Chapter 30 - Surprise Interrogation

Start from the beginning

"Oh, uh, okay," Izuku frowned, holding out his hands as they strapped him down, connecting the cuffs to the table so he had nowhere left to go. Talk about overkill... "So what do I-"

The door slapped shut before he could finish his question, leaving him alone in the room. He frowned, again. This didn't seem like standard procedure... Something was up. That or those officers were plainly rude to him. Was it because he was quirkless? He'd never come into contact with the police while quirkless, not in this sort of setting, so he didn't know. It wasn't until a couple of minutes later that detective Tsukauchi entered the room, making Izuku's eyes widen. What was he doing here? Why did he concern himself with such a low level case as Izuku? The only reason he'd seen him before in high school had been to cover for One For All-

"I'm detective Tsukauchi and I'll be interrogating you today," he started, sitting down in front of him. "I'll be using my quirk, Lie Detector, to assess whether or not you're telling the truth."

"Okay," Izuku nodded. He should be careful with his phrasing around this man... If he suspected something was up, Izuku wouldn't be released any time soon.

"Alright, we'll start off with some easy ones," he said, taking out his noteblock. "What's your name?"

"Izuku Midoriya."

"Your age?"

"I'm currently 15 years old," Izuku said, being very specific. Because he was old, wasn't he? He'd been alive for multiple decades at this point- or it felt that way at least. He couldn't let Tsukauchi catch onto that.

"Quirk?" he continued.

"I was born quirkless," Izuku sighed. "Are these questions really necessary, detective? I mean, you just want to hear me say I was there, right? At Kamino during the big fight?"

"So you admit to it?" Tsukauchi asked.

"I mean," Izuku shrugged, rattling his quirk erasure cuffs, "it's not like you guys don't already know about that."

"Who else was with you that night?" he asked. "Don't worry, they won't get into any legal trouble."

"Oh, uhm," Izuku mumbled, glancing at the table for a second. They won't get into any legal trouble, huh? But what about Izuku..? He was getting a bad feeling about this whole situation... "Kacch- I mean, Katsuki Bakugou. And uh, Iida, Kaminari and Tokoyami from the UA hero course. Are they uh... Are you going to question them, too?"

"We've already taken their statements," Tsukauchi said, taking Izuku by surprise. Kacchan hadn't said anything about that! Then again, they still weren't on real speaking terms right now... The rescue mission had been an exception. "That's how we know that you predicted everything that would happen that evening, to great detail if I need to believe their testaments."

"Oh, uh, it wasn't that detailed," Izuku stammered. How to downplay his knowledge without outright lying? God, Izuku hated this situation. Hated and loved Tsukauchi's quirk at the same time. So this is how villains must feel when they're interrogated by him... "I'm good at analyzing quirks and people, so predicting stuff comes like second nature to me, really. I uh, I had heard there were rumors about this shady underground bar around Kamino and uh, the description of some of them matched the people that attacked the USJ so that's how I connected the dots."

Tsukauchi frowned, making Izuku panic. He hadn't outright lied to him. There really were rumors, and he did hear about them. Albeit, after the facts during his first life... Still, it was the truth.

"Witnesses state you were able to predict All For One's arrival at a warehouse several blocks away from the bar," he said, glancing down at his notes. "And after that, you were able to predict All Might's arrival, almost up to the second. How can you explain that?"

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