PORSCHE - KINN (Guide To Love)

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WARNING ⚠️ - <omegaverse>
Language - this is for inner wolf line

Being an omega sucks you know? Oh no you don't know. You would never know how kinn feels being the only omega in the house with all the people in surrounding being alphas too. And have to handle mafia work even though it is the heat week.

Just like today but today is a little different cause kinn forgot his heat suppressants as now he has no choice but to run cause his gaurds are not with him right now as he said he will handle the situation alone and now look what happened. Now he will get a punishment from his father and looks like he will loose his V card and he will remember it for his whole life.

He immediately run inside the bar he saw first and the first person he met there is also an alpha, fuvking great!! But he has no choice but to ask that alpha for help.


What the! his omega even come outside, seriously! Go on ask for help......no other choice. But the alpha still noticed him as he look behind kinn and then at kinn again as he come with a beer bottle in his hands and hugged kinn while whispering in is ear.

"act with me, you want help right?"

Kinn- no, his omega nodded against the alpha's neck as he hugged the alpha tightly making the alpha smile as he look behind people looking at kinn.

"may I know why are you running behind my dear omega?"

Porsche asked as he rub the omega's back to make him calm down by his pheromones since he know that the omega is in heat and is extremely sensitive.

"that omega is yours?"

One of the person asked who was running behind kinn as the omega stiffen in alpha's hold making the alpha release soothing pheromones.

"yes and you want something from my omega?"

Porsche asked while flexing his beer bottle making sure to warn the people by sign to stay away from the omega. Seeing this the gang behind kinn left not wanting to fight against a 'true blooded dominant alpha' and get admitted in the hospital.

When the the gang leave porsche noticed the omega is licking his neck while whimpering 'alpha' as he is releasing strong pheromones getting attention of every single alpha in the bar. So porsche took the omega to his room by carrying while releasing his won pheromone to calm the omega down.

He lay kinn down on the bed making the omega make grabby hands towards him as porsche unconsciously smiled at the cute gesture he kissed the omega's hand and told him to wait for a second before grabbing the water bottle and try to make omega drink it. But it seems the omega is not ready to drink as he started opening his clothes to calm the heat down but porsche knew the omega need water cause his throat is dry so he drink the water by himself before kissing the omega to make the omega drink water.

And the omega was thirsty, porsche is sure by the omega drunk the water from porsche's mouth as he again took a sip of water and kiss him again while rubbing the now naked omega to make him calm down.


And the way omega call porsche alpha is the most seductive thing porsche has ever heard in his life and he can swear for that. Many people had called him alpha but no one sounded this beautiful as kept kissing the omega and in the last..........




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