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"Tiny Grace!" Grace bent down and scooped the toddler up into a hug. It was Gracie's third birthday and she and Taylor had made the trip upstate to celebrate. They had made one weekend trip a couple months before but Michael had suckered them into helping him paint.

They did get to ride the horses, Grace showed off a few tricks she remembered from when she used to compete. Taylor asked her not to do that again because she was terrified her girlfriend would break a leg.

Taylor was tired after so many meetings, photoshoots and finally wrapping up the last of the secret sessions. Plus, she had been taking Grace driving almost every day they were in New York State for the last couple weeks and was ready for her girlfriend to suck it up and taking driving school so she could just get her license.

The concept of the secret sessions freaked Grace out. She had made Taylor increase security and use rental homes because after learning just about how many stalkers and incidents there had been in the past, she wanted her to be as safe as possible.

Taylor didn't let Grace ask Parker to come help with security but she really wanted to. She was sure if she asked, he would do it. He was loyal and still cared about them both a lot, he even listened to Grace talk about cats on the phone because he just couldn't shake her off. Not that he particularly wanted to, that is. She did casually give him about fifty million dollars one evening and called it a day.

She didn't even want it back, which was always quite confusing to Parker but Grace knew where that money came from and wanted nothing to do with it. He didn't have the DNA to try to erase like an acne scar that just wouldn't fade no matter how many products were lathered on it.

"Auntie Gracie! My birthday!" The three year old exclaimed. She over dramatically threw her arms over Grace's shoulders and squeezed her neck tight.

"I know it's your birthday. Happy birthday," Grace turned to make sure Taylor had grabbed the presents from the car, "Aunt Taylor and I brought you some gifts, go ask your mommy where she wants them."

Grace set her down and watched as the little girl examined the gift wrap excitedly. She turned after looking up at Taylor with a wide, opened mouthed smile and started yelling to Amber about presents.

"She's gotten so big, so fast," Taylor commented as Michael came down the front steps to help carry them in.

"Don't say that in front of Amber," he chuckled, "We've got pizza coming in a few minutes and there's soda in the fridge. Gracie has requested that everyone wear princess crowns and feather boas, so there's some waiting for you. It was that or princess gowns but it was hard to find one in Chris' size."

"You're rocking the look," Grace teased. Michael was sporting a crown very close to falling off his head and a boa with feathers tickling his nostrils.

"Thanks," he shook his head and laughed before heading up the steps, "I'm glad you could make it. Gracie has been drawing you pictures since the day we told her you were coming."

"I love pictures," Grace accepted the stack that was practically thrown at her by the little girl, "I'll put these in the car to take home with us, is that okay with you?"

"Yes!" Gracie jumped up and down, "Mommy! I need a- a juice!"

"You don't need any more sugar for the rest of your life! Grandpa already gave you juice and a cupcake," Amber called in response from the kitchen part of the living space. She and Chris were finishing up the cake, it was disastrously pink and covered in sparkly sprinkles. Absolutely perfect, in Grace's opinion. She had never had homemade cake until she made one as a trial run for Taylor's birthday the year before.

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now