"Yes, always has been," he says. I nod my head.

"He couldn't even give me a damn minute," I say. We start walking towards the stairs. I stop at the top. "Are you ready? Also if you get in my way. I will kill you," I say. I didn't wait for him to answer me before I pushed the door open and joined the mass. I shot people who were rushing to get outside. I searched the first floor as I made my way out of the house to where the main fight was taking place. I see my brothers and their men.

"Echo, get over here and help!" someone from the American side shouted. My eyebrows narrow. I walked over to my brothers. "What are you doing?"

The area became quiet as the Americans stopped shooting to watch me. I stop next to Aurelio. He stares at me and I stare at him.

"You don't look too good," he says. I smile at him while shrugging.

"Nothing I haven't been through before," I say before looking around. My eyes land on Valentino and Valerico. They rush forwards and wrap their arms around me carefully. I wrap my arms around them, being careful of my gun. Devyn and Kian stood behind them. They gave me a nod. I smile at them.

"Trey is in the basement. Fetch him for me," I ordered. Devyn and Kian nod before walking away. After a few more seconds I finally pry my brothers off of me. I step away from them while shaking my head. "Dude, the least you could do is wait until we're home. When I know you won't leave me alone. Now is not the time for this," I chuckle. Valentino and Valerico nod before sighing.

"Why aren't they shooting still?" Nazario asked. I look at the Americans with a smirk.

"They don't want to get on my bad side," I say before looking at Nazario. He looks at me before nodding. My eyes went to find papà Santorelli. He stood a little away from the door. He was staring at the guys in shock. He slowly starts to step forward. His eyes squinted when he stepped out into the sun. He titled his head back with a smile forming on his face. He was down in the basement for years with no sun. This was probably refreshing to him. Papà Santorelli looked back at us.

"Oh uh your father is still alive," I say while turning around to face the guys. They all look at me. I point to their father. "Surprise," I mutter as they all look at their dad. Looks of shock were on all of their faces.

"Holy shit," Santino says. Papà Santorelli walks over to us. When he was close enough all of my brothers pulled him into a group hug.

"Get in on this," Matteo says. I look at them.

"Mm, I'll pass. I actually have to talk with Trey," I say before walking away. Devyn, Kian, and Trey walk out of the house.

"I don't understand what's happening, V," Trey says. I let out a sigh as I lean against the railing.

"Yeah, I know you're confused right now but I can explain it or you can ask your parents," I say. Trey looked at me.

"If you're saying we share the same mom, I don't want to see her. Not after hearing everything she put you through," Trey says before looking down at the ground. His eyebrows furrowed. I took a breath and explained everything I knew to him. He stayed silent the whole time listening to me. Once I was done Trey took a deep breath before running a hand through his hair. "They did this to you?" he asked. I nod my head. Trey winced while shaking his head. "I don't know what to say. That's a lot to process," Trey muttered. He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Do you know where Monroe is?" I asked. She was the only one I haven't seen yet.

"She was going out with Brielle. Didn't say where, sorry," Trey says. I nod my head before looking at my brothers. They all had smiles on their faces as they talked with our father.

"It's fine. I'll find her. I always find my mark," I say. Trey winces while nodding his head.

"You're not going easy on any of them are you? You brought Blitz and Arrow. I thought you guys weren't a team anymore?" Trey asked. Devyn and Kian laugh.

"She lied. We will always be a team," Kian says. I look at him with a smile. That's what I told Chris when he wanted us to work for him, that we were no longer a team. I didn't want Devyn and Kian being dragged into working for him. He never stopped at one mission he always had more lined up and didn't give you an option to pass them up or not.

"What happens to me now? I mean you have my parents and I'm only 16... wait why did you think we were the same age?" Trey asked. I look at him.

"Your dad said you were. Also we are in the same grade. I didn't even know you skipped a grade. We never really talked about your age," I say. Trey nods his head. "Also, I don't know what is going to happen to you now. I think I might have killed your father's second. So uh congrats on the promotion... Shit, I don't know. Are you even ready to run a mafia? Damn do you even want to be the leader? I mean I remember you not liking training and all. Always pissy about missions," I say. Trey's eyebrows raised.

"No I don't. My father always forced me to do stuff. With him in your possession I can be free from all this right?" Trey asked. I purse my lips.

"Maybe, you'll have to establish a new leader then you can be free."

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