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IMPORTANT: This story contains depictions of sexual assault and the effects that come with it. 

Kiera smiled at her phone as she read a message from Corie. She stepped out of her car and walked towards the school entrance. Corie was excited as today was her relationship's six-month anniversary. Even though Kiera reminded her that an anniversary is yearly she was still in the honeymoon stage of bliss.

When she got to her first class she quickly found her seat at the window. Other students were in the class idling since the teacher hadn't gotten there yet. Soon Kiera felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked around and found Corie standing there.

"I told you to wait for me and we'd walk to class together," Corie remarked. She pulled the chair beside her closer to Kiera and sat down. "I wanted to tell you something. Without people around."

"Oh, I put my phone up." Kiera replied. "Why can't you tell me with people around?"

"Because it's private." Corie rolled her eyes then smiled at her friend. Before she could say another word the teacher entered the class. "I'll tell you after." Corie mouthed to her.

The class was long and dreary. It was English after all. Kiera found herself staring out the window as it was the only way to keep her eyelids from falling. This was probably a bad idea since the teacher hated when she did this. As usual, he called her out in his nasal voice. "Kiera Jones. Why do I have to ask you to pay attention every class?"

Probably because his class was boring. Kiera knew if she said that it would make everything multiple times worse for her. So she didn't reply.

"Please pay attention. If you don't I'm going to have to send you to the office." He said sternly. As he turned his back Kiera sighed. She glanced at Corie who subtly put up a finger at the teacher. Kiera softly chuckled and shook her head at the girl.

After class Corie grabbed Kiera's hand and dragged her to the girls' bathroom. She checked first to ensure no one was in the stalls and possibly spread anything she said.

"Corie, what is this about?" Kiera started at her with a straight face.

"Okay, you know today is six months for me and Daniel?" Corie began. "And I think I'm ready. To do it."

Kiera raised an eyebrow and folded her arms. "To do what?"

Corie rolled her eyes. "Don't give me that look. You're already thinking about telling me not to. I can feel it." She pouted at her friend.

"Yes, and I"m right. Corie, you can't have sex with him." Kiera said firmly. "You could get pregnant." Kiera quickly added the latter part.

Corie groaned. She threw her hands up in the air and turned away. She walked up to the mirror and placed her weight on the counter. "Kiera, there's something called birth control, you know. And I'm ready now. I think I...love him. And I know you don't understand it yet, but you'll know what it's like when you get a boyfriend."

Kiera sighed, ignoring that last remark, and walked up to her friend. She looked at her face as she continued pouting. "Corie I just don't think this is a good idea, but you seem very sure of it." She began. "And as your friend who wants to see you happy, I guess I'll support you."

Corie's face morphed into a huge smile and she pulled Kiera into a bear hug. "Thank you for understanding." She pulled away and gave Kiera a kiss on the cheek. "You're my best friend for a reason."

Kiera smiled softly and Corie pulled her into another hug. "And I need you to go shopping with me after school," Corie said. "I need new underwear if I'm gonna-"

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