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October 1st, 2013Third Person POV

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October 1st, 2013
Third Person POV

Kyra walked through the now Halloween decorated hallway of school and met up with her friends in front of their classroom.

"What're you guys dressing up as for Halloween?" Luke asked as they sat down in class.

"I don't know what you guys are dressing up as but me and Kyra are doing a couple costume." Ashton smiled wrapping his arm around Kyra's shoulder making her smile awkwardly, "I'm thinking Elvis and Priscilla Presley." Ashton joked making the others laugh as the teacher walked in the room.

"Okay, everyone quiet." The teacher, Mr. Sloan, called out, "I've got some exciting news. This year our school is having a Halloween dance and we expect all of you to be there." Mr. Sloan said as he handed out flyers of information about the dance.

Kyra took the flyer from Mr. Sloan's hand and sighed deeply.

"There's no way my mums gonna let me go to this dance after how I've treated her lately." Kyra sighed leaning back in her chair.

"Just ask her. I mean, maybe she'll say yes?" Michael shrugged.


After school that day, Ashton drove Kyra home and dropped her off a block away from her house so that her mum didn't see her in the car with Ashton.

"Thanks for the ride, Ash." Kyra smiled as she got out of the car.

"Anytime." Kyra smiled again and went to walk away before turning around to say something else but she sighed once Ashton had already driven off.


Kyra walked inside of her home and was greeted with the smell of pizza.

"Ooh, pizza." Kyra smiled to herself before grabbing a slice.

"Hey, save some for later. Luke's coming over." Natasha said walking down the stairs.

"Why?" Kyra asked with a mouthful of pizza.

"Why not?" Natasha shrugged.

"Okay. Well..." Kyra trailed off as she wiped her mouth, "there's this Halloween Dance happening soon and I really wanna go but I know that..."

"Okay." Natasha nodded.

"Really?" Kyra asked looking around questioningly.

"Yeah. You're a teenager! Have fun!" Natasha exclaimed.

"Who are you and what have you done to my mother?" Kyra laughed jokingly before hugging her mum, "thank you! I love you so much!" Kyra kissed her mum on the cheek before running upstairs.


October 26th, 2013
Third Person POV

Kyra walked around the shopping centre with her four best friends by her side, they were on their way to the costume store to look for costumes for the Halloween Dance.

Kyra pulled Ashton along with her as she spotted all the couple costumes in the corner.

Kyra kept pointing things out to Ashton as the others put on scary masks and scare little kids that walked by.

"Kyra, are we done yet?" Luke asked impatiently.

"No, I can't decide between The Joker and Harley Quinn or Mario and Princess Peach." Kyra replied holding the costumes up in front of her face to get a closer look.

"Kyra, we've been here for 6 hours!" Michael complained.

"So?" Kyra questioned.

"We wanna go home!" Calum exclaimed.

"Yeah, come on, Kyra. The stores closing in ten minutes. Just pick one." Ashton said calmly.

Kyra sighed, "okay, The Joker and Harley it is!" Kyra decided making the boys sigh in relief as they walked to the checkout.

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