Chapter 35

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Valeriana's pov

For the past three days I avoided Aurelio, Valerico, and Valentino. During lunch I hid in the library or outside. At home I usually come home late when everyone is asleep or I hide in my room. There was a knock on the door causing my heart to beat rapidly. Monroe and Trey look at me questioningly. I walk over to the door and listen. I couldn't hear anything. I unlock my door before slowly pulling it open. Verena stood in front of the door. She smiled at me. My eyes dart around the hallway. My brothers were not in sight. I looked at her suspiciously.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Why did you open the door like a dumbass?" Monroe asked, pulling the door open further. Verena looked at her before looking at me.

"Uh, your brothers sent me to check on you. They said they haven't seen you in a few days," Verena says. Of course they would send their friend to try and pry.

"I'm alive and standing. You can report that back to them," I say. Verena looks at me before nodding.

"Not well, got it," she says. I narrowed my eyes on her. "Relax, I'll say you're fine," Verena says before walking backwards a few steps. I nod my head. I turn around and my eyes widen when I see Monroe. She had her shirt off and was in her bra. Trey was no longer in the room but in the bathroom.

"Monroe, where the hell is your shirt?" I asked. Monroe looked around.

"I don't know!" She shouts. Trey walks out of the bathroom. A look of disgust took over his face when he saw his cousin.

"Goddamn Monroe!" Trey shouts. I take a deep breath before stepping out of my room.

"You know what. I'll check in with my brothers. Trey, get Monroe out. Monroe, find your damn shirt and get your dumbass back to your girlfriend," I say while following Verena towards Valerico's room.

"Woah, I have a girlfriend?" Monroe asked, sticking her head out of my room. "When did I make that dumb decision to settle down with someone?" Monroe asked me. My eyes widen as I run a hand down my face. Verena looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Two weeks ago, Monroe. Two weeks ago," I say with a sigh. I turn to her with a look. "Any more questions before I walk away?" I asked. Monroe made a face.

"Uh, would it be a bad time to ask you who I'm dating?" Monroe asked. Verena's eyes widened.

"You don't know who you're dating?" Verena asked. Monroe shook her head before looking at me.

"I have a girlfriend every week... Well apparently this last one has lasted longer," Monroe says.

"Considering you don't know who you've been dating for two weeks that isn't an accomplishment," Trey says tossing her a shirt.

"So, who is it?" Monroe asked.

"Brielle," Trey and I say. Monroe squinted her eyes.

"Follow up question. Is it still cheating if I was high each time?" Monroe asked.

"Yes, Monroe. It still counts," I say, giving her a look.

"Oh don't give me that look. You cheated on her first," Monroe smirks. My mouth dropped open before I closed it.

"Yeah with your dumbass. You want to know why it was you? You're too easy Monroe. I mean just listen to yourself. You didn't know you were dating someone and still sleeping with others. If Brielle is shocked to find this out then it sounds like she forgot how you were. I'd be shocked if you were loyal to her," I say. Monroe's mouth dropped open before she closed it before nodding.

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