MALE OC - BIG (Half To Full Love Story)

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Name of OC :- Roman (Rome for short)

You know what, life is shitty. It is but seriously at this point it is sure that it can't be fixed least for big. Big is the main bodyguard of Theerapanyakul family's heir but what matters here is the situation.........situation of him falling in love with his boss, the mafia heir of Theerapanyakul family, only to regret his life decision.

God! He didn't wanted to fall for him........him, Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakul but what should big do? It is not his fault. Big is an orphan so from starting he had no one who would love him or show him that life matters, no one. But korn Theerapanyakul decided to took him but at what cost? His life. It's okay, it is not like life matters cause for big, life has no value, it had no value until kinn opened his eyes or maybe heart too which shouldn't had.

One week ago big got hurt during saving a person but it doesn't matters to him, of course not if he died than might as well die like a fighter but fuvk! He wasn't expecting kinn to took care of him as he took big to the hospital, took care of him and told him that life is not meaningless.

But there is nothing big can do cause kinn already has a person he loves, which is the same person big had saved that day......Porsche kittisawat. He was also a bodyguard to kinn until they both fall in love and porsche become their boss too which is nothing more than a curse to big.

He should had died that day, just.....just why did kinn saved him? To watch him suffer? Big knows there is no way he can leave this job and the position he holds and maybe that's why he is here drinking and crying inside the bar to reduce his heart pain which no one can understand other than him.

Big didn't notice a person sitting beside him as he just kept crying until he felt a hand on his cheek, wiping his tears which are falling, making him snuggle against the warm hand not caring about the fact that the person is stranger.

"you are too pretty to waste your tears on worthless things"

Big heard the deep voice from beside him but he couldn't see clearly since his eyes are blurry as he asked.

"how do you know it is worthless? Have you ever fall in love?"

Big asked while pouting angrily as the person beside him chuckled but didn't took his hand back from big's cheek since big is rubbing his cheek against it like a kitten.

"I have fall in love at first sight and maybe it is person in front of me" the person replied but big being drunk he thought the man is talking about the bartender in front of him as he said.

"the bartender does not suits you" Big replied while grabbing the strangers hand which was on his cheek as he said.

"you can leave now, I want to be alone"

WOW!! How should the person leave? By cutting his arm, so that big can have his arm while he leave with one arm attach to him? hell nah!!

"my hands"

"what!??" Big shouted angrily making the man shut up as he again went back to sleep the person's hand.

"sir, we have to go now"


"sir?..................what! Hey leave-"

"step back Jake"

"but sir-"


"as you say sir" Big heard a man coming beside them as he felt his body being lifted but he was too tired to argue or fight so he just put his head on the stranger's chest and slept without thinking of the consequences.

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