Hell's Reign

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   Lord Nightmare flew through the night sky with the moon behind him. He looked down on his land and found it familiar, but different looking at his height from the sky. His new eyes saw everything despite the darkness that came with night. He could smell every individual mortal that lived on his land. Their fear, that shot to his senses as he flew above. 

   He sneered with disgust at their existence. The ungrateful peasants and the royal guards that infested his land. A flar of magic burst through the land, cursing all who'd done Lord Nightmare wrong in the past and cursing those who would have turned their back on Lord Dream if they'd known the truth.
   Few got past those two conditions of the curse.

   His wings were powerful enough to carry him great distances at even greater speeds. And Lord Nightmare had places to be.
   Of course, however, he took the time to make one stop as he noticed a carriage on the road.
   Lord Nightmare landed on the front of the carriage with the weight of a bolder, snapping the reins for the horses to run away in horror and cracking the wooden structure under him as he landed, making the carriage come to a complete stop with it's wheels crushed under the wood debris.
   The driver of the carriage stared up at the demon who stood over her and screamed in terror at the sight. His eyes met her's and struck the fear of God into her soul until her her body grew cold and stiff, and her screaming stopped.

   Lady Eterna and the guards in the carriage rushed out as they heard the commotion. They watched as their driver was turned to stone, and silenced of her screaming. The demon's hand's glowed with magic as he panted with adrenaline and rage. The next person to scream got lunged at before also going quiet suddenly.

   Lady Eterna was on the other side of the carriage, where she couldn't see the guards who screamed at the demon. With a silver weapon in hand, she circled the carriage cautiously.

   The image of the demon stuck in her mind as her heart raced, and for once, she wasn't looking so confident about fighting a literal devil as opposed to her usual vampires.
   With a brave step farward and a little prayer, she came to where the demon was but only found two statues, one laying on his back with a frozen scream on his face, and the other seemed to have tripped mid transformation. With their arm broken off from hitting the ground after becoming stone.

   She could still hear the demon's heavy breathing all around her. Once she figured out where it was coming from, she turned to the roof of the carriage and locked eyes with the devil. Like two daggers in her soul, his eyes shot terror into her heart. Her hands shook as her eyes unwillingly watered with frightened tears.
   "Lord Nightmare..." she whimpered out. She recognized him, but calling his name didn't seem to matter as he crept closer placing a clawed hand at the edge of the carriage roof. "What is this magic? Please..." She recognized that his magic was making her afraid of him, but she was far too scared to turn away from his haunting eyes. "Please!" She begged to be set free from the trance of his magic as she backed away slowly. Trying to at least not be frozen in her fear. She dropped her weapon unwillingly from how shaky her hands got as her tears streamed down her face. She had barely any control of her body as fear possessed her every move without being able to think rationally enough to break free from it.

   Lord Nightmare wasn't even in a state of mind to be enjoying her begging. All he could feel was hate and rage. He lunged at her, gripping his clawed fingers around her neck. She tried to push him back, going into a kind of panic attack as she fell to the ground with the demon over her, slowly suffocating her.
   Before she could even die, she turned to stone in his grip. Lord Nightmare roared in frustrated rage as though he didn't mean to turn her to stone as well.

   He raised his hand and smashed her statue with his fist, cracking the stone lethaly, with a look of terror in her eyes to stay as an example for other hunters.
   Lady Eterna and the oh so brave knights of the King's guard were left in Lord Nightmare's tracks to, very graciously, block the road to Dreamtale for him while he continued on to Undertale.

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