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"I'll come visit next time I'm in the city," Grace hugged Michael tightly as they said goodbye. She'd taken him to the rehabilitation centre and wrote them a cheque for the first three months, they were about to part ways for a while, "And don't worry about Amber and Gracie, I'll make sure they're fine, I promise. You focus on getting yourself together."

"Thanks, Grace," he offered her a bittersweet smile, "Can you tell Amber that I'm sorry?"

"You'll tell her yourself," Grace replied, "Oh, hey, I need a favour."

"What?" He wasn't expecting that.

He watched as she reached into her purse and dug through a zippered pocket, sorting through it for a moment until she presented him with a twenty-four hour chip, "Could you hold onto this for me? It's really- gosh, it's just weighing my bag down so much."

The smile on her face spread to him as he nodded, "I'll have my own when you come see me. I'll give it back."

"I have no doubt," Grace ruffled his hair in the annoying sibling manner and then said, "Be good! Be kind to the staff, make good choices. Have water!"

"Bye," he chuckled, clutching his hand around the newcomer chip like it was his most important possession.

Grace walked through the automatic sliding doors and took a breath, finally letting her shoulders fall. She looked at her watch, a very nice watch that Taylor had given her for her birthday that was made the year Grace was born, and realized that if she hurried she could probably make it to the show before the openers went on.

Grace Kent was a lot of things. She was incredibly book smart, she could make a decent bowl of spaghetti bolognese and she was able to know a lot about someone just by a simple first impression, but she was not cruel.

And she thought it would be cruel to miss a second show when she didn't have to. She could still be there, she could still make sure Taylor had food in her dressing room afterwards, fighting or not.

Taylor did pay her for that, after all.

She asked the driver to take her to East Rutherford and swallowed her pride as she walked towards the staff entrance without her VIP pass, "I'm with Thirteen Management."

"Sorry, no one gets in without a physically present security pass."

"I'll make a call," Grace sighed. She unlocked her phone and dialled the only person she knew wouldn't make a fuss about having to come get her inside because he could take his Segway, "Hi, Scott. I'm at door— three in the back and I don't have my pass. Would you be able to send someone to come get me if you're busy?"

"Oh good, you're here! Yep, I'll be right there, hold tight," Taylor's father was quick to meet her there and push the door open from the inside, "This is the only other person who gets a Segway at these things, let her in!"

Grace didn't actually get a Segway but one time time, Taylor put a bike helmet on her and Scott let her try it. Once was enough, she thought she was going to vomit from how wobbly it felt.

The man pursed his lips nervously, "Have a nice night."

"You as well," Grace nodded at him and stepped inside, "Thank you for letting me in."

"I'm surprised you didn't call Taylor."

"She might've left me out there today."

"Besides that," he started to dig into his pockets, "Here you go! A nice gloss finish, eh? They're a little sturdier, I think the fans will love them!"

"Oh they are great," Grace smiled, "Thank you for getting these. I look forward to giving them out."

"You know it," Scott pushed his Segway towards his security guard with a little nudge, asking him to take it back as he walked with Grace, "So, what's going on with you two today? Taylor's been keeping to herself but she's sad, you know?"

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now