Hibiki: (protecting Miku) Are you okay, Miku?

Miku: (nodding) Yeah, but what happened?

Nerthus took advantage of Heimdall's distraction to throw a very strong punch on his stomach, making him collapse to the ground almost before he breathed.

Nerthus: You have finally arrived, Kvasir!

Kvasir, appeared on a rooftop, holding his Armed Gear, a cross bow

The situation had suddenly become complicated, with the appearance of Kvasir and the explosion of blue fire that had put everyone in difficulty.  Heimdall had been taken aback and brought to his knees by Nerthus, while Kvasir appeared with a cross bow.

Hibiki: (surprisingly) Kvasir?  What are you doing here?

Kvasir: (grinning evilly) I have come to complete what Nerthus failed to do.  You are destined to be eliminated, Symphogear!

Kvasir aimed his crossbow and fired an energy projectile at the Symphogears.  Things seemed to get out of hand, with the city under attack and our heroes in trouble.

Nerthus took advantage of Heimdall's disability to rage on him, not leaving the guardian of the Bifrost time to react

Meanwhile Kvasir was keeping Hibiki and Miku at bay.

Hibiki:(to Kvasir) Whoever you are, you don't have to do this!

Kvasir: (calm) "All of this" is your fault, and yours alone

Kvasir had launched the energy projectile on Hibiki, hitting her full.  Hibiki was thrown backwards by the impact, falling to the ground.  She was hurt, but she had no intention of giving up.

Hibiki: (struggling to get up) We won't...give up...

Miku: (voice shaking) Hibiki...

However, the situation was increasingly critical, with Heimdall pinned by Nerthus and Kvasir keeping pressure on Hibiki and Miku with his cross bow.

Kvasir: (with a mocking smile) The end is near, Symphogear.

The situation seemed hopeless, but at that moment, an unexpected flame of hope lit up on the horizon.  A noise like thunder echoed through the air and a mysterious figure appeared in the skies.  He was a mighty warrior clad in shining armor.

???: (in a powerful voice) Stop, Kvasir!

Kvasir and Nerthus turned to see who this new threat was.

Thor arrived in time to save the day

Kvasir:Well, look who's here!  What brings you here, god of thunder?

Thor, the god of thunder, had appeared majestically to save the day.  His presence had put Kvasir and Nerthus in awe.

Thor: (with authority) I'm here to restore the balance and stop this senseless violence.  I will not let you destroy this city.

Kvasir: (sulking) What a nuisance!

Nerthus: (angrily) This is not the end, Symphogear!

Kvasir and Nerthus disappeared in a cloud of smoke, temporarily withdrawing from the fight.  Thor approached the Symphogears with a friendly smile.

Thor: (to Hibiki and Miku) Are you all right, warriors?

Hibiki: (thanks) Yes, thanks to you... it's good to see you again

Thor: For me too... (to Heimdall, teasing him) This is new to me, my dear stepbrother, you who get distracted by these trifles

Heimdall: (with a mocking smile) Oh, you know how it is, Thor, sometimes it's good to leave some space for the young heroes.  (pointing to Hibiki and Miku) Here are the stars of the moment... Even if they sucked tonight

Symphogear: The Fury of gods part 2Where stories live. Discover now