Public Speaking

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   Lord Dream dragged a growingly nervous Lord Nightmare through the streets of the village.
   Lord Dream refused to tell Lord Nightmare of what he was planning. And considering that Dream's plan required him to do something that Lord Nightmare would never ever tell Dream to do, it was quite likely going to be something that Lord Nightmare absolutely hated.

   They had gotten their baskets of gifts back from the dance floor before heading off to hell knows where. The village streets were busy enough and similar enough to each other that Nightmare could barely even tell where they were headed most of the time. Some of the buildings were tall enough that he couldn't even use landmarks to find North.

   People stared at the two as they rushed by. It was incredible to see how fast gossip could travel in the village. No doubt everyone knew about what happened at the dance.

   Before Lord Nightmare knew it, they were back in the village square and stepping back up onto the wooden stage. People gathered and went quiet as Lord Dream stepped up to the front.
   "Many of you may have heard of what happened between Lord Nightmare and Young Mr. Green. Lord Nightmare would like to say something about this subject." Lord Dream announced before going to Nightmare.
   "I what!?" Nightmare whisper yelled at Dream.
   "You would love to make a public apology about your behaviour at the dance." Dream insisted as he grabbed Nightmare's arm. Dream's vampiric strength didn't leave Nightmare a lot of room to argue.
   "My behaviour!? Dream I can't do this!" Nightmare was pushed to the front.

   "I have to apologize for shit I'm not sorry about all the time. It's apart of my job to lie and bend over backwards to make these filthy mortals happy with us. So you need to apologize to them to make them happy." Lord Dream could be ruthless if he wanted.
   By the time Lord Nightmare tried to argue again, Dream was already standing to the back of the stage while Nightmare stood up front.
   Given Nightmare's obvious attempts of getting out of this speech, the crowd was already staring at him unconvinced that he actually "wanted to say something" as Lord Dream said.
   All eyes were on Lord Nightmare as they whispered disapprovingly and gossiped.

   Lord Nightmare had no idea how to lead a crowd. How to make them feel what he wanted them to feel. They hated him, so how in the world was he going to make them applaud or believe his apology?
   "Address them, address what happened, but be vague. And don't mention vampires at all. Then apologize, like you mean it." Dream whispered in his ear, there was more that he could've said to help guide Nightmare but it would've likely taken all day, and Nightmare was losing the crowd with every second that he was silent.

   "You have to be honest with them, but of course, you have to lie in order to apologize. Be humble, but don't kick yourself down. Definitely don't overshare, but don't be quick about apologizing. Don't make excuses in your apology." Dream could have said, but didn't have the time.

   Nightmare couldn't keep up.
   "They like it when I talk to them." He remembered what Dream said earlier.
   Just say something.
   "People of Dreamtale..." Lord Nightmare stuttered but it was a start, he also needed to adjust his volume to be much louder, "You've all heard of what happened at the dance. And what happened with Mr. Green and myself..." Lord Nightmare didn't even know the guy's name until Dream said it.

   "Be vague, don't mention vampires. Or gossiping. Or the sister."
   So long as Lord Nightmare didn't say anything remotely like "let them eat cake" everything should be fine. He couldn't possibly make them all hate him more by making a humble apology.
   "Misunderstandings took place and... as a result, I acted inappropriately..." He made an excuse to start his apology, but he played it well enough that it wasn't so noticeable, "And I apologize for what I did... personally." Like ripping off a bandaid, Lord Nightmare found the words he needed without fumbling too much.
   He froze as he realized that Dream's instructions had ran out in his head. He apologized, but now what?

   "Why did you punch him!?" Someone yelled.
   "You had a knife!" Someone else shouted as others started asking questions and talking in the crowd. Before everything got too out of hand however, Lord Dream tapped on Lord Nightmare's shoulder as he went to stand beside him.

   "Thank you Lord Nightmare. It was brave of you to admit your wrong doings." Lord Dream smiled softly while Nightmare looked like he was ready to die. People quieted down and shushed each other as Dream spoke.
   "It is a difficult thing to face uncomfortable topics such as our own faults. So I do hope that all of you can learn to forgive Lord Nightmare for what happened. I too, would like to personally apologize for what happened at the dance. Though it is amazing to see what small situations can spread through our community. Our communication with one another makes us stronger and keeps us whole." Lord Dream tried downplaying the event. Perhaps brushing it off would make the rumours not sound quite so bad if Lord Dream only thought of it as a small unfortunate event.

   "Otherwise, tonight has been absolutely radiant. But I'm afraid that Lord Nightmare and I will have to leave a little earlier than planned." Lord Dream announced, earning some disappointed moans from the crowd. "I know, it's disappointing. but I will see everyone again for Christmas. Good night, and have a wonderful Solstice. Even at home I will only sleep for the sun's light!" People cheered, at least Lord Dream would still be staying up late with them.
   Though Lord Dream's nocturnal sleep schedule would certainly help with keeping him awake that night.

   Lords Dream and Nightmare stepped off the stage together and started making their way to their carriage.
   "How could you put me through such torture?" Lord Nightmare whimpered helplessly, drained from the experience.
   "I had to find some way of maybe proving that you don't control me. Would you rather I had thrown you in the lake infront of everyone?" Lord Dream teased,
   "A public speech was not the worst idea..." Lord Nightmare admitted quickly after hearing that possibility. Dream laughed
   "Perhaps I will have to suck out that stress that they caused you~" Lord Dream smiled to him.

   "Did you plan for that just so you could... drink." Lord Nightmare asked at the realization, but Lord Dream was already speaking with someone else.
   "Goodnight Ms. Riverside. Yes, until then." He now had the privilege of saying goodbye to everyone in the village. What a drag that Lord Dream's job is. "Good night! You as well!"
   Perhaps being loved by everyone would not be such a good thing after all.

   It took an age for them to get to their carriage, luckily, Mr. Snow, their driver was all ready to go by the time they got there. The driver and the chauffeur, of course, got to have their fun at the festival while the lords were out. Other members of staff had been at the festival and would be back at the castle and ready to work by the time they would be needed.


A bit of an uneventful chapter, but I swear that the next one will make up for it

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