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December 3rd, 2012

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December 3rd, 2012

Kyra's POV

Me and the guys decided to wag school on Friday so that we could practice. It was now Saturday and I sat in Luke's car shaking.

"Hey, you're gonna do great." Luke reassured me resting his hand on my knee to calm me down, I smiled up at him as his mum, Liz, stopped in front of Michael's house, Michael filed out of his house with Ashton following

"That's sus." Calum said making me chuckle

"Hey, Liz." Michael flirted kissing Luke's mum on the cheek before getting into the passenger seat, Luke grimaced as Ashton squeezed in between us

"Stop, flirting with my mum you weirdo." Luke said hitting Michael in the back of the head

Michael groaned rubbing the back of his head before turning towards me

"Nervous?" Michael asked, I shrugged

"A little." I chuckled

"Don't be, you're amazing." Ashton spoke making me blush a little, I didn't notice the look of jealously that Luke was giving me as we drove down the street


We walked into the bar and I immediately gagged, the bar looked and smelt like shit

"Ok, I'll admit..it isn't the best but it's a start, right?" Michael said giving me a pat on the back before waking to the back stage area, Luke turned towards me

"I know this isn't what you expected so--"

"Luke, I know what you're gonna say, and no. I'm doing this." Luke looked at me suspiciously

"Who are you and what did you do to Kyra Hood?" Luke said making me chuckle

"I'm gonna go get ready." I said leaning up and kissing Luke on the cheek before walking back stage to meet with the others as Luke stood there dazed


"Kyra, it's time." Ashton said walking into my dressing room, I nodded as Ashton went to walk away but he did a double take "You look great, by the way." Ashton smiled

"Thanks." Ashton nodded and left my dressing room, I took a deep breath before grabbing my microphone and leaving the room

I walked over to the others and they all adverted their gaze towards me

"Ready?" Calum asked, I nodded, Luke held his hand out for me, I hesitantly took his hand before we got called onto the stage

"Please welcome, 5 Seconds of Summer!" I didn't have time to think as Luke pulled me onto the stage, I calmed down a little when I realised that it wasn't a huge venue, Luke let go of my hand as Calum started to sing the opening verse

"Back in high school we used to take it slow. Red lipstick on and high heel stiletto's." I raised the microphone to my mouth and started to sing with Calum like we had practiced

"Had a job down town working the servo. Had me waiting in line, couldn't even let go." Luke smiled at me as Calum and Michael sung the pre-chorus

Once we reached the chorus we all started to sing, "You're just a little bit out of my limit. It's been two years now, haven't even seen the best of me..." I smiled as the crowd cheered and danced, I looked over at Luke, his gaze was already on me as we transitioned from out of my limit to beside you

"When we both fall asleep, underneath the same sky to the beat of our hearts at the same time so close but so far away, can you hear me?" Ashton and Luke sang together as I vibed with the crowd

"She sleeps alone, my heart wants to come home, I wish I was, I wish I was, beside you. She lies awake I'm trying to find the words to say, I wish I was, I wish I was, beside you..." Once we finished, Luke and Michael grabbed my hands and brought me center stage before we all bowed, the crowd cheered loudly

"Thank you, we're 5 Seconds of Summer." Luke said before walking off the stage

"Tell your friends." Michael added before we all walked off the stage together

The guys pulled me into a tight hug, "You were amazing!" Ashton exclaimed

"Thanks." I laughed "I'm gonna get a drink." I said before walking to the bar


"Hey, Kyra. Me and the guys wanna talk to you outside for a sec." Luke said pulling me away from the bar

"Ok, what's up?" I asked once I met the guys outside

"We were just wondering if maybe you wanted to join the band?" The boys asked, Luke looked back at his friends confused before getting on one knee and pretending to propose, the other guys looked at Luke disappointed

"Get up you dork." I laughed "Yeah, sure." I answered their question, they all cheered, I shook my head as the guys turned to Luke

"You ruined the moment, mate." Calum said, Luke held his arms up in defence

"That's why I should've done it." Ashton stated

"If you're that awkward when you actually propose in the future, I'm not coming to your wedding." Michael added

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