"You called her?"

"And my parents, the three of them and us know about Atlas. I wasn't sure what to do and I had to do something, so letting your mom know was first priority. After that I let my parents know to help calm me. That's it though, the band is all still asleep, I figure I can worry about telling them tomorrow. Or, I guess today." He chuckles, "This whole night is a jumble in my head."

"It doesn't actually exist in mine. I remember panicking at home and you calling 911 and then waking up here with a nurse saying they were getting you from the NICU as fast as they could."

"I can fill in the holes later if you want, but Atlas is here and perfect, and you are going to heal up so I can take both my girls home."

"Later, for now, pull up some couch or a chair, though that sounds very uncomfortable on your back, and get some sleep with me."

"I really should. I'll order Rebecca's Uber first though, in case she gets in before we wake up, or my phone dies." He stands carefully from the edge of her bed, leaning over to kiss her lips gently, "You're a mummy now, El. I can't wait for you to get to meet Atlas."

"Thank you for being the best daddy and taking such good care of her already." Elodie smiles softly, "I can't wait for my turn to cuddle her."

"Sleep, so you can heal faster." He chuckles, walking around the bed to pull the small reclining chair closer to her bedside, leaning it back as he reaches out to take her hand, holding it softly as he quickly orders the Uber for when Rebecca will be landing. Tucking his phone away again he shifts slightly, the exhaustion of his night suddenly hitting him full force, his eyes closing almost instantly.


"Luke." He startles awake suddenly, his arm feeling a bit tingly as he pulls it back from the awkward way it's laid out over the arm of the chair.

"Hey, glad you got in here no problem." Luke chuckles softly, standing carefully and pulling Rebecca into a tight hug.

"How's everyone holding up?" She asks softly, glancing at Elodie asleep in the bed still as she does.

"El seemed okay this morning when we talked, after I came over from the NICU. She's tired and uncomfortable, but mostly just grateful that Atlas is doing well. Atlas is a little fighter, she's doing amazing considering everything that happened last night and the fact that she was two months early."

"And you?" Rebecca asks warmly, rubbing a hand over his arm.

"Haven't taken a moment to really think about it. It's been all about my girls and whatever they need." He shrugs.

"What do you need? Sleep, a shower, new clothes?"

"Food probably." He chuckles, "And I haven't let anyone in LA know what happened so I should probably find a phone charger so I can do that."

"I have a charger, and a few pretzels from the flight. You sure that's all you need right now?" She pulls two things out of her purse easily.

"I might go see Atlas again, it's been a few hours and I hate being away from her. I can't wait until I can have them both in the same room."

"Charge your phone for a bit, and I can go down to the cafeteria to get you something to eat if you need."

"I might just wait and make one of the guys bring me something, I have no doubt Crystal and Michael will want to head over as soon as they hear."

"Well, get that phone charging and give them a call, it's getting late enough in the morning to not be rude to wake them up."

"I almost woke them up after I talked to you and my parents, but I couldn't handle it then, not while I was so high strung and didn't know when El would be out of surgery." He chuckles, sitting back down in the chair after plugging his phone into the wall.

"That is completely understandable, don't feel guilty about that. They can know now, with Elodie resting and Atlas growing stronger and stronger."

"Ya." Luke sighs, looking down as his phone buzzes against his leg as it turns back on, it had died while he was sleeping this morning. "Looks like Michael already tried to call me this morning." He frowns, pushing a few buttons until his bandmates voice rings out through the room.

"Hey Luke, you're probably still asleep because of jetlag, but I have new information about the accident a couple months back, and it's a bigger lead than we've had yet. Call me when you're up. Bye."

"Of course after how many weeks we are finally getting an answer..." Luke chuckles, "Oh, the DNA test stuff with her bio dad's family came in yesterday too, just so you know, it was a definite."

"How'd she take that news?" Rebecca asks, sitting down on the couch next to the chair.

"She was panicking a little bit, I'm not sure it had settled on her before everything happened last night."

"A problem for another time then." Rebecca nods.

"Ya, Stella came to talk to me last night while I was waiting. She works in the emergency room and saw Elodie's name as it went through the system. She promised no one would be pushing us for anything while we are going through all this and settling into a new life with Atlas at home with us."

"Good. Are you avoiding calling Michael back for a reason?"

"I think I should call them all at the same time, and ya, it's daunting."

"Mom." They both turn as Elodie startles slightly, her eyes blinking a couple times as she focuses on Rebecca.

"Hi, El." Rebecca chuckles, standing again and moving towards the bed, hugging Elodie gently.

"Hi, thanks for coming out so fast."

"Always, Peter sends his love and can't wait to be home in a couple weeks to meet Atlas."

"He was supposed to be home before this all happened. But maybe we can at least be home before he gets back since it happened this way."

"Hopefully. Congratulations by the way, on becoming a mom. Atlas is so lucky to have you, and Luke." Rebecca glances his way.

"Have you met her yet?" Elodie asks softly, lacing her hand with Rebecca's.

"No, but from what I understand neither have you, and you should meet her before I do."

"You're a grandma now, how does that feel?"

"I'm content with the idea, and excited to spoil your little girl." Rebecca laughs.


"I am getting hungry, so I'm going to walk downstairs and find the closest coffee shop and bring back some breakfast for all of us. You two have some friends to share your news with."

"The band doesn't know yet?" Elodie turns to Luke.

"I told you that a few hours ago, but I can't blame you for forgetting. You were still pretty loopy then." Luke chuckles, shaking his head no at her softly.

"We should tell them together." Elodie nods.

"I'll be back, you two should have space to tell them." Rebecca pats Elodie's leg softly before standing and taking her bag with her as she leaves.

The band finds out about Atlas in the next chapter, how does that go?

When will Elodie meet Atlas finally?

What info does Michael have about the person who hit Elodie?

Any other predictions?

Update update! I will be updating on Sundays only right now, hopefully as I settle into my new job and this semester of school I can add a second weekly update, it right now it's just not feasible. Thank you for being understanding. ❤️

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I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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