Chapter 1: I'm Where!?

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***Amaya's POV***

I was killed. That was the last thing that I could remember. I was a 19 year old girl who was excited about her birthday in a few days. I was on my way to see my two best friends to plan out the party when all of a sudden the stereotypical truck decided to drive on the sidewalk I was on.

Not only did I not make it 20, but I died in such a lame way. Maybe if I was reincarnated into a fun anime like all of those fan fictions I've read, I wouldn't mind, but what's the likelihood of that happening. Right? None, Zip, Zero, Not Gonna Happen.

Even if it did happen I would probably be a background character that would either be forgotten or killed in a random accident, so either way it would be a lose lose situation. No thank you.

But now what? I'm dead, but I'm still able to think all of these thoughts. How's that possible?

Crash Boom Boom Boom

Loud sounds started to surround me from every direction before my eyes opened. My vision was blurry at first before they came into focus, which left me even more confused when I saw what was around me. Pure chaos.

All around me were raging fires, cannon balls destroying all of the building and nature that surrounded me. People were screaming, running randomly, or fighting using abilities that looked similar to armament haki.

No way. That's not possible. Haki is only a thing in One Piece, but there's something that needs to be addressed first. How am I alive?! Or better yet where the heck am I?! I need to get out of here and quick.

I tried to move, but I wasn't able to lift my head. Using all of my strength I was able to lift a single arm. My hand was short and slightly chubby. My fingers were so tiny that they looked like a dolls.

This can't be. Am I a baby? There's no way I actually reincarnated, right?

I tried to speak, but it only came out as gibberish at best. It was so bad that gibberish would have sounded better.

Well it's been confirmed. I'm a baby again, and I think that I'm in the world of One Piece. Even though this happened, it looks like I'm about to die here, so I won't be able to meet anyone. This is so not fair!

"Hurry Honey!" A worried female voice calls out, making her way over to me.

"I'm right behind you! Grab her and let's go!" A male voice quickly responded as he followed along with a huge basket in his hands.

The lady had beautiful Amber eyes, which were striking despite her panicked look. She ran over to me, before picking me up out of the bed that I was in.

"I've got her! We've got to get to the river before the marines get here!" She calls before running quickly towards the direction I'm assuming is the river.

All I heard was the sound of violence behind me, and the hurried footsteps of the man and lady taking me to the river.

They hid behind some trees by the riverbank once we arrived. The man placed the basket that he was carrying next to the river before placing two boxes, a journal, and a small blanket inside.

"Hurry Amanda, we've got to get her to safety." He said once he had finished preparing the basket.

The black-hair lady, Amanda, held me close with a hug. I couldn't see well, but I felt my shirt get wet with her tears.

"Kazaku, I don't know if I can. This is my daughter. I don't want to lose her forever. What if the navy still finds her? What if she never gets to read the journal or her devil fruit is taken before she eats it? What if she never learns how much her parents love her?" She finishes saying, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

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