bonus: chenji, xiaokun

Start from the beginning

"No", Yuta tells him sweetly when he pulls away.

"He's not allowed to divorce you?" Ana questions, trying not to laugh.

"Nope. Neither is Yongie."

Taeyong smiles. "Good, I don't want to."

"That's really cute but Lele is getting jealous!" Renjun calls at them.

"Watch it, Huang!"

"I can't believe I'm doing this again", Jisung mutters, loud enough for Chenle to hear.

Chenle gives Jisung a look. "Do you not wanna do this? We can stop right now. I can-"

Jisung grabs Chenles face and kisses him. He smiles at how adorably confused Chenle looks. "If you're gonna ramble about something while everyone watches us, can it please be about how much you love me?"

That brings Chenle out of his daze. He gently smacks Jisungs arm, which makes his husband giggle. He smiles before he realizes he is and smacks Jisung again. "Damn you."

"I love you too."

"You're doing it backwards!" Ten calls at them.

"Thanks, we had no idea!"

When Chenle focuses back on Jisung, he gets lost in Jisungs pretty eyes and pretty smile. "I love you", he murmurs, so quiet that only Jisung can hear it. Jisung nods, wanting to let Chenle continue before speaking. "I think everyone here knows how much I love winning, but I realized that when it comes to you, I'm perfectly fine losing. This is cheesy, everyone, shut up or if you're one of the kids, please don't say anything."

"He's so nice to us", Jeno mumbles, making his husbands laugh. Haechan caresses Jenos hair while Mark squeezes his hand and Jaemin smiles at him,

"If I have you, I've won. I was so wrong about us-I didn't even think there would be an us. I tried not to and I feel really stupid for trying to hold myself back from one of the best things to ever happen to me. When I finally let myself like you, I was so scared. I didn't think you'd think I was worth it and I didn't really think I was either but then I got to realize that you are the last thing I have to be scared of. In the relationship before you, I had to hold my breath and I had to try so hard to be someone worthy of his attention and even that wasn't enough. With you, I can breathe. I've never had to try. I didn't on the first few dates we went on 'cause I was so sure that you wouldn't want the real me." Jisung smiles, having known that Chenle did that. "But you do. You became another safe place and I've never not felt safe and at home with you. I've accepted that I love you more than the words in the dictionary. Those words aren't enough but I'll keep using them, hoping that I'll find a combination close enough to explain exactly what I feel for you. These next words are much simpler than I need but until I find the right words, they'll work. Jisung." Jisung smiles. "You beautiful. You have such a strong heart and a strong mind. I love how much you love the people who are important to you and I love how you love people. How you go out of your way and comfort zone to try. I think it's beautiful that you get happy from other people being happy but I want you to have your own happiness and I promise that as long as we're together-so the end of time-that I will always make sure you're happy. I love you, Jisung."

"Fuck", Jisung says, wiping away his rapidly falling tears.

Haechan points behind Jisung. "The tissues are over there!"

Chenle smiles and grabs the tissue box and holds it in front of Jisung. After Jisung finishes wiping his eyes and discards the tissue, he takes his retakes his place in front of Chenle.

"Let's hope I can keep it together long enough to say everything."

"Good luck!" Nina calls.

"You can do it!" Yuta adds, grinning.

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