In Power (Smut)

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So,  last chapter was fun~
Let's keep going with the fun!☆

   Lord Nightmare flipped through his papers. Piles of documents to read over and sign spread across his desk, as well as official notices and letters, and envelopes of money from the various business or townspeople that owe his family money.
   It was tedious and time-consuming work, but he only needed to do it a few times a month.
   The job gets harder with the more number of people who live on the Land of Dreamtale. If families grow bigger, then houses need to be made bigger, or there need to be more houses, and nothing in the village gets done without Lord Nightmare or Dream's approval.

   Lord Nightmare would hire someone else to do the work if he trusted anyone.

   Even while he was away and Lord Dream had to do the work, someone volunteered to assist Lord Dream with it. They then proceeded to steal a bunch of money from under Dream's nose.
   Lord Nightmare gladly ran them through with his sword, though a lot of that money was never seen again. Lord Nightmare could hardly blame Lord Dream for it, he was dealing with his own things at the time. Like grieving.
   All the more reason for Nightmare to kill the thief who stole from a defeated Lord.
   With that said, Lord Nightmare could easily blame himself for leaving Dream with all those tasks in the middle of his grieving.

   A knock rang through the door.
   "What is it Dream?" Lord Nightmare answered. Only Lord Dream was brave enough to disturb Lord Nightmare while he was working.
   Dream pushed the door open with a small handful of letters in his hand.
   "Mr. Smith came by with more documents and stuff that I can't even decipher." He walked in and placed the letters on Lord Nightmare's desk.
   "And why didn't Mr. Smith bring them to me himself? Or the butler for that matter." Lord Nightmare grumbled as he took the letters and quickly skimmed through them.

   "Mr. Smith and Mr. Wilson didn't want to disturb you." Lord Dream answered as he leaned over the desk with each of his palms pressed against the edge of it.
   "You shouldn't have to be the one giving me these. You're not a secretary." Lord Nightmare huffed.
   "You are the one who yells at anyone who walks into your office unannounced. They don't want to get yelled at by you." Lord Dream smiled at him. Lord Nightmare peaked up from his paper to look at Lord Dream's outfit.

   His white shirt seemed to be too large for him as it was loose and baggy, though it didn't help that he didn't even have all the buttons done up. He was purposefully wearing it improperly.
   "Is that my shirt?" Lord Nightmare asked, tearing his eyes away from Dream's bare chest. By Lord Nightmare's standards, he was practically naked.
   "Yes," Lord Dream smiled as his head tilted. Another button undid itself magically. Lord Nightmare tried desperately to not stare, but Dream leaned down further to supposedly look at one of the pages on the desk.
   Lord Nightmare peaked up, and could see all the way down his shirt. Dream wasn't even wearing a corset as he usually did, leaving nothing to the imagination.

   "You are trying to seduce me for something." Lord Nightmare accused,
   "What? What would make you think that!?" Lord Dream stood up still keeping his palms against the desk as he acted all surprised.
   "Don't try to hide it! You're not wearing that shirt properly at all!" Lord Nightmare ranted as he leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed, "You're basically only half dressed!"
   "Then why are you looking?~" Lord Dream cooed at him.
   "You're the one who keeps putting it in my face!" Lord Nightmare argued.
   "No~" Dream smiled.

   Dream crawled up onto the desk with his wings reaching out behind him as Nightmare's chair was suddenly dragged closer to the desk on its own.
   Nightmare tensed and almost shrunk in his chair as he was stopped right in front of Dream's exposed ribcage. If he looked up, his nose would brush against Dream's chest.
   "Now, I am putting it in your face." Dream gripped the back of Nightmare's heavy oak chair as his wings fluttered while he leaned over Nightmare.
   "Dream~" Nightmare whined helplessly, his breaths were shallow as he squeezed his eyes shut.
   "You don't have to pretend that we aren't in love, remember? It's our castle now."

   Nightmare opened his eyes nervously, as his deep blush burned his entire face.
   He gently kissed one of Dream's ribs.
   "Come on~" Dream encouraged. Nightmare reached his hands up Dream's chest as he sat up in his chair. He kissed Dream's ribs delicately before trailing up to Dream's neck. Starting to suck on his bones and unbutton Dream's shirt fully so he could see more of him.
   Dream smiled softly as he felt Nightmare's hands all over him. Feeling that Nightmare wanted to touch him. Not anyone else. Just him.
   "I adore you..." Nightmare muttered against Dream's bones as he kissed his body. The smell of love and praise grew thick on Nightmare's sent. It made Dream feel loved, and wanted.
   Lord Dream had been feeling down that night, so he thought this would get the attention he wanted out of Nightmare.

   Why was it that Dream could only feel this way from Nightmare's smell and the taste of his blood?
   He needed to feel loved by Nightmare but at times he felt clouded to Nightmare's love for him. As if Lord Dream didn't quite believe it himself.

   Dream pulled Nightmare's face away from his chest with his delicate hand, he pulled Nightmare's gaze to his eyes before almost desperately locking his mouth with Nightmare's.
   Nightmare moaned against Dream's mouth just from how sloppy Dream was kissing him. He devoured Nightmare's mouth, clawing at Nightmare's shoulders, neck and shirt just to pull him closer. Desperate to be touched by Nightmare.

   Dream's tongue snaked around Nightmare's and guided it closer before Dream sunk his fang into Nightmare's tongue.
   Nightmare jumped and pulled back at the sudden pain, but Dream crawled onto him in his chair and sucked on his tongue before Nightmare could even taste his own blood.
   Nightmare moaned in the sloppy, hungry kiss, as Dream sucked the blood out of Nightmare's mouth.

   Nightmare started to taste more like lust again as they went. Dream's hunger always excited Nightmare. He wrapped his arms around Dream's hips to pull his body closer and press against him.
   Especially as Dream sucked out all of the stress from work, Nightmare relaxed again in his seat with Dream in his lap.

   Nightmare's wounded tongue lulled out of his mouth as Dream pulled away from the kiss at last.
   Nightmare panted with his tongue out as his eyes struggled to keep focused.
   "If you wanted to drink..." Nightmare trailed off in his lust dazed state,
   "This was more fun~" Dream pecked his mouth before leaning back only to examine the crime that was Nightmare's fully dressed body.

   He unclipped the gold pin on the silk cravat around Nightmare's neck before untying it completely and tossing the fine fabric aside. Lord Nightmare always wore the appropriate tight-fit clothes for the century they lived in, but it meant that Dream could only see his body on rare and isolated occasions.
   He was eager to undress Nightmare. Making quick work of his shirt buttons, before leaning into his neck.
   "Not my neck- They'll see!" Nightmare protested as he felt Dream's breath against his jaw and spine.
   "Considering the way you dress, they won't see shit~" Dream teased, he only got to smell Nightmare's neck before he lowered his mouth to his collarbone and bit down.

Lol part two coming soon ✌️

Vampire Verse [Dreammare] ~☆Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang