A Threatening Government

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  take a shot every time this chapter says "vampire"
You will get hammered.

   Lord Nightmare brushed out the wrinkles of his clothes and fixed the imperfections of his outfit. Particularly, making sure that his collared shirt was firmly covering his neck before he walked down the grand staircase to the foyer of his castle that now happened to be crawling with vampire hunters with mud-covered boots and smelled like the lowest poverty of the big capital of the kingdom.

   How was it that the same city that housed the King's castle also housed the filthiest commoners?
   It pays to live with only a small village, where there could be more clean water to go around and bathe in.
   "My Lord! Forgive me! I tried to stop them-" The butler pleaded to his Lord before Nightmare raised his hand for him to zip it.

   "What is the meaning of this!?" Lord Nightmare shouted as soon as he saw the leader of the group.
   Lady Undyn Eterna of Undertale, the current president of the vampire hunters, and the only present to actually convince the King to collaborate with the hunters. Making her the most successful president of the vampire hunters. Which, of course, was not a good thing for Lord Nightmare.
   Since she was working directly under King Asriel, it meant that Lord Nightmare couldn't just kill her and her group then and there.

   "Ah! Lord Nightmare! You're up quite late." She observed. It was the middle of the night, after all. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm here on business." She was sarcastic, Lady Eterna hated Lord Nightmare as if it was proven that he was a vampire. Unfortunately for her, because of Lord Nightmare's noble position in the kingdom, she couldn't just arrest him without solid proof that he was a vampire or at least in correlation with vampires.
   "We have been tracking a vampire for the past few hours, and now I have reason to believe that said vampire has taken refuge in your castle." It must have been Lady Eterna's lucky day since this was the perfect excuse to raid Lord Nightmare's castle. With a wave of her hand, the other hunters ran off through every hallway of the castle, "You would do well to comply with us, under the King's law."

   "I can see that you, in fact, do not need my permission. I will let this intrusion slide only because it is the law. As you said." Lord Nightmare growled at her as he held back his utter rage. Lady Eterna's satisfied smirk did not help his anger dwindle.
   "I'm sure you could learn to forgive the mess if it is in the name of eradicating vampires everywhere." She tested him.
   "I do support the King's effort to kill off the hell beasts, but I can assure you that I am not one to keep around pests." Lord Nightmare, unfortunately for Eterna, past the test.
   "You think you could kill a vampire?" She huffed in amusement.

   "What makes you think I haven't killed one before?" Lord Nightmare asked back. Lady Eterna held back a laugh, but she kept her cocky smirk.
   "It is funny, however, that you say you are so supportive of our efforts to exterminate vampires, yet your family is one of the only nobles who haven't donated any funds to our effort." She tested.
   "Don't you get enough funds from our taxes?" Lord Nightmare glared.
   "Probably, but if you support our efforts, then why not donate a little extra? Every little bit makes the process surprisingly faster." She smiled at him.
   "Lady Eterna." He lectured, "I support the King's effort, but it is no secret that we do not get along. Consider my donation to be not charging you for the damages of raiding my home when there isn't even a vampire to begin with." Lady Eterna glared at him for that one.

   "Nightmare! Why are there so many people here?!" Lord Dream looked a little better dressed for guests, "Evening lady Eterna, has something happened that we should know about?" Lord Dream played oblivious very well.
   "Both of you are up very late tonight." She observed again.
    "We don't like to hide from the dark in Dreamtale. It is in our ancient culture to worship both the sun and the moon." Lord Dream explained. "We've been staying up much later as of recently."
   "To better defend our land." Lord Nightmare added.
   "Especially with all this talk of vampires lately. It's become such a popular topic, it seems." Lord Dream smiled to her.
   "Indeed. I have to admit that your family is not the only ones who have made a switch in sleep schedule for that exact reason." Lady Eterna hated how well they'd hidden their vampiric nature. They seemed untouchable least they slip up somehow.

   "You know. If I did find a vampire in your castle, I could arrest you both for sheltering it." She thought out loud as she decided to try being a little more hostile to get them to make a mistake. Lord Nightmare glared daggers as Lord Dream stepped closer to his protector in terrified worry that she would just arrest them.
   "Is that right? Correct me if I am wrong, but I'd hate to think that a professional like yourself would have come here to raid my home based on the soul fact that you have fallen victim to the rumours going on about myself and my family. And then lie about your intent..." Lord Nightmare accused her.

   "Nothing to report, my Lady!" A hunter informed Lady Eterna, "But we found a broken vase in the study."
   Lady Eterna looked to Lord Drean and Nightmare for an explanation. A "got you" smirk slowly crept to her face as they struggled to think of an explanation.
   "I'm afraid that I knocked it over when I was frightened to hear your hunters barge through our doors. For a moment, I thought we were being robbed." Lord Dream spoke up, making Lady Eterna's smile fall.

   "As I said earlier. Consider it a donation that I do not charge you for damages." Lord Nightmare reminded.
   "Oh, you think I care so much about your generous donation." She mocked, "Not to worry, Lord Nightmare! I was only teasing you! Though it does go to show that you are just as stingy with your old money as your mother was."
   "Lady Eterna!" It was Lord Dream's turn to lecture her, "You would do well to not speak badly of the dead in her resting place!" Lord Dream defended his family from her blatant insult.
   "Apologies, my lord." She bowed her head to Lord Dream with her hunting hat to her chest, though it wasn't sincere in the slightest.

   "We have complied with your search, yet still you have found nothing. So what are you still doing here? Did your imaginary vampire fly away already?" Lord Nightmare growled, "Or are you still searching for proof that I am a vampire?!" He yelled.
   "Nightmare!" Lord Dream yelled at him for saying something so blunt.
   "Admit it, you liar! These are an awful lot of hunters for chasing just one measly vampire! Because you were never hunting a vampire! You came here to arrest me for something that isn't even true!" Lord Nightmare's brave accusations could very well get Lady Eterna in trouble with the King or other nobles if they were in writing.
   At that point, she decided it might be best to back off before Lord Nightmare did anything to ruin her.

   "We are hunting a vampire! One that is of very high priority! And we best get going to find it. Seen as it's clearly not here, we wouldn't want to lose its trail." She never let herself shrink under Lord Nightmare's wrath.
   All the hunters gathered back into the foyer before heading out the door in an unordered fashion.

   "If you truly think it, Lady Eterna. Why not just ask me?" Lord Nightmare mocked in victory.
   "Are you a vampire, Lord Nightmare?" Lady Eterna asked.
   "No." Lord Nightmare answered simply. She huffed with a smirk. She was not one to just give up. She swore herself that she'd get him back on day.
   "Apologies for the inconvenience, my Lords," She bowed her head, "I wish you luck tonight."

   "Good night, Lady Eterna." Lord Dream's politeness was lined with nothing less than "Get the fuck off my doorstep."
   "None of your hunters better step foot in my village without undeniable proof that your imaginary high-priority vampire was in Dremtale!" Lord Nightmare threatened.
   "Of course, my lord~" Lady Eterna smirked at him. And with that, all the hunters mounted their horses' saddles and road off.


Vampire Verse [Dreammare] ~☆Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora