"I know but parents are something altogether different. Don't you think you're moving too fast?" I said rubbing my arm growing embarrassed, it was awkward knowing his parents knew all about me when my Dad knew nothing.

"I don't understand, everything has been fine between us for the past week. I've walked you to class and everything you asked for." Alex said, looking at me confused. He was right, these past few weeks have been the happiest. I haven't even thought about my other feelings... feelings that were possibly disappearing. That wasn't important right now.

"It isn't serious, people are beginning to stare." I whispered grabbing onto his arm. The bell was gonna ring any minute and I didn't wanna leave this on bad terms.

"I just don't understand why you won't meet my parents. I don't even have to meet your Dad if you aren't comfortable with that." Alex pleaded again.

"...I'll see you later." I leaned up, on my toes kissing his cheek. "I'll think about it." I said, giving him a small smile. I walked off, I needed to get to class before I was late.


I had been avoiding Alex all day, I didn't have an answer. I didn't want to feed him another lie either. I didn't know what to say, I'd never met anyone's parents before. So, I was in the library keeping an eye out for him. Just in case he did come in here.

"What are you doing?

I jumped, bumping the bookshelf in front of me. A couple of books fell on me. I turned around and saw Olivia and Megan. Megan was Olivia's friend and she was also on the cheer squad just less mean and bitchy.

"Nothing, I have sessions in the library." I said walking over to my table. Henry and I had our sessions thirty minutes before lunch just
In case I needed to cram for an exam or something. It was useful so I always came.

"Oh, I heard you were getting help on becoming smarter." Olivia said, eyeing the books on the table.

"Henry is a cute boy, I might just wait so I can steal his number. I need a plus one anyway." Olivia mumbled to Megan. Megan giggled and covered her mouth.

"A plus one for what?" I asked as if it wasn't the same gala Alex was talking about.

"Well, only the elite know about the event. The Benson WhiteTail Event. They always manage to raise over a million for each charity event. The parties are always dramatic." Megan explained with a huge smile on her face. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You know WhiteTail International? They help animals survive and healthy during the hot months until it's time for them to strive in the winter on their own." Megan continued, It was becoming obvious she must've loved animals.

"My parents and I are going to donate." Megan said, nodding a final time before quieting down.

"Anyway, that was a snoozefest. Megan you just almost put me to sleep." Olivia said before taking a seat at the table.

"Whitetail is an amazing foundation, I'm glad that the Bensons have-"

"Okay, Megan shut up." Olivia cut her off. Her eyes watching something behind me, or someone. I turned slowly and followed her gaze.

"Henry, right?" I heard Olivia ask, Henry nodded slowly. Henry placed his bag on the table, still probably confused about why the company was there.

"Did you want to cancel today?" Henry turned to look at me. He looked so sleepy, like he needed an extra hour of sleep.

"Uh, no. They were just leaving." I said loud enough for them to hear.

"She's right. I just wanted to ask you a question before you left." Olivia stood from her seat, her satanic gaze on Henry.

"You've ever been to a charity event before?" Olivia asked, tilting her head and pouting. She leaned forward, her hands on the table. Her chest was almost falling out of her shirt.

"I usually don't go to places with strangers," Henry said, ignoring her and digging into his bag.

"We don't have to be strangers." Olivia walked over to his side. I couldn't make out her facial expressions anymore with Henry blocking my view.

"You could give me your number and I could easily fix that situation." She put her hands on his shoulders, pushing her chest into his back. I rolled my eyes, looking away from them. It was obvious Olivia wanted to mess with me.

"Listen, I'll give you my number. Hand me your phone." Olivia asked. I did see Henry do exactly that. For some reason, my stomach twisted and I felt like crying. Olivia was playing a sick game and I could feel it.

"Henry, are you sure you wanna go out with them?" I asked laughing, looking at the group. Megan was tapping away on her phone and Olivia was punching her digits into his phone.

"I haven't decided, besides I have issues to deal with." Henry said quietly. He must have been talking about Sabrina.

"You wouldn't have to stay long, just enough to at least enjoy Megan and me." Olivia said, handing him his phone with a sly smirk.

After, Olivia and Megan left the library. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"You do know all those events consist of drinking and biding insane amounts of money." I said playfully.

"It doesn't matter." Henry said.

"It doesn't matter like you are going?" I asked confused, Why would he go? He didn't need to go, especially with Olivia.

"No, meaning it's not your business." Henry said giving me a math worksheet, it was at least four pages.

"I know but...Olivia is a bitch." I said lowly. Leaning my head on my hand.

"So, you want me to form my opinion based on what you think? Or are you calling me irresponsible?" Henry narrowed his eyes at me.

"No, it's just, that I thought you didn't like that stuff or the popularity," I said, growing confused at where this was coming from.

"I don't but a lot of people do things to have fun, this isn't any different. I'm allowed to have fun." Henry argued.

I squinted my eyes at him, "I never said you couldn't. But you barely wanted to hang out with me when I met you. So what's different about this?"

"There you go, always having to know why I make the decisions I make. I don't ask you silly questions. I don't. Do I have to make this relationship a strictly school-based one?" Henry snapped.

"...are you okay?" I asked after a moment of silence, Henry was buried in his notes not even listening to me anymore. I sighed and focused on the worksheet in front of me.

What a great start to a new week.


I'm sorry I've been quiet...not that it matters. Hope y'all enjoyed

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