"Should've told her you were coming to Utah," he chimed in a sing-song like tone. She answered it and fit her face into the screen as Parker muted the tournament.

"I have to be on stage in a few minutes and look! My fricking tights ripped and babe— my water spilled all over my bag! This is a sign you should come here and help me survive," Taylor pouted after a very quick, dramatic explanation of current events.

"I'll see you in three days," Grace replied softly, "Unless you're actually saying you cannot survive without me for a moment longer."

"I'll be fine, I just miss you. Tree had to release a statement that was like no they didn't break up! So if anyone asks, you're spending time with family and nothing is wrong and we didn't fight," Taylor rattled off before there was a knock on the door and she looked towards it, "Okay! I'll be one second! Bye, Gracie, I love you! Wish me luck!"

"You don't need it, I love you," Grace hung up and took a deep breath, "I have to leave first thing in the morning, I cannot keep up this lie. I'll go back to the penthouse in Tribeca, she is going to get suspicious."

"If you really want to make her happy, go to Canada and surprise her," Parker pulled another rope of liquorice out of the crinkly packet, "You have to pick up the ring first, though."

"Tomorrow morning, yes."

"Are you like proposing soon or just chilling with an engagement ring for a while? You seem in a rush."

"I have to do much to do to propose so soon but potentially... this year. It could be within the year," Grace didn't have that much to do. She was just scared.

A four hour plane ride and an engagement ring later, Grace was headed up the elevator of Taylor's hotel in Toronto the night of the second show. She had to get out of Utah, she couldn't tell Taylor why she randomly went without having a good explanation and it was making her feel very guilty.

Taylor had fifteen minutes or so until she'd need to be on the road. Grace knew she had made it just in time because she had been in cahoots with Andrea all morning over text to make sure of it.

She walked through the hallway with her security guard and waved at the one posted at the end by Taylor's door. She passed him a note after making a shushing motion and watched as he took a moment to read it. His knuckles dragged across the door as she said, "Miss Swift, there is an urgent security threat and you need to open the door right away."

Taylor was at the door with fast footsteps, unlocking it to look into the hallway and see her girlfriend in a very pretty black dress and heels with a bouquet of flowers, "Turns out that if I spent another second away from you, I was going to die a very lonely death."

"Ah!" Taylor didn't care about the roses. She threw her arms around Grace once the initial panic had passed. It only lasted until she pulled Grace into the suite and kicked the door closed so she could kiss her.

Grace was smiling and their teeth rubbed together slightly so Taylor moved away and breathed out loudly as she examined the woman in her embrace. She couldn't believe she was there, even as she placed her hands on Grace's face and could feel her, it didn't feel real.

"I'm so— oh my god, you're the best surprise in the world," Taylor sounded emotional as she spoke, "I've been missing you so much and I was trying to let you be but it's so much harder to be apart from you."

"I plan on being here for the rest of the tour. Every show, every city," Grace's eyes focused on Taylor's and she felt an overwhelming sense of relief with it. She went in for another hug, Taylor rubbed her back as she did. It was home.

"I have to get ready to go, I'm sorry. I have to finish cleaning up and I need to find my phone charger," Taylor tried to pull away but Grace wrapped her arms around her neck and wouldn't let her.

"Love me for five minutes and then I'll help you," she promised. Taylor surrendered into it and when Grace mumbled against her shoulder, she put her hands under the younger woman's bottom and picked her up. She brought her over to the bed and dropped her there as gently as possible, falling onto the mattress.

Grace felt something hit her back and she winced, she reached behind her and pulled it out only to burst out laughing. What she was holding was very familiar, a soft purple colour with a charge cord still attached.

Taylor turned a bright shade of red as she hid her face with her hands, "Don't say anything about it."

"I'm so intrigued," Grace looked at the battery level reading, "It's out of battery, darling, that is quite the scandal."

"I won't need it anymore," the blonde chuckled as she curled into Grace's neck with embarrassment. She left short, soft kisses to Grace's skin as they revelled in the feeling of finally being together again. It turned out that distance made the heart grow fonder but she wasn't sure she would be able to let go before she had to get on stage and perform.

"I want to stay this close forever," Grace whispered lovingly as she placed her arm over Taylor's hip, "I had a great time with them but all I could think about was you."

"I guess you love me or something, huh?" Taylor smiled and said teasingly.

"Or something, yes," Grace chuckled.

Taylor made it to the stadium in time to get ready after all. Scott was surprised to see Grace there, he offered her guitar picks by the dozen with a smile on his face. Grace wouldn't leave her backpack alone, the ring tucked away in the deepest pocket.

She and Taylor had gotten very comfortable sharing things. If Taylor wanted a sweatshirt, it wasn't uncommon for her to 'borrow' the one in Grace's bag and that couldn't happen that night. She had to get it tucked away somewhere safely before Taylor found it. She was thinking a safe deposit box at the bank was probably the safest option.

Taylor was escorted out of the dressing room to head onstage but Grace wanted to talk to Scott and Andrea before they went to the tent. She discreetly asked them to wait around after Taylor was off and then cleared her throat, "Hi."

"Hi," Andrea immediately looked amused by Grace's nervousness.

"I'll be quick about it. I bought a ring and I want to know what you think about that," Grace pulled it out of her backpack and handed the box to Taylor's mother.

Andrea gave her a suspicious glance before she slowly opened it and gasped softly, "Oh, it's so beautiful."

"You think so?" Grace smiled and tried to force it to go away but it stuck. She was so happy with the ring so that wasn't her concern.

Scott was quietly counting to himself and then grinned, "Thirteen stones, good pick."

"What do you think about the fact that there is a ring, though?" The former heiress folded her arms over her chest shyly near the makeup table.

"You've been part of the family for a long time, now," Andrea replied with slightly knit eyebrows, "Are you asking for our blessing?"

"No, I don't believe in that tradition. I was merely making sure that I wasn't out of my mind because I was thinking about it already," Grace wasn't asking for their blessing at all. Taylor was independent and she wouldn't have wanted it to be that way.

Scott shook his head with a small laugh, "Have you not heard the new music?! She's waiting!"

"No! She won't play it for me!"

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now