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"Do you know what day it is?" The doctor asked after flashing the light into each of Grace's eyes and having her follow it. She hadn't passed with flying colours, the concussion was serious.

"December twenty-something," Grace croaked out, "Twenty-first, I think."

"What do you remember last?"

"Going to bed. I had to move my cat off of the pillow," the former heiress replied. Taylor covered her mouth as she thought back to that moment, Grace seemed to be missing the day of the accident.

The conversation they had about kids and getting married, her doctors appointment, the way Gracie had run up to her screeching with excitement until she was in tears just because she was so happy her aunt was back, it was all missing. Maybe it was good that she didn't remember the accident, maybe it would come back. Taylor really didn't know how it worked.

"And your vision is blurry?"

"Extraordinarily blurry," Grace replied, "Do I require glasses?"

"No, it'll come back to you soon," the doctor chuckled softly, "You were in a car accident. Your arms are broken and you have a concussion. You're very lucky to be alive, very lucky your injuries are not worse."

Grace hummed as he wrote something down on a clipboard and then asked Taylor if she could step into the hallway for a moment. Taylor promised to be right back as she followed him to the corridor, "She's missing an entire day."

"With a traumatic brain injury, a TBI, it happens. It might come back, might not. It's best not to try to prompt those memories right now, her body is under a loss of stress. She's dazed and confused, it'll go away like the ringing in her ears but it'll take some time. I'll be back in a little while."

Taylor went back into the room after asking a few more questions, she brought her chair closer to the head of the bed and noticed Grace's eyes were closed. She wasn't sure if she was sleeping again or just resting them but she didn't say anything just in case.

"Do I need glasses?" Grace asked, her eyes still shut. The singer looked up at her with slightly furrowed eyebrows and paused, Grace had already asked that.

"No, your eyes will be less blurry soon. You hit your head and you have a concussion, remember?"

"Oh," Grace said softly.

"Yeah. Are you going to sleep?"

"Yes," she answered confidently that time, "Could you please turn off the noise?"

"I'm sorry, baby, it's already quiet in here," Taylor felt bad. Grace's ears were ringing loudly, she had talked quietly to make up for it but she could see the discomfort, "Your ears are hurting?"

"Badly," Grace winced, "Turn it off."

"I would if I could," Taylor wanted to hold her hand but it was wrapped up. She didn't know where to touch to comfort her, Grace was covered in bruises. It was so hard to see, she couldn't imagine the pain.

It was only a few minutes later when Grace was asking again, "Do I need glasses?"

Taylor felt her heart physically hurt. Grace didn't even have her eyes open and yet she was still asking, "No, you're okay."

"Everything hurts, my eyeballs hurt."

"They gave you some pain medicine to help," Taylor blinked her tears away because Grace needed her to be strong, "Try going to sleep. When you wake up, you'll feel better."

"I'm trying but it's so loud in here."

"I know," Taylor whispered, "I'll ask them to turn it down."

"Thank you."

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now