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May 13th, 2012

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May 13th, 2012

Luke's POV

As I made my way to the office I couldn't stop thinking about Kyra, I knew we would never get together because Calum would never let us, but I couldn't help but think about how close we got to kissing

"Luke, in my office now." The principal said sternly snapping me out of my gaze, I quickly walked into her office and took a seat "so, Luke...I believe that you got into a little fight this morning with Jason Carter." I nodded slowly

"He hurt my...friend." I replied

"So, you took care of the situation by bashing him up?" Principal Jones inquired

"Yeah." I smirked as I leaned forward "that bitch deserved more than what I did to him."

"You are not to use that language in my office ever again!" Principal Jones shouted, I rolled my blue eyes before leaning back in my chair

"Whatever." I mumbled, Principal Jones took her glasses off and placed them on the table

"Ok, Mr. Hemmings...I've come to the conclusion that you should have a 3 day suspension." She told me, I raised my eyebrows

"That's all?" I questioned

"Do you want me to extend it to 5 weeks?" She asked sternly, I thought for a moment, my parents would probably ground me, meaning that I wouldn't get to see the guys for 5 weeks, I wouldn't be able to see Kyra for 5 weeks, I quickly shook my head "good, now get out."

"Yes, ma'am." I saluted her before picking up my backpack and leaving her office

"Luke!" I heard someone whisper shout, I turned around to see kyra, I looked around and the rest of the hallway was empty, I ran over to her

"Kyra? Shouldn't you be in class?" I asked

"Keep your voice down." Kyra said pulling me behind a wall "and to answer your question, yes, I am meant to be in class which is why we need to be quiet."

"Sorry." I apologised in a whisper

"Forget that. What happened in there?" Kyra cut to the chase

"I'm suspended." I replied simply

"What? For how long?" Kyra asked in disbelief

"3 days." I stated "my mums gonna be here soon to pick me up."

"So, I'm guessing that we aren't going over to yours this afternoon anymore?" Kyra asked, I shook my head "ok, I'll tell the guys at lunch."

"Ok, you should probably go before you get suspended for skipping class." I chuckled

"Yeah, so...I'll see you in 3 days?" Kyra asked in hope

"You bet." I winked, Kyra rolled her eyes

"See ya, Luke." I smiled as Kyra walked away, this was gonna be a long 3 days...

BAD OMENS || LUKE HEMMINGS X OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt