"I'll get dressed. Meet me in my chambers when the sub sets, and what happened here will not leave any of the ships. Make sure the men know it." I state before walking away from them.


Hearing the door of my chambers open, I see Rickon run in  with the dire wolves, and I take a heavy breath as sadness fills my body again. I'll have to tell him what happened with Father he deserves to know the truth.

"You looked so cool!" He says as he plops down on the bed with the wolves and I close the door before walking over to him.

"We need to talk about something Rickon." I soflty says as I squad down and let my eyes meet his.

"It's Father, isn't it." He says, and a frown appears on my face. " I saw him in my dreams. He was down in the crypts." He continues, and I place my hands on his shoulders.

"Father, he is dead, I'm sorry, Rickon." I soflty say, and I see tears run down his face before I pull him into my body.

"They all left, all but you." He sobs out, and i just run my hand over his back. "We will  take the people responsible for fathers' dead pay for what they've done." I soflty say as he quietly sobs into the crook of my neck.

"All of us will make Father proud of the things we will do, even if we can't see him anymore he's still in your heart, his blood runs trough our veins and therfore he will never truly leave us." I  say before Rickon lifts his head away.

"Winter is coming." He says, and I give him a nod.

"Winter is coming, little warrior." I say before a knock is heard on the door.


Once the door opens  Corwyn,Hassan and an older man that's clearly from the north by the looks of it.

"My lord." He says with a bow, and I motion for them to walk in. "What is your name?" I ask as I grab a cup and fill it with wine.

"Rogar, my lord." He says, and I give him nod, before I let a smile grow on my face as I bring the cup to my lips.

"You weren't an outlaw. You joined me on your own accords. Was it not Rogar?" I ask before taking a sip of the wine.

"I did my lord, I was a Smith dreaming of becoming more, to help the North but I always thought I would never get the opportunity again untill you rode trough my village and offerd any man who wished to join that opportunity. I've been in your ranks every since." He says, and I give him a smile.

"Thank you for that Rogar, but what can I help you with?" I ask him as I lean against the wooden table and look at the three men in front of me.

"You're Wolf  of the North the one that woild Protect if from the winter." He says and I raise my brow. "I've been named the Wandering Wolf for a long time, Rogar." I say before Rickon speaks.

"But Erik what about the story you used to tell us. That a man who would have the heart of a direwolf." Rickon says and Rogar gives him a nod.

" There's one that a man would come he'd b direwolf by heart, fierce and loyal to his pack, a man who would protect,he North against the dangers to come, and some even believed that his body would change into that of a direwolf. It's an old story from the North, my lord, but after seeing you earlier, what is its true?" Rogar says, and I know the story I've told  my younger siblings many times, but now they say I'm like that?

"I will think about it, but for now, what happened earlier today may not leave these ships. But you were a Smith,  you still know how to swing a hammer?" I say before I look at Rogar.

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