Sample of izuku yagi the Cloaker from P.D 2

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OK so his parents were planning on trying to capture him while his sister was sitting on the couch with a notebook wanting to understand what his quirk is but she's never been able to find out she is starting to think his quirk is like something that involves martial arts

Also there has been cases where in public heroes got shot down by a firing squad because they were fake heroes and caused villainous acts

So yeah many heroes are afraid of them especially the ones that cause the villainess act which regret doing it

So anyways our main character also has a voice changer mainly because he doesn't want anyone to recognize his voice so yeah one day when he was out during a mission or so like whenever the heroes heard about him or like heard about a bank robbery they knew that it was this time to catch him

So after he got there and started to attack them brutally pretty much and just calling them names A wall just broke down and heard a voice I am here which he cringed at that because well he's like he just doesn't like the number one here in general so he dodged the first punch and hit the number one hero and his bad area which made him cough out some blood

That's whenever his wife showed up and set him flying but he quickly does some martial arts moves in the air to catch himself and made him stand perfectly fine after that the number one here went for a punch which landed in his face but once again he landed perfectly and that's whenever many police officers well notices and one of them shot a newborn hero in the arm and told the number here to stand down or we'll eliminate you which state he couldn't believe this that they were threatening him the number one hero for defending them then he said I'm defending you and you shoot me he said in anger tone a little bit

Who you're attacking is part of the government a higher ranking person that that if you do try and take him to jail the police will let him go he was allowed to do all of this himself

It was not allowing this at all so he was walking closer until the hero commissioner showed up and she said that's quite enough all might If you must know he's not in the heater rankings nor is he a non-vigilante people are just making up stories about him maybe becoming a vigilante in reality he's just works for the government

So if you try to take him to jail you'll lose your spot as number one and her wife will suffer the consequences of your actions

His side and angrily walked away in defeat also there were some other officers there like his future harem members then he said now go back home and cry like the little bitch you are I mean some of the people there laugh especially the government police officers which now the number one here was embarrassed to get this was on actual film not film but this was on live television and well our main character sister saw this and was mad at the Cloaker for embarrassing her father

Also just so you know he actually has a ton of bullet wounds all over his body and arms and legs as well from the jobs he's done but the man's pretty much definition of a immortal

So after Deku got back home he heard his father mumbling to himself about being angry at Cloaker
Also just so you know because of our main character being there some children that was around there actually asked for his autograph which he happily did and yeah although some of the others are jealous that kids Astro autographs from him but not them but that's mainly because who wouldn't want an autograph from a menace to society

He also has dropped kicked multiple heroes also maybe only the top 10 heroes actually know who exactly captain winters is also maybe our main character actually does have a home that is worth more than the number ones heroes house that our main character and his sister lives in

Also maybe one day during our school he had enough with one of his bullies so he picked up some wooden stick and started beating him with it which it felt like a very painful experience although the teachers and principals has started to be very scared of him

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