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"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks," Lance said as he stepped into his new room.

He took a seat on the bed as Dylan placed his bags next to the desk. Dylan's parents left a couple minutes ago as they had work to do. Morgan took Halle to the other bedroom. They'd be staying with the Matthews for a while. At least that's what the social worker told them.

After they'd taken him to the hospital, he was in so much pain. At first, he couldn't tell the doctors nor Dylan what happened so they did some scans and found out he had broken some ribs. The doctors said he was lucky that none of his organs got damaged by it. Halle was freaked out and eventually told Dylan who told his parents what happened. The doctors were informed and before Lance knew it, cops were there with a social worker.

He didn't know what to do when they started asking him questions. Of course, they didn't want to just hear what Halle said. He was the one who got beat up but telling them was hard. As much as he hated him sometimes, he kept wondering what would happen to his dad if he said anything. Would they arrest him? Would he go to prison? Lance always wanted to get away from his dad but never realized this would be how it happened.

He hadn't even tried to contact Lance. Halle's mom called her multiple times and she was advised to not speak to her. Lance wished he had the opportunity to ignore his dad's calls. At least it would show he still cared a little.

Eventually, he told them. The social worker and the cops ensured him that he'd be safe if he did.

So there he was in a new house with new people. Dylan's family seemed very happy to have him and Halle stay there. They even mentioned that they'd be open to having them permanently. Lance didn't know what to think of that. It seemed too good to be true. He couldn't stop waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Lance was a bit surprised when they showed up at his room in the hospital. Luca, Josie...and Kiera. He felt his heart race when he saw her or more so when she saw him like that. All bruised and beaten. He'd managed to hide it for so long that it was such a scary feeling to be seen. Thoughts rushed through his mind about what she would think.

Lance didn't know what to say to her when she walked into the room. He couldn't look at her when the wave of shame washed over him. When she left he didn't feel any better.

A knock on the door pulled Lance from his thoughts. He looked up and saw Morgan standing there.

"Dylan didn't unpack your stuff?" –she shook her head– "Typical." She walked over to the bed and sat next to him.

"What's up?"

Lance shook his head.

"I was standing at the door for a while and you didn't notice me, even though you were looking there. You were completely gone." Morgan stated.

"You got me." –Lance slightly chuckled but that hurt so he stopped himself– "It's just...I keep messing things up with this girl."


Lance nodded. "I didn't talk to her when she visited me in the hospital."

"Why not?"

"I just...was embarrassed." Lance forced the words out.

"That's understandable," Morgan offered him a smile. "You could still talk to her. Of course, you can't leave the house so she'd have to come here but I think she will understand."

Lance wasn't sure if Kiera would understand. They kept having too many problems pop up since they got together and he was the cause of it. He wondered if that was telling him something. Still, he wanted to see her even if she might end things.

"Yeah," Lance said. "She doesn't know where Dylan's house is."

"I can pick her up." Morgan volunteered.

"You don't know where her house is."

Morgan stood up and placed her hands on her hips. "Yes, but I know this town really well and have a GPS. I want to at least make sure your relationship isn't ruined before I leave here."

Lanced nodded and gave Kiera a call. He mentioned that Morgan would pick her up which she seemed skeptical about since they never met. Still, she agreed.

* * *

A couple minutes later Kiera arrived at his door. Lance slowly sat up and took the ice pack off when he saw her. She wore a yellow flowy dress that he had never seen her in before. She looked beautiful.

He motioned for her to come and so she did. She pulled out the chair from his desk, turned it to face him then sat down.

"Hey," Kiera said.


"How are you feeling?" Kiera asked him.

"Good. It's still sore and I have a month and some of healing to go but I'll survive."

Kiera nodded and looked down at her lap.

Lance knew what he wanted to say but struggled to actually say it. She was right there and all he wanted to do was say he was to say sorry and tell her how much he loved her. The thought scared the hell out of him as he recently realized that he loved Kiera.

Kiera looked up again with a sad smile on her face. "That's great. I was worried. I didn't know what to think then Halle told me after." She paused for a while seeming to contemplate what she was about to say. "I didn't know your dad was– I didn't know you were going through all of that. I was horrible to you sometimes and I'm sorry."

"Hey," Lance said to stop her. "We've moved past all of that and it's not your fault what he did. I didn't want anyone to know. I had an image to keep up." He slightly chuckled at the last part.

"So, you're staying here now?"

"Yea," Lance replied. "I don't know how long yet."

Kiera nodded and the room fell into silence again. Soon she stood up and said, "I should go so you can r–"

"No," Lance interjected. "I'm sorry I didn't talk to you back at the hospital. It seems silly now but I wasn't sure how you'd react to seeing me like that. I realized that I like you a lot more than thought. I...love you."

Kiera's eyes widened for a second.

"Yup," Lance said then cleared his throat. He had never said that to a girl before.

"I thought you didn't want to see me anymore," Kiera stated. "I didn't expect you to say that."

"I do want to see you," Lance reassured her. "I want to see you so much. Everyday." He held out his hand to her and she held it then sat on the bed with him.

A smile formed on Kiera's face that she tried to hide. "Same." When Lance didn't reply he noticed her eyes flit to his lips then back to his eyes.

"Can I...kiss you?" Kiera asked as she bit her lip.

Lance's heart skipped a beat when she did that. Eager to feel her lips on his, he nodded, she leaned down and their lips connected. Her lips were as soft as he remembered. His hand reached up and caressed her waist over the smooth fabric. Kiera got up and straddled him carefully so as to not hurt him. When their lips touched again, she slightly opened her mouth. He followed suit and their tongues intertwined.

After a couple of minutes, they pulled away but their faces stayed close enough to feel each other's breath.

Kiera smiled and whispered, "I love you too."

Lance couldn't help the grin that found its way to his face. Kiera loved him. He never thought she'd say that. Hell, he never thought he would but there they were. Making out while he had broken ribs. It was an odd situation but still great. 

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