True Friends

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   In the capital of the kingdom, Undertale, there was a castle. And in that castle there was a dungeon.

   The dungeon full of vampires lay under the ground like a tomb, or a morgue. A dark hall full of tightly sealed doors lead to rooms where no light could get in. Keeping the held vampires safe from the sun, while not using barred cells that a bat could fly through.
   There weren't very many of these special cells, so as the sun continued to hide behind the clouds, more vampires were caught and drought to the dungeon for their execution. Leading to each cell slowly gaining more and more vampires to share the small space.

   No matter what kind of life they came from, they'd throw them all together. From nobility to poverty, they were all equally going to die by the next sun rise.

   The over crowded room stank. For Lord Dream, it stank of fear and hopelessness, which didn't help his nerves as he chose to cling to his section of the wall and hide there. They weren't fed, as immortals they didn't need to be fed. But the vampiric thirst for blood persisted, even though the lack of blood also wouldn't kill them. The only reason the vampires didn't turn on each other for blood was because vampire blood wouldn't be good enough to quench their thirst. It wouldn't even taste pleasant if they tried.
   Still, the possibility of a starving vampire going mad and trying to drink from a fellow prisoner kept each of them scared of each other. Their glowing eyes watched each other in the dark suspiciously, as they kept to themselves as best as they could in their tight space.

   The door opened, and torch light shone through. The first new thing to occur in at least 12 hours. Usually, the door would open for a new vampire to be thrown in, then everyone would have to shuffle and reestablish their sections in the room.
   But not this time.
   "Dream?" A guard called. They didn't have the decency to treat them as people, yet they used their names.
   "Yes?" Dream responded.
   "You have a guest." confusion, fear, and the slightest bit of hope ran through Dream as he was allowed to step into the dim fire light. Of course, it was plenty bright enough compared to the dark that Dream's eyes had gotten used to.

   Dream still wore the outfit he had on at the royal ball a few days ago. Minus his circlet, and his golden cape, making his white wings impossible to hide from sight.

   Sr Azure stood behind a set of bars that separated the vampire section from the rest of the dungeon.
   "Sr Azure!" Dream's hand touched the bars and burned from their silver plating. He quickly took his hand away and held it to his chest, rubbing the burn sorely. Sr Azure watched Dream quietly. All of the words he wanted to say suddenly got stuck in his throat as he saw Dream's wings.

   Somehow, his vampiric fangs and eyes became more obvious to Sr Azure. Dream had changed, it was just subtle enough that he never noticed before. Unless that was how Lord Dream always was? Azure couldn't think. He couldn't remember.
   Had his dear friend always been a vampire?
   Dream could smell it. The betrayal that Sr Azure felt as he looked at Dream up and down. Pity then came to his senses as it came off of Azure. Dream realized that he must have looked horrible. He hadn't slept a wink for these past few days after all. In the dark, his clothes had gotten filthy, and slightly torn when the guards took him away.

   "I thought we were friends." Sr Azure muttered shamefully.
   "We are. Or, I hope we still can be..." Dream tried to meet with Azure's eyes, just so his friend might be able to believe his sincerity. But Blue Azure couldn't seem to keep eye contact with someone who had lied to him.
   "It's a bit late for that. You're going to be executed tomorrow." Sr Azure bravely held in his tears, ultimately still distraught that his friend was going to die.
   "Help me..." Dream whispered as quietly as he could so the guards maybe wouldn't hear him.
   "I can't..." Sr Azure muttered just as quietly with a wimper in his throat.
   "I'm still me, I'm still Dream." Dream tried to convince his friend that he wasn't a demon despite being a vampire.
   "Mon ami, vous m'avez menti!" (My friend, you lied to me!) Sr Azure huffed in frustration at Dream. "Le dire est une trahison, mais je me fiche que tu sois un vampire!" (What I say now is treasonous, but I don't care that you are a vampire!) Azure confessed only in French, knowing that most other guards didn't speak the language well enough to understand him.

   "Hey! Speak english you two!" A guard got paranoid about Azure and the vampire making alliances.
   "Stuff your crumpets!" Sr Azure shouted back in his more exaggerated French accent. As his heart raced with anger for Dream, it got harder for him to speak clearer english.
   "Azure," Dream tried to explain himself.
   "Non! How long have you been like this?! Have you lied to me our entire friendship without batting an eye?!" He accused as his eyes watered in hurt and betrayal.
   "You've seen me in the sun a hundred times before!" Dream argued back, "It's only been a few months! Not long at all!"

   "You still lied..." Azure huffed as he crossed his arms.
   "Since I turned, I didn't know who of my friends I could trust, if anyone at all! Especially you!" Dream attacked, scowling at his friend for being so short-sighted, "You who oh so proudly works directly for the King who's going to have me killed! The King who has me trapped down here!"
   Sr Azure stopped to look again. It was true. Sr Azure wanted nothing more than to be a knight for the kingdom since he was a child. When he was knighted, he wouldn't stop talking about it.

   He told anyone and everyone who would listen, his brother, his village, and eventually Lord Dream of a far off land called Dreamtale. Lord Dream was more than happy to listen to Azure ramble about his job as a royal knight. It's how they met. Lord Dream was an infinitely friendly face and was even willing to learn French so they could continue talking to each other in their own languages.
   But from Lord Dream's point of view, he had every reason not to tell him about his vampiric crisis.

   Sr Blue Azure's morals were strong. Lying was bad. But in the face of a rather painful visit with King Reaper. Even Azure had to admit that he might've made the same decision in Lord Dream's position.

   "Mon ami..." (My friend...) Sr Azure softened apologetically. He realized how cruel he was being to Dream.
   "How am I supposed to know that you weren't helping the king poison me?" Dream questioned him back.
   "I never lie. I'm terrible at it." Azure spoke honestly, of course, "I spoke with the King, he said that he kept me out of it because I can't lie, and because he knew that we were friends. He was afraid that I wouldn't be able to lie to you. And I would ruin the ambush." He confessed, "En fait, il a eu raison de ne pas me mettre au courant de son plan..." (In fact, he was right to keep me out of it...) He again, confessed in French.

   "That's enough!" The guard called time for Dream to be taken back to his cell.
   "Please Azure, I don't want to die..." Dream begged.
   "I can't..." Sr Azure said again, his watering eyes finally dripped with tears. The King was already watching Sr Azure too closely for him to do anything.
   "Then please tell me where Nightmare is!" Dream begged as the guards tried to pull Dream away, while being cautious of the dangerous creature that Dream was to them.
   "Lord Nightmare will be in Dreamtale by now. It's too late." Sr Azure wish he knew how to lie, even for the sake of comforting his friend on his last night before the sun would finally rise in the morning. "Je ne peux pas..."


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