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It only took less than a week more for Grace to accidentally phase out Michael's need for her as a bookkeeper. Between her ability to pick up Excel tips for data entry online to her overwhelming need to be the best at everything, she had accidentally cut the amount of work needed for her position to about an hour a week.

Not that she had told Michael that, but he found out rather soon, "Hey, why are you looking at jobs online?"

Grace looked up from the sandwich Amber had so kindly made her for lunch. Michael was in the office that day which meant her job was extra useless, she just sat with a book in the corner.

"How did you find that out?" She asked him with a raised eyebrow. She had closed all the tabs.

"Google keeps track of everything you've searched," her brother chuckled, "Are you sick of me already?"

"No. See, the problem is that I've gotten so good at my job that I don't think you need me. Take an hour to enter the information into the table and it will run course all by itself. I'm terribly bored and I feel bad taking a paycheque from you when I know you cannot afford it longterm."

"I thought it would take you longer to realize that," he sighed, "Three and a half weeks is a record. You're the first person I've hired for this... but it's a record."

"You knew that?"

"I figured you would figure out a more efficient way to do it... like I said, I just thought it would take you longer."

"You underestimated me."

"I did, I'm sure you'll put your education to good use."

Before Grace could continue, her phone started to ring. She reached across the desk, recognizing Taylor's unique ringtone (she let her pick it out), and accepted the call, "Hi, darling."

"Hey, baby. What are you up to?" Taylor asked from her New York apartment. She was laying in bed after a photoshoot, everyone had cleared out before her shower.

"I'm at work," Grace said as though Taylor should have figured that, "What are you doing?"

"I'm in bed. I just had a shower and moisturized everything. I'm so soft, especially my boobs."

"I believe that... do you want to say hi to Michael? He's here with me today," Grace cleared her throat. She still had a bit of a tickle in it but was on the home stretch. Another day and she would be completely fine.

"Am I on speaker?"


"Then I guess I can tell you how bad I want you to fuck me right now," Taylor grinned mischievously, Grace could hear it in her voice.

Grace stood up and walked out the front door to sit on the sidewalk. She hoped it would give them a moment of privacy, "This- this is cruel."

"You should've stayed on the weekend when I offered to take care of you. Now you're better but I'm so fucking horny. Ugh, you should've seen me today. I looked hot as fuck."

"I bet you did," Grace bit her bottom lip. She didn't care if it creased her lipstick, "Is there a point to this torture?"

"If you were alone I was going to see if you'd do phone sex but definitely not if Mike's there," Taylor chuckled weakly, "It was worth a shot."

"I cannot wait to see the pictures, Taylor," Grace shoved the dirty thoughts out of her mind. Phone sex while she was at work was unprecedented, yet not completely out of the question, "When will I see them?"

"I'll text them to you when I get them. Probably a week. They're just promo pics but I felt hot. I still feel hot. I can't wait to pick you up tomorrow, we might have to get a hotel room on the way into the city."

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now