Blood Moon

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   "Devil!!" A man's voice yelled through the crowd of dancers as the music suddenly stopped with a yelp of people getting pushed to the side.
   "Stay the hell away from my sister you Vampire!!" The man darted at Lord Nightmare dancing with the young woman who tried to pursue him in romantic affairs.

   "Stop! He is not a vampire!" The young woman tried to reason with her brother, but quickly jumped away with a yell as she saw her brother take out his sliver dagger.
   People screamed as they saw the furious man carry a lethal weapon.
   "You seduced my sister with your black magic!!" He screamed at Lord Nightmare before attempting to slash at him. Lord Nightmare jumped back from the swinging action before he could get hit then he quickly ran at the guy who clearly didn't actually know how to fight with a blade.

   Even so, Nightmare was able to move much faster than him at darting toward the man and unarm him before punching the man square in his snout, making him fall back against the dance floor, but not without getting his fingers cut by the blade.
   While Nightmare knew he could win a fight against the man, knife vs hands was never at good odds for Nightmare.

   Lord Dream smelt Nightmare's blood before anyone else even saw it run down his hand.
   A man from the crowd fainted at the sight of blood, creating more yelping from the people who stood by.

   The crazed man yelled at Nightmare before he tried to get get back up, but people jumped on him to hold him down as soon as Lord Dream stepped between him and Nightmare.
   "This is a festival! You should be ashamed of yourself for making such a scene!!" Lord Dream roared at him. Everyone kinda flinched at the never-heard-before hostile tone that Lord Dream used.
   Even the man who tried to attack Nightmare was shaken for a moment before he got up off the ground and argued.
   "My Lord! Why are you the only one who can't see it!?" He yelled at Dream, "Everyone else can! He is a vampire sent by the devil! He has used his witchcraft to blind you from the truth!"

   "He has not! He is not a vampire! And he never was! All of you have been feeding off of the same lies as everyone else! And I will not be listening to any more of it!" Dream screamed at not only him, but everyone that was around. He was furious with everyone, but the smell of Nightmare's blood filled the air like an alluring smoke and made him desperately thirsty.
   He couldn't bring himself to yell at them anymore, as he just turned his head to Nightmare and stared at his bloodied hand with his mouth parted open slightly.

   "Dream. Let them be. Don't waste your breath on them." Nightmare took Dream's arm gently, stepping in before Lord Dream did anything rash, or perhaps vampiric.
   "See! Look! Lord Dream is following orders from Lord Nightmare! He is hexed!" The man yelled and pointed at them.
   "Lord Dream is hexed!" Mis. Silk yelped along with him as people whispered to each other.
   Lord Nightmare did his best not to glare at the lunatics, he just tried to walk faster as Dream held his hand to his mouth to stop himself.

   Lord Dream bit his tongue as they went. His mouth watered as he tried to hold back his urge.
   "Night... mare..." Dream whimpered as he looked around at all the people that would see him if he tried drinking from Nightmare's cut.
   "I know. Just a moment." Lord Nightmare held Dream close as they walked faster down the decently busy road, but he also made sure to keep his bloodied hand away from him.

   Lord Nightmare brought Dream to an empty narrow road between two buildings with no windows.
   As soon as they were alone Nightmare undid his cufflink and rolled up his sleeve before offering his hand to Dream who just about pounced on it.
   Dream dragged his tongue along the drips of blood that ran down his fingers before hungrily taking them each into his mouth and sucking on the phalanges until his hand was clean of blood.

   "Nightmare~ Please~ I need more..." Dream begged as he leaned into Nightmare's neck and chest.
   "You can't ruin my shirt here!" Nightmare rolled up his sleeve more and offered his wrist to Dream.
   Dream took Nightmare's arm and sunk his teeth into his wrist. Nightmare flinched for a moment at the sting, but grew used to it as Dream drank.

   Nightmare tasted like anxiety form the whole ordeal, still, his love and care for Dream never failed to shine through on his tongue, and the taste of anxiety faided as Dream drained away Nightmare's worries.
   Even as hard as Nightmare tried not to, the lingering taste of arousal started flowing through his blood. His mind kept picturing Dream sucking on his fingers so desperately and needingly.
   As Dream started to slow down from drinking, pulling his fangs out and licking and sucking on the marks, he started crying.

   "Dream?!" Nightmare held Dream as he cried.
   "You're right! They are nothing but horrible leeches that suck out all that is joyful in the world!" Dream cried into Nightmare's chest.
   Nightmare felt awful for Dream, he couldn't help but blame himself for making Dream cry on his behalf.
   After all, Nightmare was evil.

   "Please, don't let them get to you. You have to learn to let go of what they say or it will destroy you..." Nightmare stroked Dream's head gently, before kissing his circlet, "Please don't let them get to you."
   "Is this why you left me? Because of what these people said to you?" Dream asked, looking up to face Nightmare.
   "Yes..." Nightmare hesitated to answer.
   "Why did you ever come back?" Dream wiped his tears as he continued to lean into Nightmare.
   "You." Nightmare didn't hesitate that time, he stroked Dream's cheek gently, "I wanted you to come with me... But it's clear now that we can't abandon our responsibility to The Tree." Nightmare was saddened to admit it, but the power to create vampires shouldn't be left unguarded.

   "Right... that." Dream sighed sadly. "How... How did you get past it? How do you not let their words get to you?" Dream asked, leaning into Nightmare's touch.
    "I haven't entirely... gotten past it. What they said back then still gets to me sometimes. Being called 'evil'. Sometimes I believe it as truth. Knowing that they can't physically hurt me anymore helps. But mostly, how I get past it, is knowing that they can't do anything to take me away from you. No one can, not anymore, not ever." Nightmare answered as he held Dream close, "I missed you so much when I was away, most nights I couldn't sleep as all I could think about was you." He didn't hesitate to admit.

   They stared into each other for a moment, Dream felt loved, and needed.
   They kissed each other deeply, only parting when they remembered that they were in the middle of the village by the sound of fireworks.
   "I want to go home..." Dream huffed tiredly.
   "Then let's go." Nightmare smiled softly.
   "No." Dream sighed, "We can't leave quite yet." He took out his handkerchief and took Nightmare's arm,
   "Why not?" Nightmare asked.
   "They think I am under your dark spell to be compliant to your demands." Dream explained as he wrapped the handkerchief around Nightmare's wounded wrist and hand, "Perhaps we could prove them wrong if I am publicly disobedient to you." He smirked almost sinisterly,
   "Disobedient?" Nightmare repeated, "What exactly do you have planned?" He asked.

   "You'll have a more convincing reaction if I don't tell you~" Dream pecked his mouth before dragging him away.

Vampire Verse [Dreammare] ~☆Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora