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   Lord Dream walked down the hall cautiously, his gold cape gently flowing behind him while he still wore Nightmare's larger white shirt. He took light steps and avoided disturbing the floorboards that creaked.
   A maid, who had heard the crash and was rushing to see if his lords needed him to clean anything, but was quite surprised to see Lord Dream not in the room at all.

   "Mr. Lust, would you leave this to me, please? And tell the others to stay at a safe distance as well." Lord Dream spoke calmly to ease the maid as he realized that the cause of commotion in the castle's second-floor study had to be from a break in.
   Someone had broken into the castle. But on the second floor? The only way to get in there from the window would be from an excellent climbing monster, like a spider, or by flying.
   The maid gulped as he nodded to his Lord before running off.

   Lord Dream took a deep breath before opening the door to the study and walking in.
   The intruder and Lord Dream met eyes immediately. He was a young skeletal man, with dark bones and the black wings of a vampire. But his clothes were clearly from a noble class, and it was immediately clear by his eyes and his smell, he was afraid.
   The young man panted heavily as if he'd been running from something, and while he cornered himself tightly between the wall and a bookshelf as he sat on the ground, he never jumped to attack Lord Dream.

   The window next to him was wide open where he must have flown in, but an old vase lay shattered on the ground next to him. Lord Dream glanced at the window right before it closed seemingly on its own and slightly startling the young vampire.
   "What do you want?" Lord Dream couldn't smell anything on him that would suggest malicious intent, but each of them kept their distance from each other.
   "I swear, I'm not here to steal from you!" The young man pleaded as he stood, knowing full well that the Lord before him was a vampire just from his smell, he then tucked his wings behind his black and magenta cape.

   Lord Nightmare finally walked into the study, fully dressed, and with a sword in hand. The moment he saw the vampire hiding in the corner, he pointed his blade to him, frightening the young man further and making him hiss defensively at Lord Nightmare in attempt to frighten him away.
   Lord Dream stepped in front of Nightmare protectively and hissed back with a far more hostile sound. The young man backed down pretty quickly at that.
   "Please, just let me hide here a little longer, then I'll be gone before you know it! I swear!" The young man begged them as he hid in the corner. Lord Dream gently pushed Nightmare's blade down, encouraging him to put his sword away.
   Lord Nightmare did so reluctantly, though he still kept it close to him.

   "You broke a five hundred year old vase." Lord Nightmare noticed the damage that the young vampire caused.
   "I'm so sorry! I can pay for it! I swear!" He apologized profusely.
   "Nightmare," Lord Dream just about rolled his eyes at him, "That vase was ugly anyway. You won't have to pay for it Mr..." Lord Dream asked for his name.
   "Jasper!" He answered, "Lord PaperJam Jasper of the Fallacy family." He felt obligated to say his full name if it would convince them to help him.
   "I am Lord Dream of Dreamtale, and this is Lord Nightmare also of Dreamtale." Lord Dream introduced himself and Nightmare, hoping to ease the young Lord's nerves. His smell of fear and anxiety was putting Lord Dream off.

   "Lord Nightmare?" Lord Jasper, of course, had heard of the Lord who the entire kingdom thinks is a vampire, "How interesting that the reality is that Lord Dream is the vampire." calmed himself, though still nervously staying in the corner. Lord Jasper hadn't quite realized that his words could easily be taken as a threat to both of them.

   Lord Nightmare raised his sword at young Lord Jasper,
   "And you won't say a word of it outside this room, least I cut your throat out." Lord Nightmare was the one threatening the other.

   "No! Never! I swear on my life! Not after you already saved mine." Lord Jasper held his hands up in defence. Lord Dream tried to get Nightmare to put away his sword again.
   "We saved your life? How do you mean?" Lord Dream asked.
   "I've been chased by the vampire hunters all night, since as far as the next town over." Lord Jasper confessed.
   "Oh goodness! You poor thing! You must be so exhausted!" Lord Dream approached Lord Jasper to give him a protective and sympathetic hug. Lord Jasper was hesitant, but it was difficult to refuse a hug from Dream when you needed one.

   "You Lead The Vampire Hunters Here!?" Lord Nightmare scolded with a roar at him for the panic-inducing thought.

   Before anything else, they heard the front door of the castle get loudly kicked in, followed by what sounded like the footsteps of an entire army storming into the foyer.
   "Nightmare!" Lord Dream panicked as he looked to his protector, Lord Jasper now clung to Lord Dream in terror.
   "Hide him." Lord Nightmare ordered simply as he brushed out the wrinkles in his clothes and put away his sword before leaving the study to greet the unwelcome guests at his front door.


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