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May 13th, 2012

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May 13th, 2012

Kyra's POV

I woke up early on Monday morning, not because I was excited for school but because I wanted to talk to Jason about what happened the day before

"Why are you up so early?" Calum asked groggily as he walked into my room

"No reason, just thought I'd get a few chores done before school." I lied, Calum just nodded and left, I smiled as I continued to get ready

Once I was ready, I walked downstairs and sat down at the breakfast bar

"You look happy." My mum said as she sat across from me

"I'm just doing a science experiment at school." I lied again as Calum sat next to me

"Is dad at work?" Calum questioned, my mum nodded, Calum sighed sadly before checking the time "we better go before we miss the bus." Calum told me but I was already half way towards the door, Calum stood up quickly to catch up with me as I opened the front door

"Bye mum!" We both yelled simultaneously as we closed the door behind us


Once we arrived at school, I practically ran off the bus ignoring my brothers called as he ran to catch up with me

"Kyra, slow down!"

I stopped in my tracks when I noticed Jason, kissing another girl!

Tears started to form in my eyes as Calum finally caught up to me

"Kyra, what's going on with you today?" Calum inquired "Kyra!" He shouted when I didn't answer, he followed my gaze and noticed Jason "Kyra.." Calum whispered when he noticed my tears

"Cal, what's going on?" Luke asked as he came to stand on the other side of me, Calum nodded his head in the direction of Jason, Luke looked over at Jason and immediately grew angry, Luke noticed my tears and stormed over to Jason

"Luke, what are you doing?!" Calum yelled out as I stood frozen, Luke pulled Jason off of the random girl

"What the fuck, dude?!" Jason shouted as he pushed Luke backwards, Jason was towering over Luke due to the height difference but Luke pushed back

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Luke shouted, Jason backed up intimidated by Luke's actions

"What do you mean?" Jason chuckled nervously as he looked around, the whole school was now looking at them and filming

"Don't act dumb." Luke said sternly "just yesterday you were kissing Kyra. Now you've got your hands all over this fucking slut." Luke said gesturing to the girl that Jason was kissing before, the girl gasped

"You asshole." Jason whispered before throwing a punch at Luke, but Luke caught his fist

"You probably shouldn't have done that." Luke said before twisting Jason's arm and punching him in the face, a crowd of 'oohs' could be heard around the school as Jason and Luke fought

In the end, Luke and Jason were both on the ground all blooded up and weak, I quickly ran over and helped up Luke and walked him into the school

"Ok, show's over!" I shouted as I noticed people still filming

I walked Luke into the boys bathroom and reached into my bag to grab my first aid kit

Luke leaned over the sink and spat out blood, I sat up on the bench so that I was the same height as Luke

Luke stood in front of me as I put some water on a cloth, luckily for me Luke didn't get beat up too bad so I just had to clean the blood up and put Band-Aids on his face

"I'm sorry.." I apologised as I started to wipe some blood off of Luke's lip

"Why are you sorry?" Luke questioned "Jason should be the one that's sorry." He chuckled slightly

"Yeah, but none of would've happened if I had just listened to you in the first place." I explained

"It's okay, I understand why you didn't listen, he's really dreamy." Luke admitted making me laugh as I put a Band-Aid on his eyebrow

I put more water on my cloth so that I could clean his lip

"You also think my brothers dreamy." I stated with a chuckled "I even made a ship name 'cake'." Luke laughed as I finished cleaning his lip, I looked up to meet Luke's eyes before glancing back at his lips, him doing the same

Luke started to lean in, I mirrored his actions

"Luke Hemmings, please report to the principals office, immediately." The sound of the principals voice interrupted us, we quickly moved away from each other before our lips could touch

"You better go.." I whispered, Luke nodded as I got off the bench "I'll see you after school?"

"Uh, yah, we're all going to my house." Luke mentioned, I nodded as I grabbed my stuff and left the bathroom, Luke following shortly after, we both went our separate ways, Luke headed to the office as I walked to class with a slight smile on my face thinking of the kiss that could've been...

BAD OMENS || LUKE HEMMINGS X OCWhere stories live. Discover now