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May 12th, 2012

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May 12th, 2012

Kyra's POV

"Jason! Stop!" I yelled as Jason started to tickle me, I was currently at his place, we were meant to be studying but we got a bit carried away

"Not until you admit that you have a crush on me." Jason taunted

"I do not have a crush on you!" I denied

"Are you sure about that?" Jason questioned as he tackled me onto the couch, I squirmed under his grip as I laughed uncontrollably

After a while, he stopped tickling me and we just laid there staring at each other, Jason started to lean in, me following suit until our lips touched, we sat there kissing for a while before Jason eventually pulled away, I checked the time

"It's getting late, I should go." I said awkwardly

"Oh yeah, of course." Jason said scratching the back of his neck, i quickly stood up, grabbed my stuff and left the house, I stood outside the door for a while just smiling before I began to walk home


Luke's POV

"She's probably at his house right now, and they're probably making out and I'm here with you dorks." I ranted as I paced in front of the guys who were trying to play video games, Calum sighed as he paused the game and placed his controller on the coffee table

"Mate, why are you so worried?" Calum questioned, I looked at him and rolled my eyes

"Why are you not? She's your sister!"

"Exactly, that's why I trust her, she's not gonna do anything stupid." Calum tried to reason with me

"That's not what I'm worried about." I replied, Ashton groaned and stood up

"Then what are you worried about?" Ashton asked

"I'm worried about her getting hurt! Come on guys, we're her friends. Why aren't we doing anything?" I questioned slightly annoyed

"Dude, she's fine." Michael spoke as he walked to the kitchen

"How do you know that!?" I asked urgently

"Because it's Kyra, she doesn't believe in 'true love'." Ashton mentioned as he turned the TV off to save power

I sighed as I took a seat on the couch "maybe you're right." As if on cue, Kyra bursted through the front door with a huge smile

"Oh hey, guys." She greeted once she noticed us, we all awkwardly waved at her

"Why are you so smiley?" Calum was the first to speak up

"No reason." She smiled "imma go take a shower." Kyra left and walked upstairs, I turned to the guys


"Luke, you're being paranoid." Michael said sitting next to Ashton on the couch

"Screw you guys, I'm gonna go talk to her." I said before walking up the stairs

Once I was half way up the stairs I started to her a muffled singing

I walked closer to the bathroom door and soon realised that Kyra was singing "Jessie's girl"

"I wish that I had Jessie's girl." She sang, why did Kyra never tell me she could sing? I decided to tell the guys so I walked downstairs again

"Hey, did you know that Kyra could sing?" I asked Calum as I met him at the bottom of the stairs

"Nah, I had no idea, it's not like she's my sister or anything." Calum replied sarcastically making me roll my eyes as the others turned towards me

"You guys gotta hear this." I said before walking up the stairs again, the others reluctantly followed, I pressed my ear against the bathroom door

"Luke, come on man, stop being weird—" Michael started but stopped once he heard Kyras voice, Michael held his ear against the door

"Ok, I don't know what this is but it looks fun so I'm gonna give it a go." Ashton said before pressing his ear up to the door

"Oh my god." Calum mumbled as he rolled his eyes, Michael pulled him over so that his ear was now pressed up against the door as well

After a while, we heard the shower shut off, we quickly scattered to act as normal as we possibly could, Ashton leaned on me, I put my arm on Calum's head, Calum leaned on Michael and Micheal placed his foot on the wall and did a weird pose before Kyra walked out and saw us standing there, she looked at us confused

"Don't worry, we weren't listening." Michael said making me hit him in the back of the head, Kyra didn't reply instead she just walked towards her bedroom

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