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It took Grace until Sunday morning to decide. She spent a great deal of time on the internet googling the kinds of jobs related to the music industry and considered how it would apply to her education. She also googled the pros and cons of living with a significant other (because Charles never counted) and realized that their dynamic had a lot more pros than cons.

The biggest consideration of it all, however, was that she did need a better, real job. There were few prospects near Michael's farm and anyone who did a google search on her name was sure to find someone who looked like a loose cannon.

Taylor was sitting with her guitar on the couch when Grace came back from her Sunday morning meeting. She was committed to staying sober this time, which meant she went to a meeting every single day no matter what.

Taylor hadn't gone back to Al-Anon but she did have the number of a few people around her status that went frequently that would be willing to give her a call if she ever needed it. That was more in her comfort zone, she didn't like the risk.

"I want to interview."

Taylor pulled the guitar pick from between her teeth as her blue eyes found Grace's face, "Interview?"

"As a normal candidate for a job with your management company," Grace elaborated, "With someone who isn't you."

"Sweetie, who do you want to interview with then? My mom and dad?" Taylor smiled at her softly, her tone was gentle and beyond sweet. She had a wide smile on her face.

"Who is the most difficult person to work with?" Grace asked.

"No one's difficult, but probably Tree."

"Fantastic. Set up an interview with Tree and if she thinks I would be suitable for a position then I will move in with you," the former heiress said seriously.

"What job do you want?" The blonde continued to smile, she was absolutely going to play along but she was absolutely going to rig the game.

"I can do whatever you need me to but I feel as though I would succeed in marketing and potentially working as an economist to help with merchandising and sales. It's a lot of tables and graphs, I've become good at tables and graphs."

"You know what, I could use one of those," Taylor wasn't even joking. Her record label handled that but she was almost done her contract with them and would need someone to help with the transition.

"Are you teasing me?"

"No, my love. You'd be a wonderful addition to the team and I will make sure Tree gives you the interview of a lifetime," Taylor answered, "I'm going to have to give her a raise. She'll need to buy a dictionary."

"I also want the the login information to your fan account's profile," Grace did not allow herself to smile at the idea. While she wanted the ability to tweet things, she didn't understand how Twitter or Taylor Nation worked. She did like that all of the people on that page loved Taylor, that was what mattered.


"I'll teach myself how to hack."

"Good luck with that," Taylor took a deep breath, she wasn't sure if her girlfriend was kidding or not.

Spoiler alert, Grace was not kidding.

"May I borrow your laptop?" Grace asked Taylor with the hint of a smile on her cheeks. She waited for Taylor's cautious response.

"What do you want it for...?"

"We both know the answer to that."

"That's a hard no then. Why don't you just make your own account?" Taylor laughed.

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now