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"Do not believe them," Grace said confidently as she began to unleash every family secret. The affairs, the tax issues, the cover ups, her fake relationship, the scandal. She stood up there for half an hour and spilled even her own guts to anyone who was watching.

The team of staff around her stood in just as much shock as the rest of the people but she did not stop. She kept a few details to herself, her brothers whereabouts, his complacency in the faking of his death to keep him out of trouble. She kept the fact that she was in love with Taylor to herself because it wasn't fair of her to have to be outed, but she did finish her admission to the press on a sentimental note.

"And to the person who has allowed me to believe in true love, the only one who has ever made me feel so human... you have not only made me feel like a person, but you've made me a better one. Thank you for giving me the courage to do the right thing... I'm incredibly sorry I didn't do it sooner," Grace weakly smiled as she thought of Taylor, the last really good moment they had shared, "Thank you. Please forward your inquiries to Robert Kent, I have no further comment but I am sure he has some explaining to do."

The cameras blinded her as she turned to walk back into the house. Parker, amongst her other guards began to keep people back as they tried to follow her in for questions and more details. She knew Robert was watching and she knew he wouldn't dare show his face while the cameras were there, but it was only a matter of time before he accessed her now empty accounts and she had to be out of the house.

Before she had time to truly process what she had just done, her phone rang. It was Michael, "Grace... holy fucking shit. What the heck did you just do? Amber and I just watched the entire thing on TV."

She didn't think he would be awake so early but she did tell him she was going to stir the pot a little bit as a warning. Just a little.

"I burned them to the ground," Grace swallowed with her dry mouth, "I'm still good for that guest room, right?"

"Always," he replied, she could hear that he was out of breath on the other end of the line, "Do you have a ticket?"

"Yes, I'll be at your airport tomorrow afternoon. Is someone able to pick me up? I am travelling in coach."

"Uh," he looked at the whiteboard calendar on their fridge and then said something in the background to Amber, "Yep. Amber can get you. Text her the details and get yourself to a meeting before you get on the plane."

"I will," she knew she needed to do that because she could barely hold out as she looked at the extensive collection of expensive liquor right next to her. She had accidentally went to pour one in the night and stopped herself when her fingers hit the glass bottle.

Michael said goodbye and Grace watched as the cameras were packed up and reporters made urgent calls, most of them scrambled to write the story but some lingered outside the front and back gates hoping for another glance.

The next person to call was her other brother, "You had no right to say those things."

"You had no right to be a terrible human being. Do me a favour and treat your son better than you were treated. Have a horrible life, William. Bye now, golden boy," she chuckled as she hung up. She loved the sense of power she felt.

Parker looked at her as he came in and started to laugh, "You're unhinged."

"I'm free. Can someone show me how to block a number from calling please?" She asked as his contact went across her screen again. She stepped out onto the porch and could see him in his window, staring over the fence from the top floor with a scowl. She smiled and waved when she declined the call the second time.

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now