Chapter 33

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Valeriana's pov

Janessa got me to stay home from school today. We were finishing up lunch with Kolton. He made us sandwiches. My phone beeped. I checked the message. It was from Miss Wells. She was asking me if I could walk Wiggles. Her cousin couldn't do it and she figured since I didn't come to school I could do it. I sent her a reply that I would do it.

"I gotta walk Miss Wells' dog. So I'll be back later," I say while standing up.

"Dog?" Janessa popped up from the ground. "Take me, take me. Daddy can I go?" Janessa asked, pulling on Kolton's pant leg. Kolton looks at me. Silently asking me if I wanted to take her. I nod my head.

"You can go," he says. Janessa cheers while running over to me. I take Kolton's car keys since he had a car seat in his car.

"We'll see you later. Bye dad," I say.

"Bye!" Janessa shouts while rushing out the door when I pull it open. Kolton chuckles. Janessa was waiting by the car door. I opened the back and she got in her seat. After I buckle her in I get into the front and start the car. I turn the radio on for Janessa. She bobbed her head to the music.

After parking in an empty space in the school parking lot I turn the car off. Janessa and I walk into the school. Janessa looked around with wide eyes. There were only a few students in the halls.

"What are these?" Janessa asked, pointing at the lockers.

"Lockers. It's to keep your bag and books in it while you are in class," I say.

"Do you have one?" she asked.

"Yes. do you want to see it," I asked. Janessa nods her head. She follows me to the locker. I unlock it before opening it. My locker was neatly organized. Janessa's eyes widened before she stepped into the locker and turned around so she was facing me. She giggled lightly as she looked up at me. I smile at her. Someone walked over to me. My locker door was shoved closed. Before it could slam shut and scare Janessa I shoved my hand between the metal. It slams on my hand before I push the door open.

"What the hell!?" I asked before turning to the side. I lightly pull Janessa from the locker before shutting it and locking the door. Alice stood next to me. Her eyes widened when she saw Janessa. I ignore the pain in my hand to grab Janessa's hand before I pull her with me to Miss Wells class. My hand throbbed. Once we stepped into the class I let Janessa's hand go. I wince as I look down at my hand. It was red from being slammed in a locker. My brothers, Lucian, Aristo, Verena, and Miss Wells were all in the room.

"Valeriana, I didn't know she was in there," Alice says rushing into the room. Everyone looks at me.

"Walk away, Alice," I say harshly before turning and glaring at her. Alice stepped out of the class before running away.

"What was that about?" Matteo asked. I look at my brother.

"Don't worry about it. I need to move on or I will hunt her down just to slam her damn head in the locker," I say before walking over to Miss Wells. She hands me the key to her house.

"This is my spare so don't worry about getting it back to me today. I can get it from you tomorrow if you show up," Miss Wells says. I nod my head.

"I'll be here tomorrow, don't worry," I say. Miss Wells nods.

"Who are you?" Valerico asked. I looked toward Janessa seeing she was no longer next to me. She was sitting at a desk. Her eyes were barely above the table as she sat in a chair.

"I'm Janessa. V is my sister," she says with a smile. My brothers look at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"She's our sister," all three of my brothers said along with Lucian. Janessa shook her head before she stopped and gasped.

"Brothers!" Janessa shouts. "You can call me Nessa my brothers," she says. I roll my eyes at her.

"They are my brothers Janessa, not yours," I say. Janessa glared at me.

"No, mine," she says.

"Nuh uh," I say.

"Ya huh,"

"Nuh uh... you know what I'm not doing this with you again. They are my brothers. You can have him," I say pointing to Aristo. I didn't know him that well. I wouldn't mind giving him to her.

"Mmm, no they are all mine," she says.

"Come on, I thought you wanted to see the dog?" I asked.

"I'm with my brothers," Janessa says.

"You don't even know their names," I mutter. One look from Janessa and all the guys told her their names.

"Now I do," she says. I look at her with a smirk while nodding my head.

"Alright, tell me all their names and we will stay a little longer," I say. Janessa's mouth dropped open.

"Aristo, Lucian, Matteo, Valerico, and Valentino," Janessa says. My brothers were whispering their names to her. "I did it," she says. Verena and Miss Wells chuckle at this.

"She got it," Verena says. I roll my eyes.

"So is she your dads's?" Valerico asked. I nod my head.

"Yeah, they were finally approved to adopt a kid. She got here two days ago," I say. My brothers nod. "Alright let's go walk the dog," I say. Janessa crossed her arms over her chest. "We can get ice cream," I say. Janessa slid off the chair and rushed over to the door.

"Really?" She asked.

"No, I lied, let's go," I say. Janessa gasps.

"You monster!" she grumbled before walking out of the room. I follow behind her while chuckling.

When we get to Miss Wells' house I unlock the door and walk in. Janessa followed. Wiggles rushed over to me and sniffed me happily before sniffing Janessa. After he calmed down I attached his leash to his collar and we took a walk. He uses the bathroom and I use a bag to pick his poop up and toss in a bin. Janessa laughed at me the whole time I tried to clean up the poop without gagging.

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