to make sure that doesn't happen again which they are they are happy about that also a little bit afraid of

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