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August 15th, 2013

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August 15th, 2013

Kyra's POV

"We don't have to go to band practice." Ashton stated as we drove towards Luke's house for band practice

"It's okay." I shrug "I mean, we're apart of the band, I can't avoid them forever." Ashton nodded before grabbing my hand softly

"Only is you're sure." I nodded simply as we pulled into Luke's driveway, the garage was already open and the others were blasting music.

Ashton was the first to step out of the car so he walked over to my side and opened the car door for me, I smiled as I stepped out of the car.

Ashton grabbed my hand again as he locked the car and we walked into the garage, the guys stopped playing and looked up at us, Luke looked away and walked over to a small desk in the corner of the garage and started to write something down.

I looked back at the others, "What's up with him?" I questioned

"He's pissed because..." Calum trailed off looking over at Luke, who was still distracted by his writing, before leaning towards me "Eliana cheated on him." Calum whispered

I let out a small gasp, "have you guys tried to talk to him?" Michael and Calum both shook their heads, I sighed before walking over to Luke, the others didn't try to stop me, instead they sat down and started their own conversation.

"Luke." I started as I sat on a spare chair next to him, he looked up at me "I heard about what happened...I'm really sorry, you didn't deserve that." I said reassuringly, Luke smiled slightly "I did try to warn you." I joked making Luke chuckle

"You did. I'm sorry, I was so caught up in her shit that I didn't realise that there are more important things." Luke spoke, I smiled.

"You're just now realising that?" I joked again

Ashton's POV

"So, you care to tell us what's going on?" Michael asked me as Luke and Kyra talked on the opposite end of the room, I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Calum rolled his eyes

"He means, what's happening between you and Kyra?" Calum answered like it was obvious

"Nothing." I shrugged, Calum rolled his eyes again "you've gotta stop rolling your eyes, mate."

"We aren't stupid. We saw you guys walk in holding hands. You would never hold someone's hand unless you were, you know..." Michael trailed off as he made kissing noises, now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Stop being disgusting." I grimaced "but..." Calum perked up quickly "we did kiss."

"Oh god.." Calum groaned loudly

"I was cheering her up because you assholes ditched her for Eliana! And one thing led to another..." I shrugged "and she kissed me."

"Okay, you're shrugging like it isn't a big deal." Michael stated

"Because it isn't! Why does it matter if we're dating or not?" I questioned, Michael looked at Calum awkwardly

"Luke." They said simultaneously, I tilted my head in confusion

"What?" I asked

"Nothing. We just thought that they'd end up together, you know." Michael shrugged "we didn't expect you guys to get it on."

"We aren't getting it on! She's my girlfriend and I'm her boyfriend. It's not like we're fucking." I stated

"Yet." Michael smirked

"Can we not talk about this? That's my sister we're talking about!" Calum snapped

"Step-sister." I corrected

"Who cares? She's still my sister." Calum laughed before Kyra and Luke walked over

"What are we talking about?" Luke questioned

"Oh, you know...just the romance between Kyra and Ashton." Michael blurted, I glared at him, "was I not meant to say that?"

"No!" I snapped

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